Chapter 607

In that aura, there is the aura of the demon king!

Yuan Zhu looked up to the sky and let out a loud roar, which made Esdesi slightly concentrate.

Although she has been fighting against Yuanzhu, she still has a sense of what happened on the battlefield over there.

Estes, who was fighting Yuan Zhu, found that when the will of the Demon Emperor became stronger and stronger, a strange life wave emanated from Yuan Zhu's body.

Faintly, it seems that there is a life body completely different from Yuan Zhu existing in its body!
But that fluctuation was only fleeting, and Esdeath was not completely sure.

Seeing that Yuanzhu's attention was looking at the battlefield on the other side, Esdeth let out a low snort.

"Better be serious, or you will die!"

A huge iceberg quickly condensed in the sky, but the tip of the mountain was in the shape of an extremely sharp blade. Esdes held the huge iceberg and slammed it hard at Yuanzhu.

The latter roared, and with four arms, it held a huge and exaggerated shield with two hands, and pointed it at the falling iceberg, and the other two arms held the big knife, and slashed towards Esdesh!

Estes jumped out, and every step she took, a piece of ice was formed under her feet. She stepped on the continuously formed ice like a ladder to the sky, and rushed to the sky hundreds of meters high, avoiding the attack of the big knife At the same time, use the ability to drive the iceberg to accelerate again!
Amidst the loud noise, the iceberg shattered, but the countless broken ice was transformed again between Esdeth's waving hands. The powerful ice control technique almost turned these ice crystals into murderous weapons, refracting light from all directions. Killed Yuan Zhu.

Even Yuan Zhu's body was so strong, he was wounded in countless wounds by the thousands of ice crystal shots.

Shields can't block such an all-round attack, but Estes is not excited about succeeding, because after seeing that such an attack can't be blocked, Yuanzhu's body emits a halo.

Aoli's cleanliness!
The halo spread out, and the ice crystals quickly melted away as soon as they invaded, and the area of ​​the halo seemed to have become the domain of Yuanzhu.

This ability can almost resist most attacks, even some power of rules.

It is precisely because of this ability that Yuanzhu can lead so many demons across the Tufu Mountain Range.

" this trick again, nothing new at all."

Esdeth snorted coldly, his figure had already fallen from a height of hundreds of meters, and he kept attacking again for a while, because Yuan Zhu could not maintain the dust-free domain all the time now.

After crossing the Tufu Mountains, its current condition is not very good!


On the battlefield, the ability users and the half-devils all stopped at the same time. After fighting for so long, their magic power has been seriously consumed, and the magic power between heaven and earth has been taken away by arbitrarily because of the seventh-level attack. right.

But instead of relaxing, people became more tense.

The Demon Emperor got angry, he had never been looked down upon so much before!
He didn't say a word, just stared at An Zhe coldly, as if he wanted to see through the black crystal mask.

And Yingzhi's four half-devils also had cold eyes, wishing that the Demon Emperor would kill this mysterious black-clothed man immediately.

If it were someone else, it would probably be a little frightening to be stared at by so many half-demons, but it's a pity that An Zhe stood there like a normal person.

He even complained in his heart.

Really, can't bear to say that?

The ability to bear it is too weak!
"After such a long time, you are the second person who makes me angry."

Even if he was angry, the Demon Emperor's words were still peaceful, not in a rage.

" it actually the second one? What about the first one?" An Zhe responded with a smile.

"Of course it's dead."

As the Demon Emperor said, his body had already disappeared, and Artoria's eyes narrowed, realizing that the Demon Emperor's target was the man in black beside him.

She immediately raised the holy sword and was about to strike, but the man in black moved even faster!

Although An Zhe exchanged the ability for a long time, the situation on the battlefield changed too quickly. Now that the real master has appeared, he naturally does not intend to keep his hands anymore.

Although he could make the King of Dumb Mao take action, but in that case, Anzhe would not even think about his popularity!

An Zhe doesn't know how much popularity he can earn this time, but he knows one thing, that is, he can earn a lot!
He used all he could, and the suppression of the rules became very clear, because the power of An Zhe's exchange is too strong, even if it is the system, it can't stop the world from suppressing him!
Because this is a power that does not belong to this world!

As if two meteorites collided, the surging impact seemed to be able to annihilate everything, erupting from the moment the two fought against each other!
Angus and the others immediately propped up the magic barrier, and after blocking part of the impact, they immediately ordered those capable users to retreat again.

The battle between An Zhe and the Demon Emperor also exceeded King Arthur's expectations.

As the emperor of the empire, Artoria is familiar with the strength of the Demon Emperor, but this time she can feel that the Demon Emperor's power is much stronger!
It seems that the previous rumors are just a cover, the Demon Emperor has clearly regained his strength, and even improved a bit!

But it was such an enemy, but the man in black blocked it!
"Get out!"

Artoria's expression changed suddenly, and he immediately let out a low drink, because the Demon Emperor realized that he couldn't take down the man in black, so he directly activated high-level magic!

Anzhe felt that the magic power around him froze all of a sudden, and an extremely powerful will came down!
It's hard to say what kind of thing it was, An Zhe only felt that his thinking was a little frozen at this moment, but the strength in his body was obviously not affected in any way!

The rational personality appeared in an instant, took control of An Zhe's body, and moved out in the first moment. The next moment, the space where An Zhe stayed shattered into pieces!
Everyone who saw this scene was stunned!
The space is broken! ?
An Zhe escaped from the space turbulence caused by the broken space, and his heart was also full of shocks.

Heck! !
That is... the power of rules! ?

With the support of rational personality, An Zhe's thinking finally returned to normal, but his expression was dignified.

He has controlled the power of rules before, and he knows what kind of power it is, but now he feels it in others!

The avatar of the former demon emperor also had the power to use the rules, but compared with the current deity, it is undoubtedly much weaker!

Although compared with the power used by Anzhe before, the Demon Emperor's power of rules is far inferior, but no matter how weak the power of rules is, it is still the power of rules!

Why can this guy use it?

What Anzhe didn't know was that Bupo Aihua was standing on the roof with her eyes closed in a villa in the imperial capital.

All around her, the dark red energy surged violently, as if trying to destroy something.

In the end, the girl's body shook, and a strong will seemed to come down from the sky, but no one else noticed it at all!



The title was swallowed?Actually didn't get up. .

(End of this chapter)

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