Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 633 I just frightened myself for no reason

Chapter 633 I Was Surprised For No Reason

An Zhe thought he was a friendly smile, but it made the two replicants look serious.

Without saying a word, they directly mobilized their magic power and rushed towards An Zhe.

The target suddenly became a seventh-level existence of the same level, which made the two of them feel slightly depressed. This kind of out-of-control thing is the worst thing.

But at this point, there is no way out!

The abilities of the two seventh-level clones resonated at the same time, a cloud of mist appeared, and a huge beast was formed under An Zhe's eyes.

It was a phantom beast, which was directly condensed by the two through their abilities. This was originally the ability of a dead seventh-level ability user, but after being copied, the two of them worked together to complete it restored.

The phantom beast roared loudly, the rolling sound waves exploded, the glass on the surrounding buildings shattered directly, and the clothes on An Zhe's body were agitated crazily.

The destruction of the scene in front of him made De Anzhe feel very interesting. According to his guess, he should have just been pulled into an illusion, and his body should still be in reality, right?

But when those objects were shattered, An Zhe could clearly and clearly feel the reality of those objects.

It's impossible for these two people to really destroy objects in reality, right?To engage in such a thing in this imperial capital, it really feels like you don't die fast enough.

This illusion seems a bit complicated, or is it because two seventh-orders are activated at the same time?

An Zhe grinned, seeing that the huge phantom beast had rushed towards him.Everything that passed by, flower beds, vehicles and other objects on the street were all smashed to pieces.

A huge force suddenly oppressed him, and An Zhe frowned.

Gravity manipulation?

Is it the ability of this fierce beast condensed from the cloud?Or, those two replicants...

Being oppressed by the gravity control, Anzhe didn't panic, he remained motionless on the surface, but in fact secretly activated the exchange for additional abilities.


An Zhe disappeared in front of the beast. The latter hit the building behind him, causing the building to shake violently. It directly knocked down the wall and passed through the building.

An Zhe's figure appeared beside him, smacking his lips lightly.

"It's actually a real phantom beast, and the building is also real. Your ability is really not simple. Can you actually create something out of thin air?"

Regarding An Zhe's words, the two women were not moved at all, and each stretched out their hands to make a false move. Suddenly, dark clouds filled the sky, and a huge thunder force surged within.

Stab it! !
With a strange sound, the thick and indigo electric snake suddenly fell down, and An Zhe was directly below it!
Anzhe didn't seem to react, and was hit directly.

But the pupils of the two replicants shrank.

What the hell is this...

An Zhe stretched out his hand to control the falling Thunder Snake, and the latter's energy condensed into a huge thunderball above his palm.

Really speechless, his own ability has copied Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic control...

This kind of lightning generated by the thundercloud, seeing An Zhe is like seeing a family member, and it was directly controlled by him...

Anzhe shook his head involuntarily: "As two seventh-orders, the attacks you send out are of such a type that you have no control at all. Your strength is too watery."

As he spoke, he casually threw the thunderball he was controlling at the two of them!

The ball of thunder exploded in an instant, and the endless electric snakes swam away, but at this moment, the electric snakes seemed to have life, and swarmed towards the two replicants.

The two rushed out of the way, and those electric snakes wandered around and chased after them. They had no choice but to wave again.

The wind and cloud gathered, and they formed a tall tower, with a sharp needle on the top flashing, and the electric snakes wandering around were all attracted to it.

"No. [-], he can control thunder and lightning."

The woman who was previously known as No. [-] spoke like this, her eyes were fixed in An Zhe's direction, and her face was a little ugly.

They obviously suffered a lot from what happened just now, and An Zhe consumed a lot of magic power for nothing.

An Zhe had a smile on his face. He seemed to have figured out the attacking tactics of the two.

"One releases illusion to form an individual, and the other releases special magic to turn the illusion into a real existence and endow it with various attack abilities. It is indeed a replicant, and various abilities can be cleverly combined."

No. [-] and No. [-] looked at each other. Unexpectedly, An Zhe saw their abilities so quickly.

"Use a killer move."

No. [-] let out a low snort. Too much time has passed since their appearance until now. In this imperial capital, there is no guarantee that they will not be noticed.

Even though they used their abilities to build a fantasy that was far from reality, and kept Anzhe away from the crowd, it would be difficult to say if they were discovered by others.

Number One also understands what Number Five means, there is no time to waste, and the task must be completed quickly!
The endless magic power began to surge, the breath of the seventh level burst out, all the magic power in the world was forcibly drawn away, and the power of thoughts crazily oppressed Anzhe.

It's just that compared to those seventh-level powerhouses that An Zhe had encountered before, their power of thought is much weaker.After all, metal smelted at will is incomparable with fine steel tempered over thousands of years.

Of course, An Zhe would not underestimate these two people. Any ability has its strengths, and underestimating the enemy will pay a heavy price.

In just two seconds, the sense of oppression suddenly went from slightly strong to extreme, and the two duplicants shot almost at the same time!
As replicants, their movements were almost completely synchronized. After the coordination was launched, the endless clouds and mist surged and turned into a celebrity.

Number Five waved his hand immediately, and the invisible ripples spread out, and suddenly a celebrity-shaped creature quickly came to life, and each of them changed from an illusory fake body to a real existence, and they all had appearances.

An Zhe couldn't help frowning, those humanoid creatures gave him the feeling that they were all seventh-order!
Is this so fake?
Rao couldn't help but be a little surprised by Anzhe's knowledge.

The existence of the seventh order of mass production?Chinese cabbage is not so easy to make!

I was so shocked in my heart, but those humanoid creatures had already made a move, and the first two figures that condensed had rushed over, and released attack magic at Anzhe.

The magic power was rioting, and pieces of milky white lightsabers shot at An Zhe, scaring the latter to run away.

There are so many seventh-order powerhouses, it's a bit scary!
It shouldn't be so perverted...

An Zhe's body reappeared after a teleportation, but suddenly his eyes narrowed, and he realized something was wrong.

The two figures that attacked him quickly turned into clouds and disappeared, as if they had exhausted all their magic power.

Anzhe: "..."

It turned out to be a one-off...

(End of this chapter)

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