Chapter 645 The Unforgivable Evil

Tokisaki Kurumi looked at the boundary in front of him, and listened to Phantom Muramame Reine, this will be the place where Westcott witnessed the Kabbalah Tree of Life for the first time and summoned the original spirit.

Tokisaki Kuangsan was not familiar with the surrounding scene, but Emperor Keke had confirmed that this place was 30 years ago, and the surrounding scene was exactly in line with what Phantom said.

The girl checked her status. Her spiritual power was severely depleted. If the phantom hadn't killed the original elf, then she wouldn't be able to go back.

And if it is successful, then I will disappear, let alone think about these problems.

Those who died... will all be resurrected...

Tokisaki Kurumi thought this in his heart, and quietly sneaked into the shadows.

She hadn't discovered that, far away from her, a space seemed to be separated by an incomparable force, forming a barrier to isolate all that space.

An Zhe put his hands in the windbreaker pocket, and his eyes were quietly looking at Tokisaki Kurumi.

Beside An Zhe, the original elf was lying there with a calm expression, and the violent spiritual power in his body also recovered.

The scene in front of him is exactly An Zhe's plan. No matter what, he can't make Tokisaki Kuangzo truly return to 30 years ago, but if he doesn't let Tokisaki Kuangzo give up, then everything he does will be in vain .

That being the case, he can only direct one play.

Bet a quarter of your soul, come and fight for the opportunity to untie the knot of mad three hearts!
An Zhe didn't know the scene 30 years ago, but he believed that Tokisaki Kurumi would never know it either, so he just had to construct that scene according to what Reine said.

The scene began to change, and An Zhe seemed to be a behind-the-scenes layouter, directing a story to unfold.

In the scene transformed by Anzhe, a figure walked slowly, it was Westcott.

Thirty years ago, this guy was the one who summoned the original elves, and he was the one who caused that huge disaster!

An Zhe could clearly see that Tokisaki Kurumi's expression suddenly became fierce in the shadow space.This made An Zhe let out a sigh of relief, and withdrew his gaze from visiting the shadow space.


An Zhe's eyes moved slightly, and he turned around and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Before the director's story begins, An Zhe needs to make some small preparations in order to ensure that there are no flaws.


In a place far away from the base, as deep as a kilometer underground.

Westcott and Xuyuan stood in front of the optical brain, constantly moving something, and beside them, many scientific researchers were constantly running around, carefully putting away all the things.

"Hurry up and tidy up, there are still a lot of information left in that base that has not been removed, and the people of the empire will find out here soon, and quickly take away all the precious things!"

Xu Yuan turned around and urged, but found Westcott standing there with a serious expression.

"Why are you still in a daze? It will be too late if you don't pack up and run away!"

"No, something is coming..."

Westcott made a sound in a daze, and the phantom of a book appeared behind him.

But in the next second, the phantom of the book was instantly distorted, as if it had been torn apart by an invisible big hand, causing Dewiscott to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

An Zhe's figure stepped out of the void, looking at the sluggish Westcott with a calm expression.

"It's not a good habit to peek around indiscriminately."

He strode forward in the void, and the researchers around him were all overwhelmed by an irresistible force. The powerful force poured into their sea of ​​consciousness, and their gazes became dull the next moment.

Xu Yuan couldn't help but took a few steps back, watching An Zhe approaching with immense coercion, he didn't stop until there was no way to retreat.

"An-His Royal Highness Anzhe, please forgive me... How should I say, I have also made outstanding contributions to the empire..."

An Zhe's eyes moved, his emotionless eyes made Xu Yuan's body tremble.

"Outstanding contribution? It has nothing to do with me. If you beg me for mercy now, what did you think when you sent someone to kill me?"

Invisible power surged, Xuyuan was lifted up by the void, Anzhe walked straight to Westcott without even looking at him.

Behind him, Xu Yuan opened his mouth wide, as if howling, but no sound came out.From his feet to his head, his body silently turned into specks of light and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Westcott suddenly laughed maniacally.

"You really are not a normal thing! You actually possess such great power!"

He laughed maniacally. Long before, he had seen a few scenes through the predictive ability of the omniscient devil king, and among them was the scene where Anzhe crushed the original elf.

An Zhe glanced at him, stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck directly, making his crazy laughter stop abruptly like a male duck being choked.

Locking Westcott's neck with one hand, Anzhe brought him closer, with a slight disgust on his face.

This person is the culprit who caused all of this.

"Calling others casually, it really makes me not know how to answer the conversation. Let's make good use of the remaining heat."

An Zhe spoke lightly, his eyes were filled with ruthlessness and terror, at this moment he really looked a little scary.

Because from the moment he made the decision, he carried a heavy burden, which was the lives of 5000 million people who were supposed to be saved.

It was he who cut off that hope with his own hands, and what he committed was an unforgivable evil...

An invisible force got into Westcott's sea of ​​consciousness, the latter screamed, and Anzhe was reading his memory forcibly.

In order to restore that story more realistically, Anzhe needs to understand what happened, and no one knows all of this better than Westcott.

With a soft sound, the figure in his hand seemed unable to withstand the influx of power, and turned into a little rain of light, leaving only a star-like crystal in Anzhe's hand.

An Zhe lowered his head and recognized what it was.

Inverted spirit crystallization.

In memory, this should belong to another elf's demon king.

"Go and find your master."

An Zhe whispered, and threw it towards the sky, and the reverse spirit crystallized into a stream of light and disappeared, and it would return to the elf.

"Then, let's begin."

Anzhe whispered, his figure became in a daze, and disappeared into the base.The cracks in the pitch-black space opened up, devouring and sending away all the scientific researchers whose memories had been erased. The base quietly disappeared into nothingness.


Tokisaki Kurumi's right eye glowed scarlet, and his left eye, Chikedi, also lit up.

She saw it!

Westcott!tree of Life!And the first elf!
In the closed space, An Zhe's figure quietly appeared.

He is like an audience, watching a drama directed by himself...

(End of this chapter)

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