Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 679 Cut off the tears and replace them with blood

Chapter 679 Cut off the tears and replace them with blood
Love, love! ?

The few people present thought they heard it wrong...

Angus was in a cold sweat.

What the hell, this battle madman actually said that he wants to fall in love?
Uh, well, I don’t mean to be discriminatory, it’s just that this situation,, is really surprising...

"Yes, yes, oh hehe..." Mezas covered his mouth with his fingers, and a funny smile appeared on the face of the funny clown: "The general is indeed in his young age, and he is still single."

"Yeah, it's indeed the age to be tempted." Pixisi said with a smile in his military uniform.

There are many wrinkles on his face when he smiles, but his overall demeanor still looks radiant.

Arturia seldom has mood swings, but at this moment she couldn't help but act a little rusty. To be honest, she really hasn't experienced this kind of situation...

And... are you in love...

This kind of thing, this kind of thing is too far away from her who is a king.

As Arturia thought about it, a figure suddenly flashed in the depths of her heart, and the one that finally froze was a boy who came to her with food and showed her a warm smile...

"Well... In this case, does the general have any favorite candidates? I may be able to bridge the gap for the general."

Arturia spoke softly, and regained her dignity.

Estes bowed his head: "I'm very picky about my preferences. It may be difficult to find someone I like. I will submit a paperwork to report to the king in the future."

"Well, that's fine..."

The princess pondered, and didn't say much about this matter.

"General, please take a seat first. Taking advantage of this gathering, I want to hear about your next plan."

Hearing King Arthur's words, the expressions of several people present couldn't help but become serious, with a light in their eyes.

"Regarding this issue, I think I have to ask Duke Pixis to explain the main issue now."

Angus said softly, and handed over the leadership of the topic to Pixis.

Pixisi's face was congealed, he looked at everyone, and said slowly: "Well, although I really don't want to admit it, I still have to say that the situation is getting more and more serious."

He stood up, stretched out his hand, and a three-dimensional projection appeared on the open space in front of him.

There, there are three majestic and majestic high walls, one of which is taller than the other.

"Since the previous battle in the Northwest Barrens, the battlefield has ushered in a buffer period. I thought it was a rare respite."

Pixisi stood up, pacing with his hands behind his back and saying this, but shook his head solemnly.

"But I was wrong. This is the harbinger of the coming storm. Those devils are all crazy. According to the information obtained by the survey corps, in the field of devils, those devils are frantically gathering, and most of them have turned into Formed into a Goliath."

Everyone's pupils shrank, and their expressions became extremely dignified.

"How many are there?" Wen Erdy asked immediately.

"I don't know, but there are a lot of them. I used to meet them occasionally a few times a month, but now I sometimes meet one or a few in two or three days..."

"In order to find out the reason for the frequent appearance of demon giants, I sent members of the survey corps to invade the domain of demon giants, and sacrificed a lot of brothers to find out the news."

Dortpixis' voice became heavy, obviously feeling a little bit sentimental because too many people had been sacrificed.

Everyone also sighed softly in their hearts. As the corps guarding the three high walls, they are the most respectable soldiers, and among them, those in the survey corps sacrificed the most.

The soaring wings of freedom are what many people yearn for, and there are many people who join the survey corps every year, but very few of them can survive.

It's just,, now is not the time to be sad...

Artoria's eyes pondered, guessing the reason, his expression was a little ugly: "It's because of the Demon Emperor."

"Well...he captured the demon's royal family..." Angus said in a deep voice: "In order to get back their royal family, those demons are probably trying to create more demon giants, with the intention...to break through the three high wall!"

Pixisi laughed: "That's right, you guessed right!"

"It's a shame you can still laugh now."

Wen Erdy frowned and said, the seriousness of the matter is obvious. If the three high walls are broken, then the mainland will directly face the invasion of endless demons.

Such a situation is even more desperate than the appearance of a portal in the barren land.

Pixisi laughed loudly and shook his head: "It's useless to cry, it's better to face it with a smile instead of this. And... I can't cry anymore."

Seeing too much death, seeing too much life and death, the depths of the eyes seem to have dried up long ago, and there is no longer a drop of water.

If there is...then it must be bloody red! !
"Let me lead the troops to reinforce." Esdeth said at this time, wanting to join the battlefield on the other side of the high wall, but was rejected by the princess.

"Although I am very sorry, General, there is not only one border of the Tufu Mountain Range. I hope that the General will let the troops go to support the exit of the virgin forest east of the Elven Holy City in the future, and prevent the entry of demons across Gran's Forest. .”

"That's right, the demons there are no less crazy than those over the high wall."

Mezzas answered. He was guarding the holy city of elves, and he was well aware of the chaos in the Far East. Battles between various monsters and demons were constantly breaking out.

All of this is unknown to the people, and only the high-level and a few people in the empire can think of the seriousness of the matter.

Ever since the Demon Emperor captured the Demon Royal Family, the cause and effect of today has been buried.

"Do you have any suggestions?" King Arthur clenched his hand slightly, and there seemed to be only one way she could think of.

Angus and the others looked at each other, and they all let out a sigh of relief.

"My king, please issue a conscription order!"

They have no other choice but to increase their troops.Up to now, there is no Forbidden Curse Mage who can stand up such a high wall again. If it is broken, there will be no power to recover.

The princess frowned. She devoted herself to developing the empire in order to keep people away from wars, but now, she had to personally issue a conscription order...

But right now, it seems that there is no other choice.

Such a war, even at the seventh level, can only represent the sharpness of the weapons above the war machine.

After a moment of silence, King Arthur sighed softly.

"In that case, let's draw up a conscription order. Pixis, how much time do you think you have?"

The bald old man bowed slightly and spoke in a dignified voice.

"Based on the current rate of birth of devil giants, it is estimated that by next autumn, devils will be able to launch the most violent offensive."

(End of this chapter)

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