Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 686 Another Pretending to Be a Pig and Eating a Tiger

Chapter 686 is another one who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger
"Riveria and the others will be in danger?"

Ais immediately asked, she was more concerned about those partners than her own safety.After all, according to An Zhe, this gem has a greater influence on the orthodox elves.

"I'm not sure, but don't worry, Riveria's strength is not weak, and those people may not pose a threat to her."

Even though he said so, Anzhe also knew that they must be found earlier now. In this bottomless mine, the danger does not necessarily come from those enemies.

Just thinking like this, the two of them suddenly felt the fluctuation of magic energy coming from a distance, and they couldn't help being shocked!
Someone is fighting there!
It's the patrol that just passed by!
Who did they find?

Anzhe understood what happened in an instant, maybe it was Riveria and the others, maybe it was the few demon hunters who came with him.

No matter who it is, Anzhe has no reason to let it go, and he still wants to avenge the previous wave of revenge.

No more hesitation at the moment, An Zhe immediately let out a low voice: "Let's go and have a look!"

Aisi also followed immediately, and the two moved forward rapidly. During this process, Anzhe felt that his condition was better than ever. The wind element seemed to support his body, making him move forward at an incredible speed.

This made Jian Ji's eyes flicker, and she felt it again, and felt that An Zhe suddenly had a friendly reaction with the wind element.

It's very similar to my abilities...

Moreover, his strength...

An Zhe's speed is already comparable to his own!Why did he grow up so fast?
Ai Si thought in her heart, she has been pursuing the method of becoming stronger quickly, but now there is the most conspicuous example in front of her eyes.

She always thought that An Zhe was at the sixth level, but in the past, An Zhe couldn't match her in speed, but the current situation can only show that An Zhe's strength has surpassed her!
Surprised by this reality, because she cared about her partner's safety, Ai Si didn't have time to think too much, so she could only follow An Zhe, and the two fell quickly together, this time they went straight to below the second level.

Although it took a lot of effort to climb up half of the distance, but if that team is dealt with, maybe they can directly use their aircraft to return to the top.

The depth of the second level is deeper than that of the first level, or in other words, compared with the second level, the first level can only be regarded as pediatrics.

This mineral deposit seems to be digging through this planet, and I don't know how deep it goes into the ground.

Finally, the two saw the light ahead, where several figures were fighting fiercely.

Anzhe recognized one of them, and it was Gulwei, one of the sixth-order ability users who came with him.And beside him, there were two people he didn't expect.

"Tione! Tiona!"

Ai Si let out a low cry, she didn't expect to meet her two partners here, they were the twin sisters.

At this moment, their opponents were four defiled half-elves, waving a large number of tentacles, which made the three of them look a little embarrassed.

"Let's go!"

An Zhe let out a low cry, an iron sand sword condensed in his hand, and a sin sword was called out in his right hand.

Between the fingers of the two swords, thunder and fire intertwined, and when he used the new ability again, a group of light green cyclones appeared under his feet, and lingered around his body!
At this moment, An Zhe's speed exploded, making it almost impossible to see the movement, and he disappeared from the spot!
It took him only [-] seconds to cut into the battle, and he cut into the battle from a distance almost in a blink of an eye. At this time, as a sixth-level ability user, Gulvey was facing the attack of two filthy elves, and he did not occupy advantage, but in constant defense.

And Anzhe's fierce aura entered the battle, and the two filthy elves immediately noticed it. With quick reactions, they immediately swung their scaled tentacles and stabbed at Anzhe.

But with a flash of sword light, An Zhe had already escaped from the obstruction, and all those stabbed tentacles were sliced ​​into several pieces by his almost dead sword.

Seeing the appearance of those filthy elves, An Zhe also had a realization. It turned out that it was not some monsters that attacked them in the passage before, but these weird creatures!
It doesn't look much different from the creature in memory...

Sure enough, someone is using that kind of precious jade to create such a monster...

Frowning slightly, An Zhe's speed did not slow down, the twin swords of thunder and fire flashed in his hands, and the green wind energy lingered, killing him brazenly!
A filthy elf snorted, and those tentacles protruded again. At the same time, as he waved his hands, there were mysterious magic light patterns intertwined.

But Anzhe's strength now exceeds their expectations. According to the original information, Anzhe is not a sixth-order existence, and he doesn't catch their eyes at all!
It was a big loss at this moment, the terrifying magic energy in Anzhe's body suddenly exploded, and he seemed to have turned into a prehistoric beast in an instant. It's getting more and more distorted!
bass! !

The sound of gold and iron clashing only rang briefly, and An Zhe had already rushed past this filthy elf!

On the latter's body, there were more than a dozen interlaced sword marks.

Because the slash was so fast, it sounded like it only hit one sword.

The filthy elf's expression froze, and that moment's slash was enough to destroy her body!
At that moment, the speed at which Anzhe swung the two swords made De Guerwei look horrified. In his impression, the only one who could do such an attack was the sword girl on the side!

After copying to Jian Ji's wind swordsman ability, An Zhe's combat power has not only increased several times?
Facing such an opponent, An Zhe's answer was to instantly kill him! !
boom! !

With a soft sound, the life of this filthy elf came to an end, turning into stardust all over the sky and nothingness.

"Okay, amazing!!"

Tione, one of the twins, happened to see this scene, and his eyes were shining when he looked at Anzhe: "How did Anzhe become so powerful? How did he do it? Ah yes, yes, how could he do it?" here?"

The girl asked a lot of questions like a cannonball, mainly because when she was talking, she was still fighting with her opponent, so the speed of her speech was amazing.

Anzhe ignored the girl's shock, and quickly returned with his sword. He came to Guerwei's side and asked quickly, "Is there any news about Zheyuan Song and them?"

"Yes! They are on the next floor, kill these guys, and we will take their aircraft to find them."

Gulvey reacted and replied immediately.At the same time, he was feeling in his heart that An Zhe was actually the type to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Even he had underestimated this guy before, thinking that he was just a powerful fifth-level ability user...

(End of this chapter)

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