Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 717 So He Is Already So ​​Strong

Chapter 717 So He Is Already So ​​Strong

Following the leader, everyone was assigned to a dormitory building.

"This is your dormitory. I will give you half a day to collect your military uniforms and daily necessities, and start gathering in the afternoon!"

The life of the army has always been simple and straightforward, and it does not give people too much rest time. Half a day is already a long rest time.

There was no objection from the crowd, and the leader arranged for someone to allocate a dormitory, and left quickly.

There are a total of five people assigned with An Zhe, including An Zhe, a total of six people, it is not crowded in this fairly spacious dormitory.

Therefore, this group of new recruits has settled down in Shahar City, and they don't know what kind of life is waiting for them.

"There! Friends! I think we'll have something to do soon!"

Seeing that there were no other soldiers around him, one of the people in the same dormitory with An Zhe couldn't help grinning and said this.

The person who spoke seemed to be quite talkative. He was not very handsome, but he was not bad at all. At first glance, he gave people the impression that he was shrewd and capable.

"Why did my friend say that?"

A person with a more stable temperament spoke, and while he was talking, he was sorting out some of his belongings.

"Before that, how about introducing yourself? After all, we will be brothers fighting together in the future." One person said, sitting on the iron bed in the dormitory: "I'll come first, my name is Nong Ping, a fifth-order machine Armor."

"That's right! We should get to know each other first."

The person who spoke first nodded his head: "My name is Fengshen Zhiyou, and I am also a Tier [-] Mecha Envoy."

"Lev Torger, just call me Torger. I'm not as powerful as you, a fourth-level ability user, and my ability is controlled by the earth element." The man with a steady temperament said so.

"Ah, a defensive ability user... is also a very powerful and practical type."

One of them rubbed his nose and gave a compliment, then spread his hands and said, "Steve Maiye, a fourth-level ability user with investigative ability. Please take care of me in the future."

Apart from An Zhe, there was the last person who remained silent. Seeing that it was his turn, he just nodded slightly: "Altos, a fifth-level ability user, metal manipulation."

Altos's personality seems to be that kind of indifferent type. When he speaks, his tone has no emotional fluctuations at all, and this person's appearance is also good...

Bingshan handsome guy...

A group of people muttered to themselves, and all looked at An Zhe.

As for An Zhe, they had already noticed that he always gave them a special feeling, but they couldn't describe it at all.

Seeing everyone looking at him, An Zhe blinked.

"Well... My name is An Zhe, a fifth-level mecha envoy." After speaking, An Zhe paused slightly, and added another sentence: "A fifth-level ability user..."

Everyone didn't react when they heard An Zhe say that he was a Tier [-] mecha envoy, but after An Zhe's next sentence, they suddenly became a little uneasy.

"What, what??"

Nong Ping is obviously the kind of character who is more detached by nature, so he just came up with this sentence.

"Uh, Brother Anzhe, right? Are you a Mecha Envoy or an ability user..."

Fengshen Zhiyou also looked at An Zhe with a strange expression, while the others, even Altos, also stared at An Zhe.

For this, Anzhe felt quite helpless.

You need to know his true strength, but the fifth-level mecha user and the sixth-level three-line ability user, if you count the exchange of the ability to drive Bahamut, then the sixth-level machine dragon user and the sixth-level ability user coexist...

Before coming here, Anzhe told Angus about himself, which made Angus a little dazed.It turned out that Anzhe had become so powerful before he knew it...

After the latter thought about it, he decided to put An Zhe directly into the middle and upper ranks of the army, and told him to hide some strength, just keep it within an acceptable range.

In this way, An Zhe will not be too prominent and attract attention as soon as he enters the army, and he will not be too passive because of some small military power.

So considering these, An Zhe directly pointed out part of his own strength. Anyway, these will be exposed soon in the future, so it is better to explain it in advance.

"As you have heard, my situation is quite special. After becoming a fifth-level mecha envoy, I awakened to become a capable person by coincidence. I thought I wouldn't make any progress, but in the end, I also grew to fifth-level mecha. level ability."

Regarding An Zhe's understatement, a group of people couldn't help opening their mouths...

Is there such an operation?It's not that they haven't heard of people who are mecha users and ability users at the same time, but such people don't stand out at both ends!
After all, a person's energy is limited, and if the two ends are equal, most of the final results will become mediocre.

But people like Anzhe...all of them have reached the fifth level...it's a bit outrageous...

Of course, An Zhe could guess a thing or two about the thoughts of several people. It is conceivable that if he directly stated that he was a sixth-level Drag-Knight and a sixth-level ability user, he would probably be known by the entire army in the afternoon!
Such a situation will obviously arouse the vigilance of Wu Qumo who is lurking in the sea of ​​consciousness of someone in this army. It is impossible for a person as powerful as Anzhe to come to this kind of battlefield.

The topic is far away, back to the present, even though he concealed his strength to the fifth level, Anzhe still surprised several people.

"Then, what is your ability?"

"Oh, it's an electric-type ability user." An Zhe said, stretching out his finger, and a ray of indigo electric light flickered on his finger.

Fengshenzhiyou and Nongping couldn't help being speechless.

"No, whether it's your electric system or Altos's metal control, they all restrain our mechas. Unfortunately, I still want to show my skills as soon as I come to the army..."

Nong Ping had a dejected look on his face, and this exaggerated expression made the people who got rid of Altos laugh.

"What are you struggling with there? We two fourth-level ability users are uncomfortable staying among your fifth-level abilities!" Mai also shook his head.

"I came to the army not for comparison, why should I care about these things. My goal is only those demons and hostile forces..."

Fengshen Zhiyou said this, but suddenly looked at An Zhe.

"I've been wondering about it, Anzhe, your name seems to be the same as the creator of the song "Empire of Angels"..."


An Zhe was stunned for a moment, touched his nose, and said dumbly: "Actually, I made that up..."

"Oh? Really..." Fengshen Zhiyou murmured like this, his expression was a bit ambiguous, but An Zhe didn't notice this change in his expression.

(End of this chapter)

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