Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 731 Why Are You So Skilled?

Chapter 731 Why Are You So Skilled?

"Time machine?"

An Zhe groaned again in a daze, his eyes puzzled.

Speaking of which, he had heard the term time machine more than once, and he had heard about it once in the headquarters of the Demon Hunting Tower in Modu.

At that time, I heard that the paper was published in a scientific research institute near the battlefield, so Anzhe didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he didn't travel so far at that time.

But he didn't expect that he came here in the end and heard the term again.

So what, the time machine that Chuck and the others are talking about should be different from the time machines I thought...

But if I remember correctly, it was a genius girl who published the paper on this time machine?
Is it to say...

Hmm, it shouldn't be such a coincidence.

An Zhe pondered in his heart, but on the surface he followed Metas and Chuck calmly to the dormitory of the Valkyrie.

Compared with the "naked lady" in Chuck's house, the apartments the girls live in are much more luxurious, at least from the outside it looks a few grades higher.

An Zhe and the others couldn't enter the apartment, so they all waited outside the door. It took half an hour before the Valkyries came out of the apartment.

"Yo hoo~~ I've been waiting for a long time!"

Freya was the most lively of the girls, and greeted the guardians with vigor as soon as she opened the door.

"Ah, girls have been putting on makeup for a long time. I have already reminded you to do it earlier."

Metas spread his hands helplessly, making Freya laugh dryly: "Hey, sorry, sorry..."

"Actually, Lei Lei and I got up late."

Makina smiled embarrassedly, while Reina on the other side nodded cutely: "Correct, I'm sorry."

"Haha, it's okay, it's a privilege for girls to be late!"

Chuck smiled and waved his hands. The smiling expression seemed a little frivolous, but in fact, everyone knew that the latter was just looking a little sorry...

"Huh? Where's Miss Meiyun?" An Zhe tilted his head and found that there was one person missing.

"Sister Meiyun doesn't live here. She sent a message earlier saying that she will wait for us downstairs in the research institute." Makina laughed.

Uh, what a mysterious person...

The group of people had this thought in their hearts, this ace singer is always so mysterious.

After the assembly was finally completed, Metas and Chuck each drove and led the crowd to the scientific research institute in Shahar City.

Along the way, Anzhe could also see many soldiers training there, most of them were ordinary people and low-level ability users, just like Anzhe used to be in the academy, they had to do physical training for a period of time every day.

In matters such as training physical fitness, even mecha envoys are necessary. Only after becoming a high-level ability user will they pay more attention to the cultivation of ability.

After about 15 minutes, the car drove into the downstairs parking lot of a building.

"An Zhe, this is the scientific research institute, and this is also our weapon supply center. In the future, we will often go here to supply weapons and repair mechas."

Metas introduced to Anzhe who came here for the first time, and everyone walked into the building together.

Even if it is a stronghold, everything here still looks very grand, and there are definitely a lot of people. At least when they come and go, Anzhe saw no less than a hundred people in white coats.

"Ah, Miss Meiyun!"

At this moment, Makina found a familiar figure sitting in the corner, which was Mei Yun, one of the Valkyries. Everyone looked at each other and hurried over.

"I've been waiting for you for half an hour." As soon as Meiyun met, it was just such a sentence, which made Majina stick out her tongue.

Meiyun didn't mean to blame them, and went straight to the point.

"Then, let's go for the physical examination first, please wait a moment."

After Meiyun finished speaking, she walked into the elevator with the others.

An Zhe and the others were waiting downstairs.

"If your mech needs maintenance, you can take this opportunity to deal with it."

Chuck reminded, so Miraj and the other two team members also left.An Zhe smiled and shook his head. His Shadow Moon didn't need much maintenance, not even energy replenishment. He had already replenished it by himself.

I thought the physical examination process would be very fast, but I didn't think about it for nearly 10 minutes, and several people still haven't come down.

An Zhe, Metas, and Chuck were all waiting quietly, but at this moment, there was a bang in the building!
It was a sudden explosion, and Anzhe and the others suddenly raised their heads.

The interior of the building of the scientific research institute is a convoluted structure. From the hall on the first floor, you can directly see the ceiling of the roof, and the rooms, stairs, and corridors are all around, so Anzhe and the others can see it at a glance. It came from a room on the next floor.

"Huh!? What happened..."

Chuck was surprised when he heard some shouts from upstairs.

"Go and have a look!" Metas said, Anzhe on one side had already jumped up, directly attached to a pillar of the building, and his figure began to rise.

"Uh... let's take the elevator." Chuck was stunned for half a second, and spread his hands towards Metas.

Using his electromagnetic power to attach to the pillars, Anzhe quickly ran on the vertical pillars. In the last few jumps, he bounced twice on the two pillars and landed steadily on the corridor on the 35th floor.

In front of him was a room with fire, and a figure in it who was constantly fighting the fire.

Anzhe raised his brows lightly, forcefully tore open the deformed door, and walked in.

I didn't see any movement from him, and those bright flames were slowly extinguished.

Anzhe didn't want to reveal that he could control the flames, but it was no problem to simply control the open flames. Even the people in white coats didn't realize that Anzhe helped them, and they were still directing the robot to put out the fire there. .

"Ah, the fire has stopped."

"Oops!! The reactor is about to explode!!"

Suddenly someone uttered an exclamation, and the scientific researchers immediately shouted again!
"Quick! Open the teleportation skylight!"

A group of people swiftly opened a huge floor-to-ceiling window, and all the mysterious magic light lines lit up in half a second!

"one two Three!"

The five people shouted in unison, and pushed a huge metal ball with the height of three people out of the window!
The next moment, the magic light flashed, and the huge ball disappeared immediately!
Ten seconds later...

A muffled sound came from the distant wasteland battlefield, which was clearly heard by most of the people in Shahar City, accompanied by an obvious tremor...

Anzhe looked at the scientific researchers who were slapping their clothes or wiping their sweat on their hips as if nothing had happened, and were dumbfounded.


Why are you so proficient...

(End of this chapter)

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