Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 743 It seems that if you delay, you will hit me

Chapter 743 It seems that if you delay, you will hit me

The boundless battlefield was filled with billowing gunpowder smoke. In the sky, a huge black machine dragon lay across the sky. Around it were the wreckage of countless mechs.

After the First World War, that group of tribal mechs that sneaked into the border of Shahar City was completely wiped out!
In front of Bahamut, even a fifth-order Divine Drag-Ride has no strength to resist.

Even if a few machine dragons united against each other, they were defeated by Anzhena's various machine dragon secrets.

Pointing at the big branded sword obliquely, Anzhe landed. Before that, he had seen several mechas successfully escape from the mechas, and he probably didn't escape far.

With his extremely fast flying speed, he quickly found three mecha users who were lucky enough to survive, and the pitch-black machine dragon flew over their heads in an instant, blocking them in front of them.

The three mecha envoys couldn't help but despair, they couldn't escape when they had the mecha, and now they are completely slaughtered fish.

"Tell me your purpose, I will only ask once."

An Zhe spoke out coldly, seeming impatient, because he probably knew in his heart that these people may also be in a state of half-knowledge about the real situation of the incident.

If he was the instigator behind the scenes, he obviously wouldn't tell others all about the plan.

The terrified mecha envoys uttered their purpose in horror, and they just knew they were going to the quarantine area to harass them.

An Zhe frowned, then knocked these guys out, let them fend for themselves here, and flew towards Shahar City alone.

After approaching the city, he changed back to Shadow Moon and returned to the vicinity of the isolation area.

At this time, the concert was almost coming to an end. Although Metas was also worried about the lurking mech troop, he still had to seriously protect the safety of the Valkyrie.

Anzhe originally wanted to join Metas and the others to report the situation immediately, but unexpectedly, a strange sound suddenly came from the direction of the isolation area!
The situation that made people's pupils shrink suddenly appeared, and there were many big holes in the huge protective formation!


An Zhe's eyes changed, he clearly saw that the protective array was still functioning normally!
It's that bead! ?

Could it be that there is space fault magic that can block the flow of magic power?
Obviously I have stopped the army of that tribe, why...

An Zhe suddenly thought of something, his expression was full of ugly.

That mecha troop was deliberately sent by them to attract attention. If it is that level of magic, it obviously takes time to activate it, so in order to prevent the army from having time to figure out the secret of the bead, they will launch it intensively. Attack!

It's not a difficult plan to understand, it's just being led by them step by step!

Faced with uninformed actions, people will always subconsciously think in a complicated direction!
With his heart racing, An Zhe immediately told Metas about the situation.

The latter looked dignified, and immediately indicated that he would send troops over immediately.

An Zhe looked at the big hole in the protective formation, but shook his head secretly.

I don't know if the Apocalypse virus has leaked out, is this the enemy's purpose?
At some point, the existence of the apocalypse virus has been exposed!

At the moment when the empire is in turmoil, some people want to muddy the water even more!
More than 20 minutes later, many troops urgently mobilized by Metas from the vicinity of the battlefield finally rushed over and began to blockade the periphery of the entire quarantine area.

It is worth mentioning that the magical power contained in that bead did not seem to be able to sustain its operation. In about 15 minutes, all those big holes disappeared.

During this period, the Valkyrie's concert was finally over, but An Zhe didn't intend to go home, but checked the situation with Metas and the others with a gloomy expression.

"Strange, that tribe who doesn't know where it is, has spent so much effort, is it just to release the apocalypse virus..."

Metas muttered to himself, looking puzzled.

"The problem now is that the protective array has been broken. Although it has recovered, there is no guarantee that the Apocalypse virus has not leaked out."

Metas shook his head: "It should not have been leaked yet, I think they are just a test this time. Of course, there may be other purposes that we don't know about."

"Testing?" An Zhe frowned.

It really doesn't stop.

The origin of that mecha tribe was a miscellaneous army composed of various small tribes, but the master tribe behind the scenes was unknown.Don't let yourself know which tribe is playing tricks, or you will definitely make them look good!
In short, because of this incident, An Zhe and the others are temporarily unable to return to the front line. In order to ensure the safety of this place, they need to stay here.

Fortunately, no changes have been found on the front line for the time being. Even if there is an abnormal situation, Anzhe and the others can rush over quickly.


"Ah, I didn't expect such a thing to happen..."

Sitting in a living room, Makina let out a morose sigh.

They had been in the room for almost six hours, and it was almost dark, but it made her very depressed.

As a team of guardians, An Zhe also stayed here to accompany them, so he could only helplessly show his hands.

He was also quite concerned about the unexpected situation. After Metas gave the order, the vicinity of the isolation area was blocked, and soldiers and guard robots were constantly patrolling.

"I heard that someone took advantage of that time to escape from the quarantine area."

Milaj spoke softly, with a slightly condensed expression.

"Who are they?" Freya tilted her head and asked, "Is it someone with that kind of black crystal?"

"No, it seems that there are a few people who are just on the edge. It is not ruled out that they are carriers of the virus. After that happened, they came out out of curiosity..."

"It's so pitiful, they've been kept in that..."

Makina couldn't help but whispered.

An Zhe glanced at the girl and shook his head slightly. Although he also sympathized with those people, he would not say such things.

After all, fate is inherently unfair.

"I'm going to buy some food for you."

An Zhe walked to the door, then turned around and said, "Please don't leave here without authorization."


Walking on the street, except for a few people I met occasionally, the street seemed very empty.

After searching for a long time, I finally found a convenience store that was still open. An Zhe bought a lot of food, and then walked back with it.

Because the way home is a short cut, the location is even more remote, except for the occasional patrol personnel, there is no one else.

However, when passing by an abandoned factory, Anzhe discovered something unusual.

In the factory, there is singing?

His eyes narrowed slightly, he got closer, and the singing sound was clearer...


"Blooming Wildflowers"

"Please tell me"

"Why People Hurt Each Other"

"They are fighting each other"

 emmm... It seems that if you delay, you will hit me...

(End of this chapter)

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