Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 747 Little Chic is Really Not a Thing

Chapter 747 Little Chic is Really Not a Thing

On this day, An Zhe finished breakfast with everyone.

"Okay! Let's go shopping today!"

Freya clapped her hands and proposed excitedly.


Makina was the first to jump out and agree, and of course, Lena, who was inseparable from her, also gave her thumbs up in agreement: "I agree."

Mei Yunhe wanted to see all three of them so excited, so he didn't want to disappoint, so he agreed right away.

"Anzhe, let's go cloud together too! It's more lively when there are many people!" Makina suggested.

Anzhe tilted his head, but shook his head apologetically: "I'm sorry, I may not be able to go with you, let Miraj accompany you, you girls are more enthusiastic about shopping... "

In fact, when they went out, the guardian team followed them. Fortunately, there was Milaj in the team, otherwise it would be a pain to ask them a group of old men to go shopping with these girls.

Moreover, in this city, Anzhe really didn't know what to do, since most of the stores were closed.

"Hey, it's a pity, the free coolie slipped away..."

Makina said so regrettably, causing Anzhe and the rest of the male compatriots to have black lines on their faces.

"Obviously a few days ago, you were the one who yelled the most about being bored..." A member of the guardian team muttered, which made Majina a little embarrassed.

After all, they were in a restricted state at the time, but after Metas said that they could move freely, these girls began to let themselves go...

"Well, the captain said it all, enjoy the hardships! Enjoy the hardships..."

Freya stuck out her tongue with a smile, leaving Dean Zhe to helplessly spread her hands.

"You guys don't look like you're having fun while you're suffering. Except for the first few hours of suffering, you're all happy after that..."

All the girls: "..."

After waving goodbye to everyone, Anzhe walked slowly away alone.

Behind him, Yao suddenly murmured softly: "It feels like An Zhe is, quite busy..."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that this was indeed the case. An Zhe seemed to be running outside a lot in the past two or three days...

"Well, everyone has their own personal affairs. Maybe Anzhe found a little girlfriend outside?"

Chuck chatted indifferently on the side, but it made everyone on the side stare.

"It seems, there is such a possibility..." Freya nodded in a sudden realization.

"Would you like to follow along?"

Makina proposed with bright eyes, directly igniting the soul of gossip, and Lena on the side quickly pulled her: "Nana!"

Chuck on the one side was sweating coldly, thinking that women are really horrible creatures, and he just said something casually, and they even wanted to gossip...

If An Zhe finds out, he can't beat himself to death...

An Zhe at this end felt a chill in his body for no reason, and he couldn't help but looked around strangely.

It has been three days outside the quarantine area here. Unexpectedly, these three days have been completely calm, and even the front line has not had any wars.

Everyone was worried at first, fearing that there might be some cases of the apocalypse virus outside the quarantine area, but nothing changed at all.

Anzhe does know some mutation elements of the apocalypse virus. At least he knows that gene resonance is one of the conditions for the carrier to become infected. It is obvious that the condition for this element has not been achieved yet.

Because it was something he learned from his memory, he couldn't tell Metas and them about it for the time being. After all, they hadn't researched it. An Zhe suddenly told them this element. If anyone asked, he wouldn't Know how to round.

But Anzhe is undoubtedly the happiest in this peaceful time. The reason why he often runs outside is to go to Qiqi's place.

The hard work pays off, he finally let Mo Qi put down his guard against him...

All the way to the downstairs rented for the girl, An Zhe came to the door, took out the key card, opened the door and walked in.

But I didn't expect that the scene inside made De Anzhe look dumbfounded...

The girl is actually changing clothes! !

what~! ! ?

An Zhe was stunned, standing blankly in the aisle of the room, not knowing how to react for a while.

Miao Qi seemed to have heard the sound of the door opening, but she didn't respond. She still took off her bright red skirt, put on her pink underwear, and put a home skirt on her body.

Under the soft light, the girl's smooth body was so alluring that De Angel could barely move his eyes.

The electric motor sounded, and a black shadow suddenly struck. The girl's mechanical pet, Fei Nalu, rushed over with claws and claws, and threw himself on An Zhe's face in astonishment.

Usually, Anzhe's reaction is very fast, but just now it was obvious...

No, he was thrown to the ground in one fell swoop.

"Ah, hey!! Little Chic, let me go!"

Anzhe muttered vaguely, lying on the floor and holding onto Fei Nalu's chubby body with both hands.

The latter hugged An Zhe's head with four mechanical legs, refusing to let go.

It is simply to protect the master, to protect the master to the death...

Thanks to it, An Zhe didn't see the beautiful scenery on the girl's side afterwards.

Nima hey!
For a moment, An Zhe wanted to shock it...

A gust of fragrant wind came suddenly, and An Zhe, who finally pulled Fei Nalu's face away, tilted his head, and saw the girl squatting in front of him, with her chin propped on her hands, looking at him with a cute and cute face.

As soon as his nose became hot, An Zhe almost had a nosebleed, because the girl was wearing a skirt, and this squatting movement was simply amazing...

But, the vital parts were blocked by the hem of the skirt, and Anzhe only saw two smooth and beautiful legs close at hand.

"Uh, I pray?"

An Zhe held the Finaru with both hands, and made a slightly surprised sound. He has never been so close to a girl in the past few days.

"Little Prayer"

The girl propped her chin with her hands, she obviously didn't have a vivid expression, but she looked very cute.Her burgundy pupils stared at An Zhe, and she just said this softly.


Slightly taken aback, An Zhe understood that Mo Qi wanted him to call her by her name directly.

He quickly came back to his senses, grinning happily.

At this time, it can be regarded as really disarming her...

"Okay, okay, Xiaoqi..." He called the girl so unprofessionally, even though he had already called the girl like this many times in his heart.

"That, Angie"

Hearing An Zhe call herself Xiaoqi, the girl showed a faint smile in her eyes, then stared at An Zhe and said, "I'm hungry."

It's not easy for her to go out, she has been waiting for An Zhe to come over.

An Zhe was stunned for a moment, then remembered this, and quickly patted his forehead: "Ah, sorry, I brought a lot of food, what do you want to eat?"

"Rice balls!!'

The girl replied immediately, with a hint of joy in her tone.

(End of this chapter)

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