Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 791 Super reaction, perfect cooperation

Chapter 791 Super reaction, perfect cooperation

Anzhe never imagined that Dalev would turn out like this.

What I vaguely remember is that when I met Darev for the first time, the latter looked at him with a slightly stunned and muddy eyes.

The blood sprayed, and the dead giant began to dissipate slowly, turning into a puff of steam, but Darev was still chopping crazily, with a howl that didn't sound like a human voice, full of deep pain with madness.

Anzhe narrowed his eyes slightly, and at this moment he realized that there were sad memories in Darev.

Probably, it has something to do with the devil...

In the past, he was weak and unable to tell even if he was suffering, but in the end he came here...

Finally, relying on my own strength, I released some pressure. Is it why I became so hysterical at this time...

He was deceived by his usual simple and honest appearance.

Anzhe looked at those newcomers who were a little silent because of Dalev's performance. How many of these people who joined the survey corps had the same mood as Dalev?
With a slight sigh, Anzhe jumped a few times, came to Darev's side, and called out softly.


The latter didn't seem to hear it, and like crazy, with two knives, he hacked the giant's corpse into a bloody mess, and steam gushed out continuously.

Frowning slightly, An Zhe stepped forward and grabbed Darev's hand.

"Hey! Dalev!!"

He yelled and opened his mouth, making Darev slightly stagnant.

"It's dead!"

An Zhe let out a low drink, which made Darev finally sober up.

After two seconds of silence, Dalev lowered his hands and lowered his head as if exhausting all his strength: "Sorry..."

An Zhe took a deep look at him, then shook his head slightly: "Stop talking, there are still many giants to kill, so live well."

As he said that, he turned around, and the three-dimensional mobile device drove his body and flew straight to the center of the tree, where the most intense fighting area was!

"There is a strange species!! It went straight to the high wall!!"

Suddenly there was a warning sound in the woods, and then An Zhe saw a huge figure appearing in the woods.

A 15-meter-level exotic species!
"Kill it! Don't let it break through the blockade!!"

An Zhe heard Erwin's voice, and then saw many soldiers using three-dimensional mobile devices to chase the strange species that was heading straight for the wall.

However, the three-dimensional mobile device, which was originally very fast, felt a bit out of reach in front of this 15-meter-tall strange species!

"Damn, why is it so fast!?"

"Quickly think of a way!"

People shouted loudly, and many soldiers of the survey corps risked being trampled to death, trying to break the ankle of this strange species.

But this guy's speed was too fast, and he was running like a wind. Several soldiers couldn't dodge in time. They were kicked solidly, and immediately flew out with blood spurting from their mouths, and fell to the ground rolling over.

An Zhe's eyes sharpened, and the three-dimensional mobile device around his waist instantly sprayed steel cables, pulling his body to chase after the strange species. He nimbly passed through the obstacles on the way, much faster than others!
"Huh!? It's that person..."

Someone noticed An Zhe's movements, and after seeing An Zhe's fast speed, he couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

At the same time, a figure jumped out of the woods in the other direction at the same time. Mikasa stared at the strange species in front of him calmly. He caught up with the strange species at the same time as Anzhe and reached the three-dimensional mobile device launch range!
"It's Mikasa!"

Sasha's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help clenching her fists, watching Mikasa and Anzhe launch the steel cable at the same time, piercing into the giant's back.

But at the moment when the two of them succeeded, the strange beast turned around, swung his hands into a big circle, and slapped Anzhe and the two viciously!

The reason why the strange species is called the strange species is because it is different from those brainless giants, and its action mode is full of uncertainty!

Mikasa couldn't help being startled, and immediately warned An Zhe who was closer to the giant, and at the same time had to loosen the steel cable nailed to the giant.

If it is not loose, she will be in danger if the giant grabs the steel cable.

An Zhe also understands this situation in his heart, but if he gives up at this time, it will be difficult to catch up with this strange species. There is an open space behind the woods, which is not conducive to the use of the three-dimensional mobile device.

At this moment, the giant had already stretched out its hand to grab An Zhe. Although An Zhe was still some distance away from it, the steel cable nailed to the giant's body was also within its grabbing range!

"Release quickly!!"

Mikasa was in the air, and couldn't help shouting anxiously at An Zhe.

"Fire the steel cable at me!! Quick!!"

An Zhe suddenly yelled, and when he said this, he finally let go of the steel cable, and his body's forward speed suddenly slowed down, avoiding the giant's grasp.

And his steel cable was also quickly retracted, and he was about to miss the best killing area.

When Mikasa heard An Zhe's loud shout, she hesitated subconsciously for a moment, but An Zhe's extremely difficult turn-back operation suddenly flashed in her mind, and she subconsciously chose to trust An Zhe!
The trigger in his hand was pulled instantly, and a steel cable with a sharp claw flew through the air towards An Zhe, who was slowing down in the air!
Everyone was shocked, if they were shot, they would definitely pass through! !

But under the stunned gazes of everyone, the light of lightning and flames flashed in An Zhe's eyes, and it was Yu Qianjun who grabbed the hook that was shot! !


He yelled violently, and in the air, he pulled the steel cable hard, which actually pulled Mikasa's body to speed up instantly, and flung it towards the strange species!

Antelope jumps! !
This is the way he came up with at that moment in his mind!
Under the stunned gaze of everyone, Mikasa passed An Zhe at a faster speed, and flew straight to the strange line.

And this strange beast had just finished attacking Anzhe, and its body was in a state of backspin, and Mikasa's forward direction was almost directly facing its back neck!

"Drink ah ah-"

Mikasa shouted for a long time, and slashed out with both knives!

puff! !
Blood spurted out of Lao Gao, and the strange species immediately fell to the front, but Mikasa turned directly, and the three-dimensional mobile device shot a steel cable at the strange species that had not yet fallen to the ground, and the body swung, and the body was raised again , just in time to catch An Zhe who had no leverage in the air.

He is more than 20 meters high in the air, if he fell directly like that, he would probably be half disabled if he didn't die!
Mikasa and Anzhe collided, and the strong inertia brought by the three-dimensional mobile device made the two of them hug each other and roll and fell, but they just hit the strange Xingxing who was tilted and fell down, along the Its body tumbled to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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