Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 816 Has an Unspeakable Secret

Chapter 816 Has an Unspeakable Secret

With a slightly weird expression, An Zhe gave a dry cough, and turned his eyes to the side, not looking at Rin Tohsaka, who was slightly embarrassed.

The girl got up from the ground, and made a sound from embarrassment.

"Why is this trap so powerful!"

An Zhe has not recovered from the previous glimpse of the scenery, he has already deeply remembered the scene of that scene.

From now on, can I be titled... the only witness of Rin Tohsaka's absolute realm?
Thinking wildly in his mind, Anzhe didn't even listen to Tosaka Rin's angry words.

Fortunately, in this dangerous field of demons, he still maintained a basic sense of vigilance, so he quickly came back to his senses.

"Well, it seems that you are too careless."

He spread his hands and made a sound like this, which made Tohsaka Rin slightly bitter, but there was nowhere to attack. It was true that she was too careless just now.

"Whoa, what happened just now must have been seen by the chairman! Now I'm not sure where I'm laughing!"

Tohsaka Rin said this angrily, which made Anzhe look helpless and funny.

Rin is so cute in this way!

"Speaking of which, it's so quiet. Nothing happened."

Looking around, Anzhe could see the silhouettes of those ability users around him. Basically, apart from the ineffective traps left by some demons, there was nothing worth mentioning. This kind of thing made Anzhe have a A sense of unreliability.

He is not afraid of enemies in the open, but is afraid of cold arrows in the dark. An Zhe also understands the devils. They also have advanced wisdom. It is impossible for them to do nothing like this.

It's just that everyone present understands such a truth, but there is no way to do it.

The devil is the active side of the attack, and the human side can only defend passively!

Just like the situation will be disadvantageous if the devil enters the human world, if people rashly invade the realm of the devil, the end will definitely not be good!

But those guys are all crazy!
Even though people have stopped the devil many times so far, no one knows what those guys will do next time.

"It's very quiet, but it's just a small patrol. Those demons won't be too close to the wall, and it's not too abnormal."

Rin Tohsaka said so.

After all, those devils are intelligent creatures, and they don't act on instinct like those innocent giants, so there are not many opportunities for such small patrols to encounter enemies, and of course it is not impossible.

After patrolling for most of the time, An Zhe finally waited for the enemy, and the team of capable people found the trace of the devil.

It's just frustrating that those are just a few demons with extremely weak abilities, and they are the weakest level of demons that can activate abilities in this field.

"Basically nothing happened."

An Zhe couldn't help but tilt his head, it really doesn't look like it's in the Shiganshina area.In comparison, those brainless giants are still much more reckless, and the casualties paid by humans are also much greater.

"Well, clear the traps here, and let's give them a little reward."

As Rin Tohsaka said, he began to bury the trap.

An Zhe was on the sidelines carefully guarding. Although there was no danger in this trip, it made An Zhe feel uneasy.

Those devils are thinking about breaking through the high wall defense and entering the interior all the time, but now they just buried some traps, no matter what, they are a bit too calm.

However, until the surrounding people removed all the traps around and planted new traps along the way, An Zhe even saw that someone even used a bear trap.

While he was speechless, Anzhe's doubts became more and more serious. Until the end of the patrol, the team did not encounter any danger and returned from the patrol smoothly.

"What have you been thinking about? Have you been thinking about something since you were outside?"

After Rin Tohsaka explained the mission report to Shiji Kuhuo, he watched Anzhe speak, and Shiji Kuhuo looked over curiously.

An Zhe was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he still expressed his doubts.

"Well, it's really strange to hear you say that. Maybe those guys are really planning something, so they really need to strengthen monitoring and defense. However, in this case, this situation is not two times at a time. This time, An Zhe, don't underestimate the defensive ability of the high wall."

After Shi Lingkuhuo thought about Anzhe's question seriously for a while, he did not deny Anzhe's doubt.

People here are obviously not stupid.

But people can't guess the devil's plan based on imagination alone, so all they can do now is to be careful and careful, and guard them with all their strength.

Anzhe thought about it, and he was more or less open-minded. Sometimes Kuhuo and many capable people sit here. Even if there is any situation, the people here can resist it, giving people time to deal with it.

Thinking of this in his heart, An Zhe had a little understanding of the situation around Rin Tohsaka, and felt a little relieved.

Isn't he most worried about Rin Tohsaka's safety?

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm relieved, Chairman, Rin will take care of you."

An Zhe said, bowing to Shi Lingkuhuo with a serious expression, and after making Shi Lingkuhuo stunned for a moment, he nodded with a smile, and looked at Rin Tohsaka playfully.

The room between these two is really a bit tricky...

On the other side, Tohsaka Rin blushed slightly, caught off guard by Anzhe's sudden serious concern.

What, her eyes seemed to have some ulterior secret between herself and An Zhe...

Early the next morning, Anzhe set off and rushed back to Shiganshina District.

After leaving here for a few days, fortunately there was nothing wrong here, and Mikasa Yamin, who was his partner, also knew that Anzhe had a special mission and left, so he didn't ask Anzhe's whereabouts.

Life on the side of the high wall is very simple. In addition to completing the tasks assigned by the army, most of the soldiers are training. Even the rare rest time is used to polish their weapons and maintain their three-dimensional body. Motorized devices, etc.

In such a rhythm of life full of crisis awareness and sense of urgency, the days are also in the blink of an eye, and more than 20 days have passed.

Late winter has finally passed completely, and the world in early spring is full of vitality. Many withered flowers and plants have finally disappeared, replaced by a faint fresh green, and it seems that even the air is filled with sweet green grass.

It's just that in such a season, the killing outside the wall has stained the picture a little bit red, adding a kind of weirdness to the picture, and adding a bit of sweetness to the sweet air. A strange, bloody smell!
There was a sound of hoofbeats, this is another investigation by the survey corps outside the wall! !

(End of this chapter)

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