Chapter 830

Those strange species are chasing after them quickly. It is true that as Anzhe said, war horses cannot escape the pursuit of these guys. Anzhe's judgment is not wrong.

But under such circumstances, the behavior of staying behind is undoubtedly the same as sending to death!
Everyone here looks anxious, An Zhe's choice is too dangerous!

"Captain Anzhe, run with us! If it's you, we'll be able to escape!"

An Zhe shook his head calmly: "Maybe, but I think you will all die. Darev stayed here to save you. If you die, wouldn't Darev die in vain? If the one who died was not Darev, I will definitely turn around and leave."

He spoke so calmly, not caring how hurtful and fallacious his words were.

Leaving aside the reason why someone really needs someone to break the back at this time, An Zhe also has the urge to want to kill a lot.

Because, this person lying lifeless on the ground is his friend, right?

Although I often make myself want to beat him up, but there are only a few of my friends here, right?
Out of nowhere, one of them disappeared, are you kidding yourself!
Anzhe was angry in his heart, no matter how strong and brave he was, in the deepest part of his heart, he was always the guy with a lonely and fragile heart in his previous life.

For such a person, if others give him a little care and sympathy like a small charity, he will feel like a treasure.

If you are also a lonely person, you can understand this experience.

Such a person will give chilling indifference to everything irrelevant, but he will attach great importance and love to his own things, whether they are people or things.

If they were taken away all of a sudden, this kind of person would go all out...

An Zhe actually didn't know why he was so angry. All along, he thought that he would only go crazy for some special people.

But he didn't realize that after coming to this world, he had changed from a walking corpse to a person with a complete soul.

Selfishness is characteristically human, and so is anger.

The people around are having an illusion at this moment, this person who is usually gentle, seems to have turned into a devil at this time, he looks at everyone without any emotion, but it seems to have a kind of indifference.

The footsteps could not help but retreat a few steps, and the expressions of several people were a little at a loss.

Finally someone stammered: "I, let's go..."

"Ah, okay...Captain Anzhe, you..."

Everyone took off their spare blades and gas tanks, put them down, and took Darev's body with them. Then they got on their horses, looked at An Zhe hesitantly, and left quickly.

【You scared them】

An indifferent voice sounded in his mind, Anzhe's indifferent eyes finally wavered, and he murmured indifferently in his heart.

Just telling the truth, I don't mean to blame them.

【Tch... That's what I said, but even if it's to let them go, there's no need to behave like this.]

Since that's the case, wouldn't it be great if you stopped me just now.

Anzhe snorted coldly in his heart, turned around, and the three-dimensional mobile device pulled his body into the air, and flew straight to a strange species!

The sword flashed, and this strange species was decapitated by An Zhe!
An Zhe frowned slightly as he looked at the knife in his hand that had curled in one blow.

【Because you are angry, those people are also implicated】

Rational personality can be seen more clearly than anyone else, and he can't understand the master personality very well.

Although it is a critical moment in the eyes of others, his rational personality is still very calm.It is very difficult for these giants to hurt An Zhe.

【However, it's great, you finally look like a human being, I thought you would only get angry because of those special people】

An Zhe's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he spoke in a cold voice.

"You have a big personality defect, and you have the nerve to speak nonsense here."

He flew up, quickly approached a charging giant, raised his knife and dropped it.

Nearly a hundred giants had already arrived in the surrounding area, which made De Anzhe's expression a little dignified.

It's really difficult...

Although he took the initiative to stay behind, the biggest reason was forced by these guys.

However, those wisdom giants seem to have not followed, they are not ready yet...

Then... kill all these guys!
The murderous intent boiled over, making De Anzhe understand that he was angry because of his friend's death.


The war horse was advancing rapidly, and Mikasa's eyes moved slightly, seeing the signal flare flying up ahead.

Looking at each other with A Ming, the two immediately urged their horses, and soon saw the line of defense where the large troops were guarding.

At this time, there were still five kilometers away from the wall, and there were no giants around, so Erwin rectified the soldiers and horses there.

After a long drive all the way, Mikasa and Amin, who had returned to the main force, immediately came to the line of defense after a brief report, staring at them.

"Amin, where's An Zhe? Why isn't he with you?"

Kony, who was on guard not far away, asked.

"An Zheta,,, separated from us in order to distract the Wisdom Giant." Amin couldn't help but look at Mikasa as he said this.

At this time, the girl was looking into the distance, hoping to see the figure she wanted to see.

Coney and Rang were stunned.

"This is too messy..."

Sasha whispered in astonishment.

" must be safe..." Coney whispered softly, and looked into the distance.

Teams continued to receive the signal and rushed towards this side, and their bodies were more or less injured.

But after counting, until now, there are still nearly 700 people who have not come!
A large force of 3000 people is nearly a quarter short!

Everyone looked sad, too many comrades died this time!

Mikasa couldn't help clenching her fists tightly, half an hour had passed, Anzhe still hadn't caught up, but it's been a long time since no one came back!
"Huh? That's... Darev's class, they're still alive!"

Someone suddenly called softly, but Mikasa was again disappointed,

She couldn't help but ran forward, and came to the people who successfully met: "Excuse me, has any of you seen An Zhe?"

The few people who were laying down Darev's body with a dull expression suddenly trembled slightly when they heard the words.


Someone suddenly fell to their knees and wept bitterly. On the way back, they suddenly understood the meaning of An Zhe's words.

"Captain Anzhe, in order to fulfill Dalev's last wish and to cover our retreat, he stayed behind..."

"Sorry...we didn't go back to help him!! Sorry!!"

It was a little late for them to realize that this man was crying so hard, and facing the giants that kept coming, they also felt desperate from the bottom of their hearts!
No one... can survive surrounded by so many giants!

(End of this chapter)

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