Chapter 835 Then Please Be Aware

As an investigation corps that has been carrying out missions outside the wall, its combat effectiveness in the face of giants is obviously much higher than that of the garrison corps.

The battle was almost bloody, someone cut the back of the giant's neck directly, and blood spurted out of Lao Gao.

Someone also fell in front of the giant, trembling and trying to escape, but it seemed that it was because of extreme fear that they stood there with trembling legs, unable to move.After being caught by the giant, it was grabbed by both hands and sent to the mouth.

The captured man's expression collapsed, tears flowed down his face, and he was crying incoherently.

"Stop, stop... Dad, I was wrong! I shouldn't be here! No, I don't want to die yet!!"

However, no matter how much this man cried and shouted, the giant holding him still opened its mouth wide and bit down hard!

Blood was splattering, and many people could only watch helplessly as the giant raised its head.

People stared blankly at its bulging throat, and could see the obvious swallowing action, a living person was swallowed into its stomach just like that.

Just looking at such a scene made many people almost collapse!

This is too cruel, the one being swallowed is one person, but they have to face such a... monster! !
At this time, a figure shot towards him, he spun rapidly in the air, the double blades in his hands turned into a round front, and flew straight towards the giant!


Blood was flying, and the giant with its head up was directly slashed at its weak point!

It seemed that there was still joy after eating on its face, maintaining a silly and ignorant smile, but its head had slowly drooped down.

An Zhe swung the knife coldly, shaking off the blood on the knife. Although he killed a giant, his eyes did not move at all.

Now that he killed the giant, there was nothing to be happy or excited about.

Number of crusades?
Sorry, lost count of how many.

Numbers like that are meaningless.

Turning his head and glanced at the trembling and hesitant people standing there, Anzhe frowned slightly when he recognized that these were people from the garrison regiment who had never fought a giant face to face, and some of them hadn't even seen a giant.

"If you don't want to die, pick up your weapon. If you stay here and don't move, you won't have any good results other than turning into a mass of rotten flesh vomited out by a giant!"

As he said this, the three-dimensional mobile device shot into the body of a giant again, so everyone watched him fly out again, finishing a giant again sharply.

Those trembling people could not help but grit their teeth, they clearly realized that An Zhe's words did not lie to them.

But even knowing that, that fear is not easily overcome.

They are not like the soldiers of the Survey Corps. Everyone who joins the Survey Corps has the consciousness to die at any time, while most of the people who join the Garrison Corps and the Gendarmerie have meritorious service or some purpose, or to escape Fight head-on with giants.

For these people, An Zhe could no longer care about them. The situation on the battlefield was extremely tragic. Compared with those who were afraid, more people still chose to fight.

People were roaring, and there were many people who successfully killed the giants, but the number of giants did not decrease.

An Zhe was among the crowd of giants, and the weakness of the three-dimensional mobile device was corrected by him consciously. No giant could catch the steel cable An Zhe fired.

This is a technique he learned in the previous beheading battle, using the various blind spots of the giants to make the fired steel cables avoid the contact range of many giants.

The artillery squad on the wall kept bombarding, and many giants were knocked down to the ground from a distance. The number of giants that Anzhe and the others had to face was about [-], but it was enough to make people feel powerless.

"Go to hell! Monsters!"

Hearing the roars of others in his ears, which was also mixed with the screams of some people, An Zhe saw that there were many people around him with extremely solemn faces.

In just such a short while, they have seen too many people die!

"This is simply impossible to hold!"

"It's all about delaying time!"

Some people couldn't help but speak like this, and there was already a retreat in their expressions. There was a giant rushing in front of them, but they were retreating involuntarily.

A figure flew over, and Mikasa flew straight to the giant. After bypassing the giant's grasp, she slashed with both swords and killed him on the spot!

An Zhe flew over, looked at the few people who had just stepped back, and frowned slightly.

"I'm talking about you guys, now that things have happened, do you still want to take no risks and make no sacrifices?"

His question made those few people speechless. Looking at the increasing number of giants, their expressions were extremely tangled.

"You can keep it. Because you have to keep it! Compared with now, the price you pay for losing the defense will be even more unacceptable to you! Then, please be aware of it."

Mikasa spoke faintly on the side, only those who have witnessed that kind of hell scene will have such awareness, and Mikasa is undoubtedly one of those people.

Anzhe and Mikasa turned around and joined the fight to the death, while those whose faith had been shaken looked at each other and joined the fight with a roar.

Blood and corpses were everywhere, piled up under the walls of the Higanshina District, and many warriors fought desperately with the giants.

It's just that the intelligent giant who was the instigator has never been found!

An Zhe has been secretly wary of the wisdom giants, because of the differences in this world, he does not know who the wisdom giants are in this world, not to mention that the giants in this world are very different from what he knows.

The battle has been going on, and with countless fighters sticking to it with their lives, time passed like this for a day!
During the day, all the warriors had been fighting bloody battles, so that in the end, many of them were caught and killed by giants because of lack of energy.

Anzhe didn't know how many people died around him. In such a high-intensity battle, even Hanji and Sasha had encountered dangerous situations. If Anzhe and Mikasa hadn't rescued them, Anzhe might be familiar with them. These few people have also died in battle!
The sky was slowly getting dark, and after a whole day of fighting, even Anzhe felt a bit tired.

Fortunately, as night approached, the giants who were constantly hitting the high wall outside also began to retreat.

According to Han Ji's research, these giants don't actually need to eat or drink. The only thing they need is sunlight!

The arrival of night gave many soldiers a rare respite!

The surviving fighters all returned to the top of the wall, but compared to before, the number was much less!

People couldn't help but look bitter.

After one day, so many people died, how can we resist tomorrow?How come later?

(End of this chapter)

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