Chapter 859
Then be my enemy!
This soft whisper was heard in everyone's ears, but it was like a thunderclap, and some soldiers in the team couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Senior Anzhe!!"

Among these people, many people have recognized An Zhe, after all, An Zhe had saved all of them with his own efforts!

An Zhe can be regarded as their savior, but what is he doing now?
He is actually resisting the control of the army! !

This matter is not a joke. On a larger scale, this can already be said to be a major crime against the empire!

An Zhe also thought about using his own identity to suppress Toro Sal, but this idea was rejected after a flash in his mind.

Torosar's position was right in the first place, but An Zhe was the one making trouble. It would be stupid to use his status to oppress the other party.

That's undoubtedly blackmailing Angus, and the matter of the Void Virus has a lot to do with it, and no one can be held responsible if something goes wrong.

So from the very beginning, An Zhe knew that this matter could only be undertaken by himself.

He is very aware of the consequences of doing so, but he has always acted on the basis of his own will!

When the wishes run counter to the eyes of the world, even if he knows it is wrong, he will still go on without hesitation, even if he stands on the opposite side of the world.

Just such a paranoid guy...

The illusory ocean of magic power was surging, and there was a huge sense of oppression. Nong Ping and the others in the crowd looked anxious, and they were very worried about An Zhe.

"Is he crazy! He actually clashed with the army head-on!" Mai Ye whispered softly, his tone full of anxiety.

On the one hand, Fengshen Zhiyou also frowned, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

Right now they are not worried about An Zhe's safety, but An Zhe's position!
The army that Torrozal belongs to is the patron saint of the people at this time! !
An Zhe must understand, right?Why are you still messing around like this!

What they failed to understand was that An Zhe didn't care that he was supposed to be a member of the People's Protectorate. At this moment, he only wanted to be Hao Liqi's protector!

Facing Angela's wanton oppression of magic power, Torosar couldn't help but look ugly!
It is undeniable that even in peacetime empires, there will occasionally be crimes by capable people, and a powerful high-level capable person like Anzhe is undoubtedly a category with a very high level of danger!
In severe cases, it is easy to destroy a city!
"Soldier! Do you know what you are doing now!!"

Toro Sal yelled angrily, his tone full of anger!
The Void Virus is likely to spread in a large area at any time. Facing this virus that may threaten the entire world, Torosar is very anxious.

It's not that he can't see that An Zhe and Qi Qi have a very good relationship, but the situation at this time may affect the lives and deaths of countless people!
This guy doesn't care about other people's lives at all!
An Zhe's expression looked a little indifferent. He somehow knew in his heart that the void virus would not spread easily, so he was so persistent.

In his opinion, it is unnecessary to be nervous about something that is not likely to happen!
The spread of the void virus must have a root cause, as long as the root cause is resolved, it will be no big deal!

The thoughts of the two are completely different attitudes, and it is impossible to talk about it.

Thinking of this, An Zhe became even more determined. Lightning and flames appeared beside him, and he held a blue translucent long sword in his hand, and he swiped towards the ground in front of him!
A gully filled with lightning and flames was drawn, and Anzhe's cold voice sounded.

"I know exactly what I'm doing, I'm just sorry...if anyone crosses that line, I won't hold back."

An Zhe held the replica Sin Sword in one hand, and made a light move with the other, and a pitch-black chassis sword appeared in his hand.

People showed fear on their faces. Many of them knew that An Zhe was not only a sixth-level ability user, but also a rare sixth-level machine dragon user in the empire!

Needless to say, the girl behind him can give Anzhe the power to rival the seventh level! !
This kind of person goes crazy, and the consequences are unimaginable...

An Zhe was already ready to threaten, but at this moment, there was a howling of swords all around, and many metals suddenly disintegrated and reorganized into many sharp swords, and finally merged into a huge sword, which suddenly pierced An Zhe. The location of the drawn ravine.

A figure leaped out, stood on the giant sword, and looked at Torozal and his party ruthlessly.

An Zhe's eyes also moved, and he recognized who it was.


Among the crowd, Fengshen Zhiyou helplessly spread his hands: "Really, you really can't owe favors on the battlefield... Now you have to repay your life-saving grace..."

He said, but suddenly curled his lips: "The explanation is obviously my idea, why did Artos show off first?"

"Because you talk too much nonsense." Nong Ping spread his hands, and a group of people left the crowd, walked under the giant sword, and took out their weapons to block An Zhe's front.

An Zhe frowned, and said in a low voice, "You guys, what are you doing!"

"This is not to save them!"

Mai also pursed his lips, as if he was worried that An Zhe would kill him.

"Anyway, don't make a move, take Ms. Qi Qi away immediately, just leave it to us here."

Fengshenzhiyou said to An Zhe, and patted his chest.

Right now, Anzhe, a high-level ability user, must not be allowed to conflict with Toro Sal, so they decided to take the blame for Anzhe themselves.

As long as Anzhe doesn't make a move, everything will turn around.

Fengshen Zhiyou didn't intend to confront the army head-on, but just created some troubles, so that An Zhe could take Liqi away smoothly!

An Zhe quickly understood their intentions, and his eyes were slightly dazed.

"I don't need you to do this kind of thing for me..."

Torosar was angry: "You bastard!! Are you going to rebel? If something happens again, can you afford it? Do you want to be the sinner of all mankind? Do you know what you are doing! Ah !!?"

"I'm about to violate Article 150 III, Article 240 II, and possibly other minor disciplines, General."

Altos stood on the giant sword, spoke calmly, and clearly told Torosar in these words that he clearly remembered all the content of military discipline, and was about to violate it...

Torjie spread his hands towards Anzhe: "He can always pretend to be so indifferent, I'm so envious..."

An Zhe was at a loss for a moment because of Fengshen Zhiyou's actions.

It turned out that at some point in time, he also had such a group of brothers who could do anything for him...

To him, this seems to be too extravagant...

Because if he takes Miki away now...wouldn't he be abandoning these stupid friends...

If it was said that Fengshen Zhiyou and the others stabbed their friends twice for the sake of their friends, then Anzhe stabbed their friends twice for the sake of women.

(End of this chapter)

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