Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 876 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight

Chapter 876 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight

The scene in front of him seemed familiar, An Zhe looked at the expectant eyes of everyone downstairs with a calm expression.

In the current situation, it is indeed impossible to wait any longer. Anzhe, who knows better than these people, has already thought about these things.

Even without the GHQ massacre, he still planned to leave, but the current incident made the situation a little more complicated.

When he showed his strength, An Zhe had already thought that such a thing would happen. People will always subconsciously rely on the strong. the void.

As far as the current situation is concerned, he didn't intend to pay attention to these people at first, he just wanted to come, he wanted to take Xiaojoji, Samukawa Tanihiro, and Shrine Arisa with high numerical void strength to leave, and with him There is no difference in difficulty for everyone to leave here.

Rather, if he took everyone away together, An Zhe would have much less to do.

Facing everyone's expectant eyes, An Zhe came downstairs with Qi Qi.

"Those who agree that An Zhe can serve as our new president and lead us to escape from here, please raise your hands."

Han Chuangu said in a paging voice, as a person who has been wandering in dangerous businesses for a long time, he knows very well that only by relying on Anzhe's strength can he escape here safely, so he stood up without hesitation, Calling on everyone to gather around An Zhe, everyone raised their hands as expected.

An Zhe didn't understand Han Chuan Guxun's plan, but he was too lazy to argue with this person.

Coming to the front, An Zhe glanced at these people present, was silent for a while, and then spoke softly after a while.

"You think that I can lead you to escape from here. There is nothing wrong with the idea itself, but don't you think you are too naive?"

He made a faint sound, which caused the faces of those present to be slightly stunned, but saw a hint of sarcasm in An Zhe's calm expression.

"Why do you want me to take you away? Just because I have strength, I must stand up and stand in front of you?"

His rhetorical question made everyone stunned, for a moment they didn't know how to speak, but An Zhe suddenly took a step forward with a serious look on his face.

"Naive guys, what qualifications do you have to let others risk their lives for you!"

An Zhe's cold voice spread far away, making those students subconsciously back a few steps.

From the very beginning, Anzhe was not a kind person. In his eyes, the life and death of other people depended only on whether he saved or not. When did Anzhe care about the so-called goodness of human nature and the so-called morality of life? Pass.

The void reveals the human heart and turns into a crown of thorns. The person who wears it will be stabbed in the heart and will be overwhelmed. However, although Anzhe has picked up the crown of thorns, he has no desire at all. Wear it ever!

I am not a holy mother, on the contrary, I am just a guy who makes the other person feel uncomfortable ten times and a hundred times more.

The so-called unbearable weight is just a joke to people like An Zhe, because he didn't care about it from the beginning!

If you can't pick it up, just throw it away from a distance.

If you can't get rid of it, just let it go.

If you have to make a choice, then destroy it with your own hands!

The will to act is determined by oneself, and Anzhe has never been the kind of person who would be influenced by other things in his thoughts and decisions.

Those students were frightened by An Zhe's cold words. They had never seen someone like An Zhe before.

Obviously, he usually acts so gentle, and his kindness when getting along with others makes them very comfortable, but now, he said such words.

However, what An Zhe said is not wrong...

In other words, it was so correct that they couldn't refute it at all.

What qualifications do they have to let others fight for them regardless of themselves?

"But, as a weak person, all you can do is seek shelter from the strong..."

Some people couldn't help making a sound like this, even though they were muttering to themselves, they were still heard by everyone.

An Zhe just glanced at the man, then shook his head indifferently.

"Don't say I'm unreasonable. Although I didn't promise to take you away from here, it's not that I don't give you a chance."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, and the chests of everyone present were lit up with a silver light, and a bright silver crystal belt flew out of the different space on his chest, turning into a variety of void weapons, and stopped on the ground of its owner. in front of you.

"Each of you has your own void, use it now to familiarize yourself with your own strength. If you want to escape, use your own strength to fight! If it's just an auxiliary void, work harder and strive for what you can do. Contribute and let others take you out."

Anzhe said, standing there with a calm expression, quietly looking at the stunned students present.

Except for some people who are non-combat Voids, most people's Voids still have a certain combat power. If they act together, they can also share a lot of battles for An Zhe.

Maybe it's a bit cruel, let these students fight, there is a high possibility of casualties, but An Zhe has no obligation to ensure everyone's survival, that's not what people like An Zhe would do.

And after getting their own void weapons, these students behaved in various ways, some were excited, some were afraid.

Han Chuan Guxun frowned, he didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end, but after thinking about An Zhe's personality, it seemed natural that he would develop into this way.

From Han Chuan Guxun's point of view, An Zhe is really a strange person...

He is usually unreasonably gentle with others, but sometimes he can be as cruel as iron, and he is decisive without hesitation.

Let's say he's a bad guy...

It looks like, whether it is towards himself or these students, An Zhe's performance can be described as indifference.

But his younger brother, who was supposed to be dying, is now being treated by a senior medical team.

The same is true for these students. He said he would not take them away, but he still put the power to leave in their hands. disregard.

It wasn't until this moment that Samukawa Tanihiro finally understood An Zhe's principles of doing things.

Do you act from your heart...

What a scary character.

In the small square, although most people have not yet adapted to the power of the void weapon, their performance is finally not as frightening as before.

Everyone grasped the Void Weapon, which was their own strength and what they depended on for survival.

However, seeing that everyone seemed to be mentally prepared, Anzhe spoke again, and this opening made everyone's expressions froze for an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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