Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 902 The wish that has already been fulfilled

Chapter 902 The wish that has already been fulfilled

After all, it is different from the world Anzhe knew. Anzhe can think clearly about the identity of Icarus here.

But after thinking about it, it's not a big deal to have something to do with Icarus. Anyway, it's impossible for Anzhe to give up Icarus now.

Thinking of this, An Zhe is also a bachelor, and took Icarus directly back to the emergency airport where the special plane was located.

The wings behind Icarus have been shrunk into miniature wings under An Zhe's prompt, which looks like a small decoration. Although it is no big deal even if she really shows her wings, it is obviously still a little inconvenient.

After seeing An Zhe went out for a stroll and brought back a cute girl, some people in the airport suddenly had strange expressions.

But they are not stupid, after faintly feeling the aura contained in this girl, each of them tensed up.

After finding the captain of the special plane, as Anzhe expected, after the black hole disappeared, the disordered magnetic field interference in the air returned to normal, because the thundercloud storm it generated also disappeared, and the special plane could start again.

He sat in the private plane again, but Icarus was already around him.

Anzhe turned his head sideways, looked at the girl sitting quietly with her hands on her knees, and smiled wryly in his heart. He had learned about Icarus in the Sky City through his own means before.

Originally, he was going to the Angel Clan and asked them to provide huge energy for support. This matter had made him uncertain, but now, he has somehow taken the command power of the queen of the sky, Icarus...

This made him even more helpless...

Seeing Anzhe's frowning face, Icarus suddenly stepped forward and moved closer to Anzhe.

"Master, if there is anything that can make you happy, please just ask, or if you have anything you want. Our angel robot is made to make the master happy."

Icarus introduced himself to Anzhe with a natural and cute expression.

Just hearing these familiar words, An Zhe smiled wryly in his heart.

Sure enough, something happened to make De Icarus close his memory.

I don't know what happened, I guess it won't be a good thing...

Anzhe has foresight. After all, what happened in this world will be connected with his memory, but because it is not a complete restart, Anzhe is not sure.

But it doesn't make any sense to think about it now. Without any clues, An Zhe couldn't figure out why even if he wanted to break his scalp, so he was lazy to entangle.

Seeing that Icarus was still waiting cutely for his reply, Anzhe smiled.

"Is that so... Then, Icarus, what can you give me?"

"Icarus can fulfill many wishes of the master, such as countless money, and satisfy the master's material needs. It can also give the master power and status."

As if he had already had such a template, Icarus answered Anzhe almost without thinking.

"Hey...it sounds really powerful!"

An Zhe tilted his head, propped his chin on the table with his hands, and looked at Icarus with a smile: "However, it seems that I already have all the things you said."

Money and power, these things are already owned by Anzhe now, and the things that countless people have spent their entire lives pursuing, but for him, they have long since ceased to pursue them.

This made De Icarus pause slightly, and looked at Anzhe with big eyes.

"Does the master have any wishes? As long as it is the master's wish, Icarus will try his best to satisfy the master."


An Zhe was contemplative, and then helplessly spread his hands: "Ah, I really can't think of any wish to make me happy at the moment...but don't worry!"

He said, looking at Icarus with a smile: "I am already very happy now, because I have Icarus, which makes me very happy, and I don't need to ask Icarus to make me happy anymore .”

Icarus had a blank expression, as if he couldn't understand what An Zhe meant.

"Icarus, did you make the master happy...But Icarus didn't do anything"

With a strong smile on An Zhe's face, he reached out and rubbed the top of the girl's head.

"You don't need to think about these things now, you just need to know that you have accomplished your goal of making me happy."

The girl doesn't know that Anzhe has a strong affection for her. If Anzhe really has any wish, it is to be able to have her forever.

From the very beginning, Icarus was up to her task.Now, there is nothing that makes Anzhe happier than owning Icarus.

She doesn't need to fulfill An Zhe's wish at all, because she herself is An Zhe's wish.

Icarus stopped talking. She looked at An Zhe with a cute expression on her face, and the wings on her back were beating gently. She was thinking about what An Zhe said, although she didn't quite understand it.


This time the special plane was not delayed, and An Zhe finally arrived at the so-called destination, but after landing, he found that the surrounding area was empty. The only trace of civilization was the one used when the special plane landed. track.

So what's going on here?
Anzhe stood there with Icarus, watching the special plane that had bid farewell to him quickly take off, and together with Icarus' big and small faces, they were blowing the wind in the wild.

While Anzhe and Icarus were dazed on the empty runway, in the sky that seemed not far from here, the space seemed to be distorted by something, as if some huge monster was passing by here.

If anyone in the know is here, they will know that the legendary city in the sky is passing by here!

Through the mask of isolation and detection, many figures can be seen flying past in the sky of this giant city, but their expressions seem to be a little anxious.

"Is there still no news about the Queen of the Sky?"

In the tall building in the center of the giant city, one of the guards led by the Archangel, the Angel Rita, was frowning and asked many busy people in front of him.

"I have received a lot of replies, but there is no news..."

The operator responded, making De Rita look slightly annoyed.

It seems that the imperial envoy has already visited, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen.The Queen of Sky did not know what went wrong during the mission, and has lost contact for two days!

(End of this chapter)

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