Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 91 You tell me how to play this

Chapter 91 You tell me how to play this

The fighting continued, and the half-devils who had no will to fight had long since lost their will to fight again. They were pressed by the demon hunters step by step, and people were constantly being bombarded and killed.

As for those fifth-tier skeleton warriors, they were even more smashed to pieces!

In an inconspicuous shadow, a figure suddenly appeared with a wicked smile on his face.

Looking at the two sides who were fighting frantically not far away, the man stuck out his tongue and licked his red lips, and let out a low laugh that was so soft that it was completely undetectable.

"Well, thank you for the hospitality..."

This figure stood in the shadows, but no one on the battlefield noticed her existence.

This person is none other than Tokisaki Kurumi who disappeared before!

Previously, she was far away from the border of Angus' territory, but unexpectedly, she actually appeared here!

You must know that the formation has already been launched, and no one can sneak in without making a sound.The only explanation is that she had already arrived here before the formation was launched!

At this time, one after another half-demons died on the battlefield, Tokisaki Kurumi's face became more and more excited!
"Ah~ It's really exciting! It's really a joy! Keep killing, and kill a little more~"

She moaned excitedly: "Well, I can't help it... I want to help..."

The soft crooning seemed very arrogant.The hands in the shadows kept appearing, as if they had snatched something from the dying half-devil!
In Tokisaki Kurumi's pupils, the golden clock hands were slowly turning! !

With the rotation of the watch hands, the girl's expression became more and more cheerful.

"Well, it's a pity... I thought that these ability users could also become my food..."

Tokisaki Kurumi lightly tapped his red lips, let out a regretful sigh, and stared at a figure in the air faintly.

"It makes people a little disappointed..."


An Zhe, who was in the air, suddenly felt a burst of coldness, and immediately shivered!

His eyes suddenly changed, and he was a little shocked, but he resisted and did not make any movements.

Just now it was...

Something,, as if...something extremely terrifying is watching him!

An Zhe immediately became vigilant, but he checked his surroundings under the guise of observing the battlefield, and found nothing unusual...

It seems that he is overthinking.

Thinking like this, he moved his mind away from the protagonist's ability mall.Even though he has replicated to the fourth-level combat power now, he still has to rely on this ability mall to face those high-level powerhouses.

The ability that was finally obtained can still only give him some confidence to protect himself.

An Zhe sighed helplessly in his heart, strength is not so easy to get.I have a system myself, and I am very lucky compared to others.

While the capable people were chasing and killing the half-devil here, the battle between Ashura and Kanzaki Kaori continued on the other side of the sky.

It has been a long time since Kanzaki Kaori burst out with the power of a saint, but Axiu is like a cunning old fox, with various life-saving evasion abilities emerging one after another!
Seeing that Kanzaki Kaori's condition has gradually deteriorated, Ah Xiu is not happy at all!
He was very depressed!
After waiting for so long, the blood refinement formation didn't work at all?

How could it be like this?Are those capable people so difficult to deal with!
With the growth of the formation, my subordinates should be able to kill such capable people...

For some reason, he had a bad premonition in his heart...

Are you thinking of missing something?
Thinking so restlessly in his heart, his body movements stopped for a while, and his arm was almost cut off by Kanzaki Kaori.

In astonishment, he immediately dodged his body, quickly recited magic, and a pitch-black magic energy rushed towards Shenzhe Kaori like a giant python.

Sixth-order magic: Mana strangles!

This kind of magic, as a seventh-level Ashiu, can almost do it instantly, and its power is much stronger than that of a sixth-level person.

It is precisely because of this heaven-defying magic release speed that he was able to last so long in the hands of Kanzaki Kaori who had transformed into a God Breaker!
Suddenly Axiu's eyes froze slightly.

This kind of sixth-order magic, Kanzaki Kaori can usually be cut directly with a single knife, but just now...

She seems to be exhausted...

Axiu frowned, turned around without hesitation, chanted a spell quickly, and a pitch-black magic rhino slammed into Kanzaki Kaori!
Seventh-level magic: ghost rhinoceros top!
That giant magic rhinoceros with a height of nearly ten meters walked in the air, and terrifying fluctuations emanated from it!

Seventh-level magic, except for strategic-level forbidden spells, is almost considered the strongest magic.

Kanzaki Kaori's eyes were light. She is indeed not in a good state now. She has been using the power of the saint for a long time, which makes her body a little bit too much.

This guy knew this, so he fought a war of attrition with himself!

Although she was depressed in her heart, she still flickered in an instant.It's just that although she avoided the frontal collision of the magic rhinoceros, she was still thrown far away by its top.

huh... huh...

She was panting violently, if it wasn't for her extremely strong body, she would probably have been injured by the impact.

Axiu flew towards the center of the battlefield in an instant as soon as he made a magic move. He wanted to see what happened!

His powerful flying speed unfolded, and he quickly returned to the battlefield, and appeared in the air of the battlefield in an instant!
After seeing that the battle here turned out to be one-sided being chased and killed by his own side, Ah Xiu was stunned for a moment!

How could this be?
The terrifying power of thoughts unfolded, and the battlefield became silent in an instant!

Everyone stopped involuntarily, and looked at Axiu who suddenly rushed back with a look of horror on his face.

Ah Xiu seemed to have thought of something, his eyes suddenly focused, and a pair of cold eyes looked at An Zhe!
He who just came back here just took a look, and he saw An Zhe who was also floating in the air!

"It's you?"

An Zhe also saw him, and couldn't help but smile slightly: "Yo! Why are you in such a mess?"

Ashiu's eyes instantly became a little angry!A powerful coercion surged towards An Zhe, but An Zhe still stood there calmly.

I'm sorry,, this coercion doesn't work on a rational personality!

"So it's all because of you... I should have killed you sooner!"

"Hmm! You should have shot earlier!"

An Zhe also nodded in agreement, with a serious look on his face.

What the hell, I was waiting for you to make a move, okay?But why do you insist on moaning!
This can also be blamed on me!
"Hmph! It's not too late!" Axiu snorted coldly, and glanced at the half-demon below with murderous intent: "A group of useless things!"

With a wave of his hand, on the ground in the distance, the remains of Brunei, which had been knocked apart by Kanzaki Kaori, began to reorganize rapidly!

In the distance, Kanzaki Kaori's body flashed in an instant. She had stopped using the power of a saint, and stared coldly at Axiu, who was rapidly reorganizing the blue bones.

She was also a little dignified.

To be able to reorganize... Mistake...

The people who saw this scene through the broadcast immediately raised their hearts again.

It seems that at the end, the ending has not changed?

This seventh-order complete species is really difficult to deal with!
"Kanzaki Kaori, right now you can no longer use the power of a saint, let me see how you can stop me!"

Axiu snorted coldly, and the reorganization of the seventh-order remains was completed quickly!

Kanzaki Kaori felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy, and clenched the sword in his hand.

But An Zhe suddenly let out a disdainful sneer, and spoke softly.

"I'm really not wrong, you are indeed a little too confident."

As soon as the words fell, An Zhe directly fired a shot at Kanzaki Kaori, and a ball of light instantly sank into Kanzaki Kaori's body!
The next moment, the latter's aura immediately returned to strength! ! !
On the battlefield... including Axiu and Kanzaki Kaori himself, everyone was a little confused...

 Well, I really can't write Kuang San's madness, woo woo... By the way, no one joins the group... Sure enough, salted fish...

(End of this chapter)

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