Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 923 Take it out bigger than yours

Chapter 923 Take it out bigger than yours

Indeed, since the attack of the devils, the half-devils seem to have disappeared, maybe because the devil was planning something at that time, or because Angus and the others were looking for the devil all over the world, making those half-devils Don't dare to stand up.

Otherwise, once discovered by these powerful empires, it would definitely be a matter of slapping him to death.

But now the Demon Emperor has been sent to the Demon Realm by Anzhe and the others. Even if there is doubt about the Demon Emperor's life and death, no one dares to go in there to check.

Since ancient times, no one has come out of the demon realm alive, so there is no one to prove the life and death of the demon emperor. Basically, those half-devils are now in a state of leaderless.

It's just that Anzhe reckons that at this time, among those half-devils, there should be some reason for fighting. Now there should be a decent new leader, right?
It just so happens that the empire has encountered such a situation again, and the invasion of monsters broke out on a large scale, and those half-demons should also jump out...

Although all of this was An Zhe's imagination, it was a reasonable inference with a basis, so even Mezas and the others felt that it was very possible after hearing it.

Taking a step back, there is no big mistake in being careful, even if the half-devil didn't come to play tricks, it is still possible to go to the forest to check the situation of the monsters.

"So, let's go to the forest tomorrow to have a look. The energy core hasn't been made yet. Before that, we have to make sure that there will be no big troubles."

Anzhe spread his hands, and Mezzas agreed.

"If that's the case, then go check it out, pay attention to your own safety first, and don't go too deep."

Mezzas turned and said this to the twin sisters who were following him, but he was not very worried about their safety.

Apart from Parker, both Rem and Emilia are powerful users, so Ram's strength is weaker... er, much weaker...

So, Ram should not go, right?

An Zhe expressed this meaning, and Drum glared at him: "Are you looking down on me?"

"Uh... no, the forest is so dangerous, if something happens, we may not be able to take care of it..."

He rubbed the back of his head like this.

"Your Highness Anzhe will not take care of Ram, but Rem will take care of Ram."

"Are you so directly dependent on your sister?" An Zhe complained, then shook his head: "Well, just go, anyway, Parker is here."

"Don't you also rely on Parker so directly?"

Ram slapped back mercilessly, making DeAnzhe roll his eyes and look at Mezzas: "Your maid is really kind! Also, I'm relying on Emilia Tan. "

"You talk about yourself, don't bring it up on me..." Emilia shook her head and said helplessly.


Time flies, the sun and the moon flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was... the night passed.

An Zhe also got up early, and his sleep quality has always been pretty good. Although he occasionally sees something he doesn't want to see in his dreams, he can almost ignore it directly because of his heartlessness.

"Wow!! This soup tastes so good..."

After Anzhe took a sip of the breakfast, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help looking at Rem and Ram standing behind Mezzas.

"Thank you very much for your compliment." Ram responded directly.

"Huh? Did you do it, Ram?" An Zhe was stunned for a moment.

"No, Rem did it."

An Zhe choked... Then why would you say thank you...

Mezzas smiled faintly, his weird singing voice still made people want to hit someone.

"Well~ Ram is only good at laundry and cleaning. Rem is good at housework."

An Zhe complained: "Lam's sense of existence has been completely covered up."

After breakfast, Anzhe and the others made some general preparations and were ready to set off. They will go to the edge of the forest to check the situation today.

When he came to the corridor with a few people, An Zhe blinked suddenly, and pushed open a door next to him.


Got it right again!

"Little Lolita, take us to the gate of the Duke's Mansion!"

Little Lolita gritted her teeth, this guy,, used himself as a teleportation array again! ! !

The town closest to the forest is now devoid of human habitation. Because of the animal disaster, all the people here have fled.

When the four of Anzhe and the cat Parker came here, what they saw were many destroyed houses, and one or two weak magical beasts, basically a few mice or vultures , The strength is so weak that even the monsters can't look down on them.

The magic circle guarding the town has been damaged, and there are no monsters here because of the retreat of the monsters. Otherwise, Anzhe and the others would not have come here so easily.

"Be more careful after entering, we don't know what's going on there yet."

An Zhe spoke softly. Although he didn't summon the sin sword, he was already on guard.

Everyone cautiously entered the forest, the winding path led to secluded places, but the forest that was supposed to be full of vitality was eerily silent at this moment, and the sunlight was blocked by tall trees tens of meters high.

As it gradually deepened, the silence became thicker.

An Zhe looked at the girls around him, and found that there was no expression fluctuation on the faces of the three of them.

"Tsk tsk, you all are so calm..."

Will the promised girl be afraid when she comes to a closed space?

They are all liars!

Emilia gave An Zhe a white look: "What are you thinking about?"

On the other hand, Ram and Rem still stared intently.

"Unfortunately, Ram let you down."

"Unfortunately, Rem has let you down."

So don't repeat it! !

An Zhe raised his forehead, but he heard Emilia raise her hand gently, motioning for everyone to stop.

"There is a situation, a micro-elf has warned me..."

His pupils were lightly focused, and Anzhe's expression returned to seriousness. He knew that Emilia could communicate with the superficial consciousness in nature. It can be said that flowers, plants, trees and rocks can be her eyes. In such a place, her source of information Obviously much more reliable.

Is it Warcraft?still……


Emilia spoke softly, and then Anzhe and the others heard rustling sounds from the forest, and ghost anacondas crawled out of it.

It's a snake...

Girls hate snakes~
An Zhe blinked, and then the girls around him still had that calm expression...

Let me go, can you show a little scared expression?
Before he could finish his thoughts, there was the sound of an iron chain dragging, and then An Zhe saw a lump flying past him, smashing a ghost anaconda in two...

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Anzhe's strange expression, Rem withdrew the chain hammer and asked.

"Uh, nothing. I'm just curious, where did you get such a big lump, girl..."

(End of this chapter)

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