Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 935 The person who stepped into the dead several times

Chapter 935 The person who stepped into the dead several times

Mezzas froze for a moment, then fell silent.

"Well, I'm asking if you have any good suggestions."

"Ha, you're being modest. Thinking about it, you must have been prepared for this kind of thing. If you need to be killed, if you need to be caught, I just need to wave the flag for you from behind!"

Anzhe's face is serious, the implication is...

Don't take me! !
You go and beat you, I don't want to make do with it...

When something like this happened, the princess must have given the main responsibility to Mezzas. Anzhe was willing to help King Arthur share the responsibility, but he didn't have the time to go to fight for Mezzas.

Those tribes have a large population, and once they fight, they won't last for ten days and half a month, and it's unknown how many people will be killed or killed. Such a scene is what both sides don't want to see.

If it was An Zhe, he would take a thunderous shot directly to solve the instigator of all this, so that the conflict between the tribe and the empire could be resolved directly.

Mezzas obviously thought the same way, he wanted to pull An Zhe together for a decapitation operation.

Don't forget that Anzhe is also a powerful sixth-level ability user, and Mezas has already known that Anzhe is already the No. thought.

But An Zhe is also very slick, and has noticed Mezzas' thoughts early on...

Mezzas was speechless, he was also annoyed by Anzhe.

This kid is quite cunning, but this time we still have to find a way to pull him over. The current performance of those tribes may be supported by seven levels of existence!
Under such circumstances, the more insurance power, the more opportunities to control the initiative.

There is no room for loss in the beheading operation, and I have to find some helpers. Those weaker ability users have to be handed over to Anzhe and the others.

But the battle between high-level ability users is not a child's play, and I still have to talk to Angus later, although the latter will definitely not refuse.

Thinking of this, Mezzas showed a vague smile on his face, and nodded slightly pretending to be relieved.

"Ah,, that's right, although there are many enemies, we are not in vain. By the way, Emilia, please join me this time."

"No problem." Emilia responded with a smile, she knew that the latter needed Parker's help.On the other hand, An Zhe stared at Mezzas dumbfounded, gnashing his teeth in his heart.

Damn... this bastard... actually threatened himself with Emilia Tan's safety...

Mezzas can see clearly, Anzhe obviously cares about Emilia very much, and doesn't want her to encounter any danger, so as long as he asks Emilia to follow, Anzhe will definitely follow...

So, I seized the gate of life...

"Well, if that's the case, then I'll be with you too. One more person will take care of you more..." An Zhe lowered his head in despondency, and made a weak voice there.

Who made him care so much about the girl's safety... It's destined to be a busy life...

He didn't say anything more after that, Mezzas got up and went to contact, and then he will unite with many strong men to start discussing the decapitation operation.

An Zhe reckoned that the latter's actions would be very decisive, and it took the past two days...

Sure enough, in the afternoon of the second day, a carriage pulled by a monster rushed towards him at an incredible speed. With a long hiss, the carriage drove into Roswaal's mansion and stopped right in front of the castle.

An Zhe was sitting in the study at this time, flipping through a book, and Beatrice would stare at him with disgust from time to time.

If Anzhe hadn't claimed that he was Parker's good friend, and if she dared to throw him out, she would go to Parker's place to gossip and threaten her, this girl would definitely not let Anzhe stay here...

"The person you are waiting for has come, hurry up and get out of here!"

Beatrice waved her hands impatiently, and the wave of magic surged, and she had opened any door to the outside of the castle.

"Oh, yes, thank you."

An Zhe smiled, and suddenly grabbed Beatrice's curly hair with both hands when passing by the girl.

Straight...let go~~~
Satisfied, she walked out of the room, leaving Beatrice gnashing her teeth, her hair vibrating like a spring...


When he walked out from behind the gate, Anzhe saw Mezzas and Emilia talking together in the living room, and that figure was obviously a messenger.

He didn't run over to make do with it, An Zhe didn't care about discussing plans or anything, anyway, he just contributed.

His eyes moved, and finally stopped on the dragon cart in the yard.

It was a car pulled by a monster, and its speed was [-]% faster than that of a car. At this time, there was a man in a black suit standing beside the dragon cart, who seemed to be the driver of the dragon cart.

An Zhe blinked his eyes, he felt a powerful aura from this person, this person is very strong!
Moreover, An Zhe has an impression of this person.

Wilhelm Van Astrea!

He really is that domineering old man...

Tilting his head, An Zhe noticed that the old man's eyes had already looked over. He had obviously noticed his peeping, so he immediately smiled and walked over.

"In Lower Wilhelm, I don't know if your Excellency is..."

Wilhelm looked at Anzhe suspiciously, he could feel the faint aura of this boy, but there should be no such person in Roswaal's mansion...

However, it seems familiar... I seem to have seen it somewhere...

After careful recollection, Wilhelm gave up and politely nodded to An Zhe.

"Hehe, the boy's name is An Zhe. Master Will came here non-stop, thank you for your hard work." An Zhe also nodded in salute, and said with a smile: "If I guess correctly, Master Will will be my battle partner next."

Wilhelm's eyes flashed brightly. Although his hair was already grey, this old man's momentum was not weak. His body was unbelievably strong after years of exercise, but just standing there gave people a strong sense of oppression.

"I'm sorry, the decision from above has not been fully issued, I can't form an alliance with you privately, please understand."

An Zhe tilted his head and smiled noncommittally.

"That's right... But, in my opinion, the result has already been decided." An Zhe waved his hands with a smile, and looked at the figure who had come out after the negotiation.

The messenger came over, nodded towards Wilhelm, and got on the dragon carriage.

The dragon chariot left quickly, and the envoy inside had been thinking about something, and suddenly he remembered something.

"Were you talking to that boy just now? It's really strange. You obviously don't move your hands."

Wilhelm raised his eyebrows indifferently: "This is a big misunderstanding, I just care a little about the boy's eyes..."

He muttered to himself, then spoke softly.

"It's the eyes that have stepped into death several times and are still fearless."

(End of this chapter)

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