Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 946 Chapter 1026 1 must be a fake Estes

Chapter 946 Chapter 1026 It must be a fake Estes
Under the spray of energy, the endless magic power in Anzhe's body turned into powerful kinetic energy, pushing his body forward in this void storm.

The shield of absolute defense was about to be shattered again, and Anzhe finally came to Estes.

Estes also noticed An Zhe's figure. When she saw him, even with her calm expression, she couldn't help showing a touch of consternation on her face!
Angel! ?
how come?Why is he here! ?
Before she had time to think about it, she also saw An Zhe's pale face, although it was An Zhe who forcibly took a breath of blood to make herself like this, she immediately condensed the black ice and welcomed An Zhe in.

"Get out of here quickly! Go 23 meters in that direction and bombard with all your strength!"

As soon as he entered the mysterious ice, Anzhe immediately made a sound. At this time, Anzhe's eyes were shining with golden light. This was the ability he had just exchanged: light source observation.

This ability can observe many lights in the space. At this time, in Anzhe's view, there is a faint light coming from that direction. This situation indicates that there is a weak space barrier.

Estes' eyes narrowed. She noticed that Anzhe's current state was very strange. Although his strength was still not strong, it gave her a very dangerous feeling, as if there was a very dangerous power in this person.

However, he is indeed An Zhe, that's right. When he just entered the Xuanbing, she sensed the magical energy in An Zhe's body like a vast ocean. This is a unique characteristic of him alone. able to fake.

Although I am very curious about why Anzhe is here and why he can survive such a void storm, but now Esdeth also understands the crisis of the situation. After staying in this void storm caused by the fragmentation of teleportation for a long time, it is the seventh level. The strong may also fall.

"Hold me tight."



Estes frowned and snorted softly, and stretched out her hand to hug Anzhe in her arms. The next moment, the terrifying extreme cold broke out, and she took Anzhe straight to the place he said.

The space seemed to be shattered, and the teleportation channel was forcibly broken through a hole, and Estes led An Zhe out of the teleportation space.

The two separated in the air, and then fell directly to the ground, the black ice splashed everywhere, and the potholes on the ground were full of crushed ice.

"Cough cough...it hurts..."

An Zhe lay on his back in the pit, felt his body, and found that his arm and calf were broken.

Helplessly exhaled, the ability was activated slowly, and the ability he exchanged was not over yet, so he directly exchanged healing magic.

The light green light lit up on the body, full of vitality, and the powerful healing ability was displayed, and the injury was quickly brought under control.

After moving his arm, he found that the broken bone had healed under the powerful vitality. This high efficiency made De Angel grinned.

The ability to exchange is really strong... It's a pity that it can't be used all the time, and the popularity value consumed is too scary...

Sighing, An Zhe got up from the ground and climbed out of the big hole he was knocked out of.

What about Estes?
She just separated from herself, so she should be around here.

"Miss Estes?"

Anzhe took a step, looking for Esdeth, while looking at the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by a forest, he felt something just after walking a few steps, and he couldn't help being slightly surprised.

"Sea breeze? Is it by the sea... and this special fragrance..."

He couldn't help but ponder, and then the corners of his eyes twitched slightly...

"Obviously this is not the Dead Sea, but if there is any sea on the mainland, it is there...Combined with this legendary fragrance..."

As if he understood where he was, An Zhe looked up and was speechless.

"Really...I have reached the south of the mainland directly?"

As he said, he turned and looked in one direction: "In that direction, it's the legendary wasteland..."

What are you doing... You came to a completely deserted place...

Sighing bitterly, An Zhe suddenly heard some voices.

"Oh, Miss Estes, are you there?"

An Zhe yelled, and walked towards the direction where he heard the sound, but after getting through a tall bush, his movements suddenly stopped.

"Ah...how are you..."

An Zhe looked at the huge head of a monster in front of him, almost half a meter away from him, with an embarrassed expression on his face...


"Your uncle... I didn't mean to disturb the two of you doing business!"

An Zhe looked at the monster that opened its bloody mouth towards him, and spoke with a speechless face.

At this time, a gust of chill came, and ice edges shot from a distance. Esdeth shot towards with an ice sword in his hand, and a sharp cold light flashed at the same time!

Blood splattered, An Zhe calmly turned his head to the side, a splash of red and black blood brushed him and flew out.

The two monsters, which were more than ten meters high and were doing ulterior motives, were instantly killed by Esdes!

Estes stared at the corpses of the two huge monsters, melted the ice sword indifferently, and then looked at Anzhe.

In just a moment, the indifference on her face dissipated directly, and she immediately revealed the ruddy face of a little woman. With a happy smile, she trotted to An Zhe and hugged him in her arms.

"Ah~ the real taste of An Zhe, it really is me! You don't come to me after that, it makes me feel so lonely!"

"Uh...what should I say..." Anzhe blinked, and replied dumbfounded.

"Then why are you here?" Estes didn't care about An Zhe's pretending to be stupid, but just moved his face closer and rubbed his face lightly.

"Hmm... Come to Gran's Forest to perform a mission."

Anzhe was tickled by Esdeth's intimate behavior, so he could only reply with a smile.

Estes let go of him and stared into his eyes.

"It's too bad, even after you came to Gran's Forest, you didn't even come to see me."

Hell... This little girl's demeanor is foul!
In other words, you still look like a queen is more suitable!
But...it's so cute! !

Anzhe let out a low cry in his heart, his body trembled slightly, and he quickly laughed dryly: "Ha, haha... Isn't this busy with tasks all the time... You see, I have experienced a lot of battles before..."

Estes also laughed after hearing this, with a gentle expression on her face. If others see her expression, they will definitely think that they have seen a fake Estes...

"Yes, An Zhe has worked very hard, and I need to give you some reward."

She said, before Anzhe could react, she moved closer and kissed his lips directly.

(End of this chapter)

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