Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 948 So Who Is Bullying Whom?

Chapter 948 So Who Is Bullying Whom?

A few hours ago, Gran's Forest.

The monstrous energy erupted, and the two figures were blasted down from the sky.

Needless to say, these two people are Azerella and Endeke.

Shortly after trapping Esdeth into the ancient forbidden technique, they were going to run away immediately, but they were unlucky. Coincidentally, their escape direction happened to be facing Angus and the others.

So they were in a tragedy. Angus, who was eager to find a son, didn't hold back. Azerella had already fought a battle with Esdeth, and his combat power was greatly damaged. Endeke forcibly activated the ancient forbidden scroll, but was also tossed After dying, the two met Angus and the result was self-evident.

Azrilla was fine, but Endeke was struggling.

He had already noticed that shortly after putting Esdeth into the teleportation, the teleportation channel was forcibly destroyed by her. That woman was so terrifying!

Once the forbidden technique was broken, he who kept in touch with the magic circle was also affected by the chaotic magic power. Otherwise, even if they couldn't beat Angus and the other two, it would be impossible for the majestic seventh-level powerhouse to escape.

On the other side, Parker, who had grown into a huge body, rushed over with Emilia who was still unconscious, and was surrounded by three strong men.

Under such circumstances, even if the latter resisted desperately, it would be useless.

After the battle, Parker let go of his hand a little bit, and Endeke let out a miserable snort, turning into billowing magic smoke and collapsing. This seventh-level half-devil finally stepped off the stage of the times.

So far, there are no seventh-order half-devils registered in the empire.

Of course, this is another chatter. After Parker dealt with the half-devil, the gigantic cat's face showed a contemplative expression.

"Some troubles, that passage seems to have been destroyed by Esdeath..."

Angus' expression changed. If the passage is broken, wouldn't Anzhe in it...

"Don't worry, I saw in Endeke's memory that Anzhe seemed to be fine. He met Esdes, broke through the space channel and escaped."

Parker said that it forcibly read Endeke's memory. As the initiator of the ancient forbidden technique, he was able to observe the situation in the passage, although the scene was only a flash.

Angus was also slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and his heart was relieved.

"Anzhe doesn't seem to be in any danger anymore. You just need to figure out where he and Esdeth are. You just have to figure out what to do. Now there's a new problem."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Mezzas raised the clown's eyebrows and asked.

Parker put his hands on his hips, his body became smaller again, and he stretched and hung in the air, lying in the air.

"Endeke is dead, and Azrilla's magic power has also been crippled. Now all the monsters have changed back to the state of rampage, which means that the riot is about to start again."

"So that's the case. They controlled most of the monsters before, so that the monsters regained their tranquility..."

Angus frowned. Sky City still needs some time, so he can only resist with all his might.

"Oh yeah, leave this matter to me. After all, it is my responsibility. You go and find Anzhe and the general first. The army cannot be separated from the general's management."

Mezzas spoke in a strange tone, and Angus didn't have the time to pay attention to it. Immediately, he activated his magic and left to determine the location of Anzhe and the others.


The time returned to the correct place, and Anzhe shook his head helplessly, seeing Esdeth still torturing the monster, his eyes wandering far away.

There are many monsters living in this sea. The Sea of ​​Tranquility is quite far from the center of the mainland, so it can be said to be a paradise for monsters.

It's just that it's not good to provoke anyone, but to provoke Estes...

Speaking of which, it's almost time to find her. I don't know how Emilia is doing now. Seeing her accident, she must feel very uncomfortable...

Thinking of this, Anzhe felt a little anxious, but Kunai had no way to deliver his own news, so he could only wait patiently.

After another hour, finally, a powerful energy fluctuation suddenly rippling in front of the sea, An Zhe who was sitting on the shore suddenly got up, and looked at the magic vortex that appeared above the sea.

"Oh? Is it finally here?" Esdeath glanced at it, then put away the pen and the small notebook in his hand. When Anzhe glanced over, he found that Esdeth had painted a portrait on it, and it looked vaguely like her and myself...

It's funny in my heart, Estes will have such a little daughter's side.

While being funny, An Zhe felt a softness in his heart.

It's time to part again... But, this memory will always be in my heart.

Standing together, the two of them did not speak in a tacit understanding. It was obvious that they had already agreed. Now is not the time to talk about the relationship between their children, but both of them are very grateful to have such a relationship at this time. memories.

"Let's go."

An Zhe spoke with a smile, Esdeth nodded, the sea water was condensed to form a wide ice channel, An Zhe and the two quickly ran towards the place where the magic vortex appeared.

Angus flew out of the magic vortex. It took him a lot of effort to determine where Anzhe and Esdeth fell, and immediately rushed here through a large teleportation array and domain-breaking magic.


Anzhe saluted, while Esdesh frowned slightly: "It's too slow!"

Angus was speechless, he had already rushed over with his fastest speed, but he didn't know that the reason for Esdeth's displeasure might be that he came too fast...

"Are you all okay?"

Angus looked at An Zhe, his eyes fell on him, as if checking whether the latter was injured.

"It's okay, the general saved me." An Zhe responded with a smile, and changed the subject: "How is the situation in Gran's Forest? There are still many monsters that have not been sent into the teleportation array, otherwise we will solve them all at once. gone."

Because Esdeth destroyed the teleportation, all the monsters in the teleportation were wiped out by the void storm, so a huge crisis was avoided. Otherwise, so many monsters entered the empire, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Angus exhaled lightly, and waved his hand: "Because the manipulator behind the scenes died, those monsters lost control again, Estes, you have to hurry back with me and take control of the army."

"You don't need to instruct me." Estes replied directly, stepping into the magic vortex first.

Angus is also used to Esdeth's attitude, but he remembered something and looked at Anzhe.

"She, didn't do anything to you, did she?"

An Zhe was taken aback, and after understanding what Angus was referring to, he held his forehead speechlessly: "Father, what can a woman like her do to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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