Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 950 People just have to have a thick skin

Chapter 950 People just have to have a thick skin

In the soft whisper, Emilia felt very uncomfortable.

This boy was really stupid, he said he was not afraid, and he was still comforting himself there, but his body was also trembling.

Now he is also afraid.

The situation at that time was so dangerous, he must have been very scared in his heart, but he couldn't do anything to help him at that time, so he watched him have an accident.

An Zhe was indeed afraid. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing as Esdeth breaking the teleportation. Even if he was sent away, he would be fine, but he almost died in the void storm.

But fortunately everything is safe and sound, An Zhe took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

The warmth and softness of the girl in his arms is the best mind-regulating agent. Finally, when Emilia stopped crying, Anzhe patted her on the back lightly.

"Are you all right?"

Emilia seemed to calm down: "I'm fine... I'm sorry for making you laugh..."

"Well, there's nothing...it's better to say..."

An Zhe murmured softly like this, but he hugged some girls in his arms tightly.

Originally, the girl threw herself into his arms only in a moment of excitement, and he always hugged her lightly as comfort, but now he took the initiative to exert force.


Emilia let out a low voice, her body was a little tense, she was agitated just now, but now she was relieved, being hugged by An Zhe, her body was a little stiff...

"I'm sorry... can I hug you for a while..."

An Zhe said in a low voice, his tone was very calm.

After settling her mind, Emilia didn't blame An Zhe, but just asked, "What's the reason?"

"There's no reason, I just want to hug you more, it's very comfortable."

Emilia blushed immediately when she heard that: "You, you hate it..."

"Hehe... Emilia, I've worked so hard and tired, just treat it as a reward for me, I have to be thick-skinned at this time."

An Zhe laughed out loud, but he just hugged the girl's waist tightly, and did not make any other movements beyond the norm.

Emilia was also amused by An Zhe's words of complaining. Of course she didn't believe An Zhe's words. This boy never complained to others, and he would bear everything silently.

Sometimes being silly makes people feel distressed, and it also makes people feel warm inside.

"What a naughty child..." She smiled and said in a low voice, reaching out and gently stroking the back of the boy's head: "Really... Thank you for your hard work..."


Parker waited upstairs for a long time, but when he came out to take a look, he saw Anzhe enjoying Emilia's lap pillow happily, and little Parker's eyes widened.

"Wow,, I was so sleepy waiting on the top, you two are actually..."

Emilia blushed immediately when she heard the words: "Par, Parker, what nonsense are you talking about..."

Anzhe lay on Emilia's soft and warm knee pillow, with an unstoppable smile on his lips.

"I didn't take Parker's place again, hurry back and stay in your gem." An Zhe waved his hand and snarled at Parker.

Parker immediately burst into tears with grief: "Emilia, you don't want me as a father if you have Anzhe, it hurts Parker's heart too much!"

"Yes, yes, Emilia will be mine from now on!"

An Zhe reached out and grabbed Parker with a smile, rubbed it for a while, and finally a slender hand reached out and tapped him on the forehead. Then An Zhe leaned his head on the girl's thigh and saw Emilia was pretty Face Feixia stared at herself helplessly.

"I just promised to make it up to you in this way, and I will ignore you if you talk nonsense again. Parker, you should also rest soon!"

Parker suddenly became sleepy, and obediently entered into the gem, while Anzhe rolled his eyes and grinned happily: "Okay, okay, I don't talk nonsense, but Emilia, can I often,, like this in the future?" ..."

He said, shaking his head deliberately, making Emilia blush: "You, don't move around..."

Anzhe was overjoyed, but Emilia was bitter: "You think so beautifully...don't even think about it in the future!"

"Huh? You're shy!!"

"W-Where is it! You read it wrong!"

"Is that so? Really not? Hehe..."

"Absolutely, you are definitely wrong! Ah,, really... Anzhe, stop staring at me... If you do this again, I will ignore you."

"Haha,, Emilia, you are so cute!"

"You... Even if you compliment me like this, I will never forgive you!"


Outside the manor, Wilhelm was listening to Anzhe and Emilia's laughter, subconsciously stroking a ring on his finger.

After a long time, a bitterness appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he shook his head slightly.

It wasn't until the night was getting dark that An Zhe, who was tired of being with Emilia, realized that the girl was sitting there on her knees and quietly fell asleep.

"Well, obviously I'm so tired and still holding on..."

She obviously didn't really sleep well in the past two days, but the reason was because of An Zhe himself.

With a slightly dumbfounded expression, Anzhe pursed his lips in amusement, and after sitting up, he looked at the delicate girl in front of him with a soft smile on his face.

Got a lot closer to her.

It's just...she seems to be dodging a little bit, is it because she remembered something unhappy?
No matter what, she will always accept herself.

Thinking of this, An Zhe smiled, approached and carefully hugged the girl horizontally, walked into the room and placed her gently on the bed.

But after covering her with the quilt, he couldn't bear to leave like this.

It's like a person who has fallen into unrequited love, even if he can't talk to her, can't have fun with her, even if he is watching quietly from a distance, he just wants to stay by her side all the time.

After hesitating for a while, he pulled a chair and sat down not far away, so as not to get too close, and he could clearly see her sleeping face.

Lying on the table, An Zhe also felt a burst of tiredness. He had gone through a long journey in the past two days, and he never took a rest at all.

It turned out that I had been running all the time, and I didn't feel much with the strong energy support of the capable person. Now after I relax, I feel a little tired.

Slowly closing his eyes, still thinking of the laughter just now in his mind from time to time, the corners of Anzhe's mouth could not help but twitch slightly.

"It's good to be alive..."


In the early morning of the next day, Anzhe woke up on time under the action of the biological clock, sat up straight and shook his head. Anzhe felt a soreness in his waist and neck, which made him grin his teeth.

"Are you awake? Why didn't you go to sleep in your room?"

After hearing the girl's voice, Anzhe was stunned for a moment. Emilia seemed to wake up before Anzhe, very early.

An Zhe blinked his eyes, telling stories shamelessly.

"Well, it's not like someone fell asleep yesterday, holding my hand, saying don't go, don't go or something..."

(End of this chapter)

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