Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 959 What is full of contradictions is the human heart

Chapter 959 What is full of contradictions is the human heart

In fact, Anzhe's thinking was a bit extreme. The real situation was that the soldiers present all respected him!

Even if they knew that Anzhe would have the power to change the battle as long as he paid the price, they would not bring it up.

If you do that, you will use righteousness to forcibly suppress people. Such a move is actually shameless.

At least An Zhe has already rushed so deep, sharing a lot of pressure for them.

To put it bluntly, righteousness is not only lofty, it is also a weapon of the weak. The weak who do not know how to make progress will only use righteousness as a weapon to hurt others.

An Zhe, after all, he is not a real ruthless person.

A real ruthless person won't talk nonsense with you.


War is cruel, and Anzhe doesn't know how many people around him have died, but he has seen too many deaths.

It's not so cold as iron, but I won't be sentimental anymore.

All he had to do was to hold the sword tightly and kill all the enemies in front of him.

The flames and lightning burst out at the same time, and with one blow, several monsters were instantly killed, including a fifth-level monster.

The quality of this group of monsters is very high. After being demonized, many monsters that were originally at the fourth level have entered the fifth level. This level and quantity are already terrifying.

If it weren't for the strong scientific and technological productivity as a backup, how could the number of people far lower than that of Warcraft be able to hold back such a tide of beasts?

The artillery fire that soared into the sky didn't stop for a moment, deafening people's ears. Humans and beasts braved the hail of bullets and kept rushing to kill. The light of ability and the light of fire complement each other.

Anzhe didn't know how many monsters he had killed. He just felt that the monsters in front of him couldn't be killed. It was good that he had the magic ocean in his body. If the other people hadn't been supported by some auxiliary abilities, they would have been killed. The monsters that followed one after another were all killed.

Those ordinary fighters also played a crucial role. Only the crowd could hold back the tide of beasts. Otherwise, the ability users who accounted for only a small number of thousands of people couldn't stop the tide of beasts.

The battle continued until the evening of the second day, when people finally repelled this wave of beasts.

A large number of monsters were all killed by the firepower of the whole city. These demonized monsters would not leave their bodies, but the blood of the sacrificed soldiers would not cool down.

Anzhe stood on a boulder and watched people come out to pick up the remains of the soldiers, and then there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

It's not the first time I've seen such a scene.

I only wish that the heroic soul will last forever.

Footsteps were heard, and someone walked over with a solemn expression, and Wilhelm was among them.

Anzhe turned around, and these people saluted Anzhe with serious faces. After the tragic battle, almost all the survivors knew that Anzhe was a powerful user.

This time, he killed thousands of monsters alone.

"Did something happen?" An Zhe asked directly without being pretentious.

"My lord, although the wave of monsters has been repelled this time, there are still waves of monsters coming towards us, and the battle is not over yet."

One of them spoke softly, his expression didn't fluctuate, they were all iron-blooded soldiers.

Hearing such news, An Zhe was not surprised: "As long as Gran's Forest is not blocked, these monsters will not be able to kill them all. You must be mentally prepared."

"We are not afraid. Now the militiamen in the city have begun training. As long as they know how to use guns, they can participate in the battle. We, the people of the empire, no one can't go to the battlefield!"

One said firmly.

An Zhe didn't speak, but sighed from the bottom of his heart.

It is naturally good to be bloody, and it is really gratifying.But all of this is not what the princess wants to see. How much she hopes that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment, and how much effort she has put in for this.

"There is no need to be so pessimistic. We are still with the army, but it is too early for all the people to become soldiers. How is the situation in other cities?"

Looking at the setting sun that was slowly setting in the sky, An Zhe asked softly.

"The situation is different. Some cities have been defended, but some have not been able to. It is said that extremely powerful monsters have appeared, and the soldiers' attacks cannot cause damage to them." The officer next to Wilhelm responded, so that People's hearts are heavy.

Obviously, those high-level monsters can only be dealt with by powerful ability users, and ordinary fighters cannot fight them.Don't think about it, Angus and the others are obviously extremely busy.

An Zhe was silent, and finally shook his head slightly: "Soldiers, do you believe in the empire?"

The group of generals immediately knelt on one knee to salute, not An Zhe, but this land.And people not far away also performed the ceremony one after another.

"The territory of the country is the faith!!" They shouted loudly.

"That's right. Although the empire has been at peace for many years, we have never slacked off. When war came, we immediately took up arms. We have survived many crises time and time again."

An Zhe spoke calmly, but his words made people tremble slightly: "This time, there will be no exception."

The people behind looked at each other and nodded slightly.

"Go get ready and do your best. You have to remember that the empire is not this territory, but you. As long as you are still there, the empire will be there." Anzhe said softly.


At three o'clock in the morning, the city is still brightly lit.

The second wave of monsters is approaching again!

The number of monsters this time was not as many as in the first wave, only about [-]. Many fighters participated in the battle again, and the ability users headed by An Zhe stood firm at the forefront.

The light of artillery fire and magic illuminated the sky and the battlefield. With the existence of the protective array, they once again fought a desperate battle with this huge wave of monsters.

On the third day, a wave of [-] monsters came.

Day [-]...

The waves of monsters kept coming, and the cities around Gran's Forest were devastated, but surprisingly, there were not many cities that were completely destroyed.

With a gunshot, Anzhe aimed his musket at the head of a monster, which was biting a capable user, but before it reached the person, the head exploded, turning into a cloud of demonic energy and collapsing.

Anzhe dismissed the musket, looked at the flames of war flying around, and consciously protected the surrounding soldiers. Many mercenaries who came with him also fell down. Rem activated the ghost horn several times, An Zhe has also been paying attention to her safety.

This is already the fifth wave of beasts...

The monsters running rampant in Gran's Forest are almost endless. The monsters that were controlled at the beginning have now been killed, and the monsters that are rushing now are attracted by the broken magic energy.

If this continues, the monsters attracted by the magic energy will become stronger and stronger.

Without time to think about it, An Zhe joined the fight again, but at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

An Zhe raised his head suddenly, only to see the majestic giant city appearing slowly and quickly in the sky, as if a prehistoric giant beast descended.




(Would it be contradictory to write the protagonist in this way, but it would be more correct to understand it as hypocrisy or a contradictory sense of justice... It should be said that most people's personalities are like this, they are sentimental on the surface, but they are merciless in their actions, scolding the butcher and eating meat It’s not a joy at the time. Heh, human beings [spread their hands].)
(End of this chapter)

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