Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 963 Finally Finished Another Short Paragraph

Chapter 963 Finally Finished Another Short Paragraph
"Charging is complete!"

Rita uttered excitedly, and Angus and Mezzas, who had been maintaining the formation, immediately pinched their seals, and the incomparably huge magic power moved the energy core, connecting it with the formation.

Suddenly, An Zhe saw an extremely shocking scene.

I saw a huge light blue light curtain rising from the ground, with no end in sight at both ends. Driven by the huge magic power, it formed a magic barrier, blocking the way of Gran's Forest from entering the mainland.

That is the magic circle that Angus and his seventh-level powerhouses spent a lot of resources to erect. If you want to break this barrier, you have to use more than the magic power in this barrier!

The energy in the formation is provided by the energy core, unless more than 40 seventh-order existences jointly bombard it, it is possible to exceed the energy provided by this energy core.

After all, this is exactly the same device as the energy core that supplies Sky City, otherwise it wouldn't be so laborious.

Seeing that the formation was finally completed, everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's finally over."

Angus sighed softly. They have been really exhausted during this period of time.

"Ahhhh...but we still have to finish it." Mezzas also smiled, obviously in a good mood, after all, the monster riot that had troubled him for a long time was finally completely resolved.

Rita had already led the angels to clean the battlefield, only Anzhe was still a little worried.

It's not because of the formation, but because Li Huazuo used the ability of that clone before.

He was still worried, so he asked Li Huazuo about the specific situation of that ability, and seeing that An Zhe didn't know why he was so worried about his own ability, Li Huazuo didn't hide anything, and told the details of that ability frankly.

"Harmonics (clone) is to create a clone that has exactly the same memory and ability as your own, but the clone exists for a limited time and will dissipate by itself, so you don't have to worry."

Li Huazuo explained calmly, although she didn't know why An Zhe cared about this matter so much, but she could feel that An Zhe cared about herself.

"Is that so... It seems that I am worrying too much..."

After hearing what Li Huazuo said, An Zhe finally felt relieved. Since she was so sure, he didn't worry about it anymore.

On the other hand, Sanna, when she saw that An Zhe cared so much about Li Huazou, a strange thought came to her mind, and there was a slight change in the way she looked at An Zhe and Li Huazuo, with a kind of Inexplicable taste...

I always feel that His Royal Highness An Zhe and the Grand Commander seem to be quite compatible.

Hmm... It should be said that His Royal Highness Anzhe's identity happens to be close to that of a commander.It's not that Sanna has never seen other outstanding people, but she pales in comparison with An Zhe.

There was a hint of a smile on the corner of her mouth, but Sanna didn't point it out, and quietly followed An Zhe and Li Huazuo.

Angus is going to meet several other seventh-rank powerhouses with Mezzas. The successful activation of the seal cannot be done without the help of the other four powerhouses. They are all guarding there early, just worried about accidents. Leaks.

Anzhe also knew that he should thank her well. Speaking of which, he hadn't seen Shana for a long time. The last time we met, he only had a quick glance and didn't have time to say hello properly. It's a pity to think about it.

Originally, Anzhe wanted to go with Angus and the others, but something unexpected happened here.

A stream of light came from the sky, and Anzhe and the others could see that it was an emergency communication magic!

It is undoubtedly a very critical situation to use such magic to communicate, and it must be known that the price paid for activating such magic is very high.

The magic flew straight to Mezzas, which also made everyone present look condensed.

Mezzas also reached out his hand immediately, received the magic light, and quickly deciphered the message in it.

I saw his complexion sank in an instant, and of course the joy after the successful sealing was gone.

"It was sent by my maid Ram, saying that she received a threatening letter, and someone wanted to harm Emilia."

Mezzas spoke softly, causing everyone present to frown slightly, and Anzhe's pupils shrank even more, and a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

Someone wants to hurt Emilia?
"Threat letter? Is it your enemy?" Angus asked in confusion.

"Maybe, but it's very likely that this is a trap." Mezzas said, looking at Anzhe with strange eyes: "Hey, Emilia was with you in the end, you know her Where is it?"

Regarding Emilia, An Zhe was in a very restless mood. He thought about it carefully and nodded slightly.

"Before I went to hunt down the monster of fog—the white whale, and let Emilia stay in the manor, but after the wave of monsters rioted, I think with Emilia's character, I will definitely help the surrounding people retreat... "

Mezzas frowned unconsciously, so Anzhe didn't know Emilia's movements.

"Yeah, I really can't help it. Anzhe, can you go to the manor to have a look, she should leave a message for you, and I'll send someone to look for it in the surrounding cities." Mezzas suggested.

An Zhe directly agreed that this is indeed the best way at the moment.

"No problem. I'm leaving now."

Angus came over at this time and asked An Zhe where the manor was, and then he activated his magic power and directly activated the domain-breaking magic.

"Proceed with caution, this matter is a bit strange, Mezzas is right, this is likely to be a trap."

An Zhe nodded slightly: "I understand, I will pay attention to safety."

His eyes looked a little cold, Angus glanced at him, but didn't speak.He believes that An Zhe has his own judgment, and he also believes that An Zhe has the ability to break the situation.

After all, Anzhe's strength is already very strong. Unless he meets the seventh level, he can basically walk sideways, and Angus will naturally not stop him.

An Zhe is no longer the child who needed his protection all the time. Perhaps from the moment he left home without authorization, he had the awareness to face the wind and rain alone.

Without further hesitation, An Zhe and Li Hua greeted them, and jumped into the magic vortex generated by the domain-breaking magic.


Holy city of elves.

Two figures stood on top of the tall building, facing the wind.

"Has the sound of the wind been let out?" Qi Yaohou looked calm, staring at a certain direction of the holy city of elves, with a thoughtful expression.

"Naturally, they will pass."

The half-devil laughed, his laughter revealed a kind of boundless evil and self-satisfaction.

"They will not be easily fooled. We have to be prepared. After all, what we are going to do will almost overturn the city."




(Some small Kawen... don't even think about the title...)
(End of this chapter)

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