Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 977 The mission of the knight is to protect the princess

Chapter 977 The mission of the knight is to protect the princess

After the reversal, Yatogami Tohka's strength exceeded everyone's expectations. Even if she had a premonition that she would be difficult, she did not expect it to be so difficult.

It stands to reason that even if the four seventh-level powerhouses don't try their best, it should be enough to suppress a seventh-level power together. It can only be said that the existence of elves is indeed unique.

After the reversal, Tohka's power was too strong, so Shigeyue and the others had to look dignified and started to attack with all their strength!

The battle scene escalated again. Even the four of them, Angus, didn't care about other things, and concentrated and conscientiously resisted the impact of waves of explosions.

The battle of the seventh rank is too terrifying. Even Anzhe, before he can exchange his abilities, if he participates rashly, he will definitely be crushed into a blood mist in an instant.

Yatogami Tohka finally felt the tremendous pressure, and the four joined forces to launch a strong attack, causing her to retreat involuntarily.

A cold look flashed in her eyes, and she stepped back suddenly, holding up the tyrannical prince in her hands, and behind her was a purple-black throne that appeared out of thin air!
Incomparably violent fluctuations of spiritual power appeared, and the big sword absorbed the power of the throne behind Yatogami Tohka in the shocking expressions of everyone, and turned into a ten-meter-long terrifying sword!
An oppressive feeling that almost made one's breathing stagnate, making Chong Yue and the others look ugly.

This is simply desperate!
"Queen of the sky, you and I will stop her together! You two are waiting for the opportunity to attack." Zhongyue let out a low shout, causing Kanzaki Kaori and Shana's eyes to congeal, and a strong aura was brewing in their bodies .

Icarus did not hesitate at all, staring at Yatogami Tohka with blood-red eyes without any emotional fluctuations, the main cannon on the Uranus system was aimed at the opponent, quickly gathering energy!

Chong Yue even took a deep breath, his tower-like burly limbs bulged with horny dragon-like veins, and a majestic and thick aura diffused out.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already gained momentum, and Yatogami Tohka also slashed down with the big sword he held high!

Demon King of Sword: Lord Tyranny's Final Form!
——The Sword of Destiny!
The radiant sword qi slashed down, and first collided with the main cannon launched by Icarus. In the unparalleled impact, Angus, who was defending with all his strength, was shocked back for a distance!
Before the impact weakened, Chong Yue's tall and burly body had already rushed over!

The majestic and majestic magic power turned into a majestic mountain and suppressed it, as if the mountains and rivers and five mountains suppressed demons, and went straight to Yatogami Tohka, who was surrounded by purple-black reverse spiritual power!
The latter hung down the sword of finality, raised it straight up to block, and another surging impact radiated out!

It was at this time that Shana and Kanzaki Kaori were ready to make a move.

The power of the saint was activated in an instant, and Kanzaki Kaori turned into a "God Breaker". She held the sword with her right hand on the handle of the sword: Seven Heavens and Seven Swords, and leaned forward, ready to explode at any time and go straight to Yatogami Ten Fragrant away.

As for the treasure in Shana's hands: Zhi Dian Zana, a crimson flame was ignited directly on the blade, her petite body stood firmly in the shock wave that soared into the sky, holding the handle of the blade with both hands, and pointed the tip of the blade obliquely. ground.

At this time, Chongyue erupted with the strength that a strong man of his class should have. The Yamagata Light and Shadow who was fighting against the Final Sword was shocked. After Yamagata Light and Shadow, another light and shadow emerged, but it was an extremely huge giant.

The giant, who was so tall and straight into the sky, hugged the light and shadow of the mountain with both hands, lifted the mountain over his head, and slammed it at Yatogami Tohka!
Shaking Mountain God!

Under the full resistance of the Sword of Final Yan, he was also repelled by the power of this blow. Even Yatogami Tohka, who was reversed after the reversal, was blasted wide open by the power of this blow!

The entire huge battlefield guarded by the Angus four in the center collapsed into a deep pit of more than 20 meters!

Kanzaki Kaori and Shana's eyes were sharp at the same time, and they shot instantly!

Seven days and seven knives: Wei Shan!
Liberty Law: Conviction!

One snow-white and one crimson sword light appeared at the same time, in a crossing trend, and flew towards Yatogami Tohka who opened the empty door at the same time!
The power of these two blows is enough to completely injure Yatogami Tohka!
They can't keep their hands, and they can no longer care about whether they will hurt Yatogami Tohka. If she is not suppressed, it will cause an irreparable disaster.

The elves that have not yet been blackened can already cause a huge disaster like a space quake, but the Yatogami Tohka who has already been blackened now...

They have no choice...

The crossed sword light went straight to Yatogami Tohka who opened the empty door. The distance of hundreds of meters was only an instant. Seeing that Yatogami Tohka was about to be hit by the sword light, he might even die Underneath, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the sword light...

Without warning, completely beyond everyone's expectations, Anzhe's figure blocked Yatogami Tohka, and two intersecting sword lights blasted the absolute defense circle around his body in an instant .

The defensive circle that had already withstood too many impacts was directly shattered, and the sword slashed on An Zhe's body with unabated momentum, and blood sprayed out directly.

Everyone's eyes were dull. They didn't know why Anzhe was able to break through the blockade and enter here, why Anzhe was able to stop in front of the sword light, and they didn't know that Anzhe wanted to block Yatogami Tohka regardless of himself. Front.

Only Yatogami Tohka saw it. The moment the sword light flew, Anzhe, who was behind Angus and was protected, teleported over out of thin air and stood in front of him.

It was at that moment that An Zhe exchanged his ability, and through teleportation, he blocked the blow of Kanzaki Kaori and Shana.

There was no other choice, he couldn't interrupt Kanzaki Kaori and Shana's attack, that would cause them to suffer backlash and be severely injured, and he couldn't interrupt Tohka, that would be a blow to Kanzaki Kaori and the others. Under the attack, Tohka would die.

So he chose to block the opponent's attack by himself, but in that millisecond, Anzhe had no time to think about other solutions. The moment he teleported over, his body was already hit by the knife light.

Two staggered scars crossed An Zhe's upper body, one spread from the left shoulder to the right rib, and the other stretched from the right shoulder to the lower abdomen!

The sudden accident made everyone stop, even Yatogami Toka, a trace of bewilderment flashed in his eyes.

Why does this person... have to block those two knives for himself...

Such an attack...he's going to die...

That was already a lethal attack, and Anzhe endured it without a trace...

No one thought about An Zhe's abnormal ability anymore. They all gathered around and looked at An Zhe who had summoned a sin sword and leaned on the ground, barely surviving the fall.

Before they could speak, their expressions changed one by one. They saw Anzhe standing up while holding the sin sword with a pale face...

(End of this chapter)

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