Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 991 Grief and Despair Against the Truth

Chapter 991 Grief and Despair Against the Truth

No one expected that the time machine, which has never had any problems during self-inspection, would have an error this time. The time machine began to make a slight buzzing sound, and the body under the thick red cloth was trembling slightly.

However, everyone was attracted by the ridicule downstairs and didn't notice this.

There were more and more people downstairs, and the security personnel woke up from their sleep to join in the great cause of putting out the fire. It was a pity for the group of people on the roof to see it. After all, the car must not be used in such a big fire. up.

"Strange, how could it catch fire..." Anzhe looked at the luxury car on fire downstairs, he didn't feel distressed at all, anyway, it was a car from the Demon Hunter Tower, but he was a little concerned about the cause of the fire, but now it seems I can't even check it.

At this moment, Makise Kurisu suddenly noticed something, and her expression changed.

"It's not good, the time machine seems to have a problem!"


Everyone's expressions changed, and they didn't care to watch the luxury car downstairs catch fire, and immediately ran to the time machine in a hurry, and An Zhe was also pulled back from his thoughts by their voices.

His eyes fell on the time machine, and An Zhe was about to follow, when suddenly his pupils shrank.

He saw the blue lightning leap from the body of the time machine!

"Don't go there!!!"

An Zhe yelled, everyone stopped subconsciously, but An Zhe saw that Makise Kurisi was very close to the time machine!
"Hong Liqi! Get out of there!!" An Zhe yelled, and his figure had already rushed out, stretching out his hand to grab Makise Hongliqi.

However, the electric current on the body of the time machine and its own tremors are even greater. The next moment the body twists and collapses, and a black vortex with a diameter of one meter is formed out of thin air. Xi was directly sucked in!
An Zhe stopped with a sliding shovel, looking at the dark vortex, his expression became dull, the vortex lasted for nearly three seconds, the suction pulled Masao Sakamoto and the others towards the vortex, but Anzhe couldn't do anything about it.

Amidst the buzzing sound, the suction gradually weakened, and the vortex disappeared into the room. The situation in the lounge seemed to be a mess. Only Anzhe was still standing there blankly, and everyone else fell to the ground.

Heavy footsteps appeared, and the movement here alarmed the security personnel guarding the hotel. Several teams rushed in with anti-riot shields and other equipment. After seeing the scene in the room, they were all shocked and lost their senses.

At this time, a big hole appeared in the ceiling and the floor of the lounge. When the time machine twisted and collapsed, it directly sucked away the floor and ceiling of that area.

And the time machine, obviously, has no bones left.

"Your Excellency... What happened..." The people who rushed in didn't know what happened, so they had to help Masao Sakamoto and the others.

"I don't know... The time machine suddenly had a problem... By the way, no one was injured, right?" Masao Sakamoto shook his head, and immediately looked at the people around him and asked.

Everyone said that they were fine, they were quite far away, and they were not greatly affected.

Maho Hiyadada saw An Zhe standing there blankly at this moment, and couldn't help but wonder, his expression... What's wrong?
"Hey, Anzhe, are you okay? Why is your expression so ugly..."

She thought An Zhe was frightened, so she comforted her softly: "Don't worry, it's just an accident, isn't it all right?"

An Zhe's body shook slightly, and his absent-minded pupils refocused.

"No, what's the matter?"

His voice seemed a little dry, and Maho Hiyata reflected in his black pupils, staring at her firmly.

"Didn't you see it? Makise Kurisu perched on her...she was sucked in!"

He murmured, as if he hadn't recovered from the scene just now, he was startled by Hiyado Maho's words until just now, and stared at this petite girl in disbelief.

However, what shocked Anzhe was that there was a hint of doubt on the expression of Hiya Maho.

She thought about it seriously, and looked at An Zhe suspiciously.

"Makise Kurisu? Who is she..."

An Zhe's pupils suddenly became dizzy, and he took two steps back in disbelief, staring blankly at Biwu Dingzhenfan, whose puzzled and inexplicable words hit his heart like a battering ram.

Who is Makise Kurisu?
Are these words coming from Hiyasada Maho... Are you kidding me...

"That... Anzhe?"

Masao Sakamoto and Nitoshaya all surrounded them, looked at An Zhe with a dull expression, and looked at him with great concern.

"Anzhe, what's the matter with you?"

Nitoshaya looked at An Zhe in shock, not understanding why An Zhe suddenly became like this. Although it was unexpected that the time machine had a problem suddenly, it shouldn't cause such a big blow to An Zhe, right?
Masao Sakamoto's thought was exactly the same as that of Nitoshaya, and he also comforted him.

"That's right, although you built the time machine, the accident can't be blamed on you. How can the experiment not go wrong? Don't take it to heart."

They all expressed their concern to An Zhe, but every word they said would shake An Zhe's heart violently.

"You...have you all, forgotten her?"

An Zhe seemed extremely difficult to make a sound, and finally pointed at the big hole and let out a roar.

"Have you all forgotten Makise Kurisu? She was standing here just now! She was standing here! She was standing here just now!!!"

In the hoarse roar, the magic power in Anzhe's body almost surged out, making him exude a terrifying sense of oppression all over his body.

Anzhe, who looked like a madman, scared Masao Sakamoto and the others back a few steps, and the group of people became panicked and at a loss as to what to do.

They didn't know why Anzhe suddenly went crazy, they had never seen Anzhe like this.

Who is that Makise Kurisu?

Never heard of this name at all...

A group of people looked at An Zhe, who was out of control, and didn't know what to do for a while, and An Zhe's mood swings became more and more intense.

Unbelievable facts kept impacting his mind, his mind kept echoing the words and expressions of Hiyado Maho and others, none of their expressions seemed to be fake.

But,, he still remembers Makise Kurisu!
Why...why did you all forget it! !
It shouldn't be, she has lived with you for so long, and she was still talking with you just now, how could she just forget it?

Anzhe was extremely sad. At this time, in Anzhe's perception, a mysterious force seemed to have finally noticed Anzhe's abnormality. A huge and invisible force suddenly descended. Suddenly, Anzhe's mind belonged to Makise Kurisu. The memory began to slowly become blurred.

It was at this very moment that An Zhe's mind resounded with a light reprimand without emotion.


(End of this chapter)

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