Chapter 119, Battle, Medium

The next moment, Meng Yiran lightly touched the ground with her toes, and then a snake staff appeared on her left hand. Compared with before, the snake inlaid on the snake crutch turned into a Tang Ningchuan and the others in the distance couldn't help but tremble when they saw the bright red color of the blood-red giant snake.

After the dream was still there, it was Dugu Yan, who appeared with a green light, and in almost an instant, a green snake with green scales appeared beside her. Those green eyes were simply breathtaking I can't help but shiver! !
The final release of the Huangdou team's spirits was Yu Tianheng's. Along with the release of the opponent's three spirit rings, a dragon's cry immediately resounded across the ring.

In just a few breaths, the entire arena is basically full of cheers! !

"Have you seen it, the third Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex in the world finally appeared!!"

On the ring, there were many teenagers and girls shouting crazily.

"Why don't you release the martial soul? Do you think that crooked ways like armor can be used here?" At this moment, Meng still looked at Tang Ningchuan, his gaze was full of murderous intent.

Tie is the red snake behind the opponent, not only giving people a deadly threat.

However, when Tang Ningchuan saw this, she didn't have any fear, and just looked at Meng Yiran indifferently.

But even with all kinds of reluctance, he has to admit that Meng still has changed a lot.

"No no no, I just want to see if you are qualified to let me release your martial soul!!" Tang Ningchuan said with a smile.

"No, who is this guy, he can be so pretentious!!"

On the side, many viewers who hadn't seen Tang Ningchuan spoke with contempt.

"In front of the Martial Soul of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, he still wants to release it as a finale, can this guy show some face!!" Seeing this, many teenagers and girls said with contempt.

But at the next moment, a ray of light slowly bloomed, and immediately after that, a silver-white and a blood-red soul ring also rose slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the 10-year audience in the central fighting spirit field fell into a deep daze.

"Blood red, 10 year soul ring!!"

The audience who just came back to their senses almost spewed out a mouthful of salt soda.

Nima, what kind of monster did I encounter! !
"Swallowing Valkyrie!"

"Swallowing Valkyrie!!"

"Swallowing Valkyrie!!!"

Immediately afterwards, earth-shattering cheers immediately covered the entire central spirit arena.

On the side, even the host Lingling, who was extremely strong in his heart, fell into a deep bewilderment for a while.

All of this is enough to see how powerful this Devouring Valkyrie is! !
"It's really a 10-year soul ring!!"

On the side, Yu Tianheng and other members of the Huangdou team looked at Tang Ningchuan in surprise.

In fact, they didn't see it with their own eyes before, so they didn't quite believe it! !But today, when they saw Tang Ningchuan's 10-year soul ring with their own eyes, they just realized how terrifying the coercion brought by this 10-year soul ring is! !

"Now I announce that the competition is about to begin!!"

With the sweet voice of the host, the two teams also started to stare at each other! !
"Xuanwu Armor!!"

Graphite stone mill took the lead.

After all, in order for his elder brother to successfully catch up with Yiran's sister-in-law, he, the younger brother, naturally cannot lag behind! ! "Go away, let me come!!"

At this time, Dugu Yan was the first to burst into a rage, and then commanded the Green Snake to charge up! !
"Hey, sister Dugu, wait for me!!"

At this time, Yu Tianheng at the side saw this and chased after him without the slightest hesitation.

"No, he is mine, he is mine, you can't grab it, you can't grab it!"

At this time, Meng Yiran, who was on the side, also shouted quickly when he saw this! !
She never thought that these teammates would be so powerful, and they would rush forward to avenge her! !

Therefore, apart from Yao Yufeng and Oslo, who wanted to protect the auxiliary soul master Ye Lengleng, the main force of the Huangdou team basically rushed towards Tang Ningchuan's direction. ! !
"No, Xiao Chuan, why do I feel that something is wrong with this matter!"

On the side, Tang San also said in surprise.

Because he could clearly feel that everyone in the Star Fighter Team who swarmed up was basically carrying a strong killing intent! !

It looks like Tang Ningchuan killed their parents! !

"No, there seems to be something wrong with the atmosphere, the plan has changed, attacking instead of defending!!"

Seeing this, Tang Ningchuan even changed her tactics without the slightest hesitation! !Following Tang Ningchuan's order, Tang San and the others quickly formed a shield-shaped team.

"Second Soul Skill, Heavy Armor Strike!!"

At this time, the two brothers Xuanwugui combined their armors into one without the slightest hesitation, and then charged towards Tang Ningchuan with great strength! !

"The second soul skill, Green Ridge Snake Venom!!"

Dugu Yan behind did not hesitate at all, directly used his second soul ability, and then rushed towards Tang Ningchuan's direction! ! "The first soul skill, Thunder Dragon Claw!!"

"Xiaochuan, why do I feel that their purpose is to fight around you!" Tang Ningchuan, who was at the front, also said slowly when she saw this.Generally speaking, according to common sense, he stands at the front of the team, and the opponent should think about how to get rid of him first! !
"Maybe it's because I'm too strong!!" Seeing this, Tang Ningchuan could only smile helplessly, and then gave a reason that she didn't even believe! !
"Er..., it seems to make a little sense!!"

Aside, Tang San and the others felt that this reason was a little too far-fetched, but after thinking about it, they couldn't think of any other reason! !
After all, if they really lost Tang Ningchuan's core combat power, their combat power would drop by more than half! !

"The third soul skill, cobweb bondage!!"

At this time, Tang San used a large net, trying to block the spirits of the two big tortoises of the opposing team directly outside.

But what they didn't expect was that when Yu Tianheng came down with a dragon claw, he broke their big net directly! !

"White Tiger Shield!!"

At this time, Dai Mubai also directly used his soul ability! !
(End of this chapter)

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