Chapter 230 The Prosperous Wife's Noble Man (2)
Ajiao said dissatisfiedly: "That's not true. I owe too much to my son, and I don't want to owe it any more. And in the imperial decree yesterday, I really rewarded a lot of jewels and silver. My son... I want to pay you back."

Xiao Heng was a little angry, bit her cheek lightly, and said in a low voice: "If you can't pay it back, you are not allowed to pay it back."

Ajiao immediately fell silent, for fear that he would mess around again.

A Jiao tidied up her clothes and left the room, thinking that her face might still be hot, so she planned to go to the yard to blow some air.Then went back to the house to sleep.

When she returned to the house, Qingqing was sitting by the couch sewing clothes.The robe in her arms is worn by a man, but with such a color, it is not Lu Yuanru's at first glance.A Jiao knew that this robe must belong to Qi Jun - her younger sister never liked to do needlework, and only in front of Qi Jun would she obey in everything.It's also fortunate that Qi Jun is a down-to-earth, otherwise, she wouldn't know how her younger sister would be bullied.

Ajiao sat beside her, seeing her earnest appearance, and seeing that the needlework of the robe was crookedly sewn, she couldn't help but smile.

"Sister..." The ending sound was drawn out, a bit of a complaint.It's not kind to lose face like this.

Ajiao coughed lightly, and said: "Okay, I won't make fun of you, you can continue." The girl she likes sews a gown, even if she can't wear it, it's because of her heart.Qi Jun is so kind to Qingqing, he will definitely be happy when he receives this robe.Ajiao suddenly remembered the pajamas she tried on for the son yesterday, he liked it, and she would make some robes for him next time.

Qingqing is not good at needlework, but thinking that next month will be Qi Jun's birthday, she wants to make him a robe.When we marry her in the future, Qi Jun's underwear will definitely be made by her, so this needlework naturally has to be practiced.Qingqing is a little worried. If she is like her elder sister, she has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child. Whether it is reading, writing, sewing or cooking, everything will not trouble her, but she is the one who... knows nothing.

Qingqing glanced sideways at Ajiao, and saw her sister was sitting and combing her hair.

A head of jet-black hair hangs down, making this face even more beautiful and small.She was a little stunned, she knew that her sister was born good-looking since she was a child, but she herself is not bad, but now comparing the two, she feels a little inferior.Also, if it wasn't for my sister's excellence, how could a man like Xiao Shizi like her?When she passed by A Yu's room just now, she took a casual glance - and saw Xiao Shizi hugging his sister from behind, talking softly, which made her blush and heartbeat.

Qi Jun had never hugged her like this before.

To be honest, Qingqing was a little envious, and hurriedly put down her needlework and sat next to her sister.

She glanced at the jade hairpin lying aside, she was a little jealous, and couldn't move her eyes in a daze.A Jiao turned her head and glanced at her, knowing what her sister was thinking.Last time, Qingqing asked her to ask for some jewelry that Shi Ziye gave her, but she didn't give it to her, so she naturally picked it up and handed it to her this time.

But Qingqing didn't answer.

Ajiao was a little strange: "What's the matter? Don't you like it?"

Qingqing shook her head, only frowned and said, "Sister, how did you recognize Mr. Han as a adoptive father?"

this.Ajiao showed a bit of joy, and said: "When I was with the eldest son before, I often accompanied the eldest son to Mr. Han's Zhuangzi. After going back and forth, I became familiar with him. Mr. Han has never married a wife, so naturally he has no children under his knees. He saw that I found a good match, so he wanted to adopt me as a righteous daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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