A good wife and a good mother

Chapter 100 Xiao Xiao Xiao Sheng

Chapter 100 Xiao Xiao Xiao Sheng (1)
Mo Dai ignored him, and suddenly remembered the pastry packaging that she had discussed with Fang Ling during the day, so she told Xu Shaolin and the others about the small box woven from green bamboo pieces and the embroidered purse.

Xu Shaolin was very excited when he heard this, and grabbed Mo Dai's arm: "Daxi, will you leave this little box to Dad?"

"Success, that's what I planned!" Mo Dai took out a few pieces of paper from her sleeve, and pointed out the illustrations on them to Xu Shaolin, Xu Shaolin is an expert at weaving things, and he can see through them with just one click.

Mo Wuyun looked at the embroidered purse on another piece of paper drawn by Mo Dai, and said with little excitement: "My wife, all three of us can embroider this."

Mo Dai snapped her fingers: "Okay, our family will make all these outer packages by ourselves, so we don't have to worry about making money!"

At this time, Mo Wuqing suddenly asked again: "What is this small box used for?"

"Dim sum is the kind of bunny-shaped dim sum you eat today."

"Who will make the dim sum?"

"Xiao Sheng will do it."

"Who is Xiao Sheng?"

"Xiao Sheng is..."

Looking at Mo Wuqing's bright eyes, Mo Dai suddenly felt her heart palpitate.

It was the end of Haishi, and under the moonlight, Liugang Town was quiet, except for a few dogs barking and cats barking occasionally to break the silence.

A small courtyard at the end of the East Street was also quiet. The owner had already fallen asleep, and from time to time there would be a snoring sound and the occasional whispering after turning over from the east ear room.

"Well, Shi Mo..."

"Daxi is so smart..."

"Woo...I'm so sad..."

In the west ear room, the moonlight shines in through the uncovered window, adding a silvery white to the ground. A pepper tree outside the window sways with the wind, throwing its shadow into the silvery white from time to time, making the room quiet and serene.Xiao Sheng tossed and turned on the kang from time to time, but he never felt sleepy at all. He simply put on his clothes and got off the kang, lit a green oil lamp and walked out of the west ear room.

As soon as he walked into the main hall, he heard his sister Xiao Xiao's suppressed crying in his dream again. Xiao Sheng frowned slightly, sighed, tightened his long gown to his chest again, and then turned towards the door in the east room with the blue lantern in his hand. away from the kitchen.

The darkness in the kitchen was slightly diluted by the light of the green lamp, and then the sound of Xiao Sheng washing his hands and making his face came.Under the blue light, Xiao Sheng's sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, his complexion was fair, his fingers were slender, and his joints were well defined. He was very powerful when kneading the dough. The block was quickly divided into more than 30 small pieces, and the small pieces continued to be kneaded, rolled into skins, wrapped with honey bean filling prepared in the daytime, and with fingers flying, it became a white and fat little rabbit in a short while, and then After skillfully touching the eyes made of two honey beans, the rabbit came alive instantly.

Xiao Sheng moved quickly. After pinching all the little rabbits, he filled the cauldron with water and put the steamer on it. Then he lit the fire in the stove and added large pieces of firewood. When the heat came up, he put 30 Several little rabbits were neatly placed in the steamer, and finally covered, while I sat next to the stove and watched over the fire.

The fire in the stove was raging, which reflected a layer of orange red on his side face, his eyes were also jumping with fire light, his lips were pursed, revealing the obvious pear dimple on his left cheek.

The sound of Xiao Sheng making dim sum woke up Xiao Xiao, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, hearing the crackling sound of the fire in the kitchen, she also put on her clothes and got out of the main room.

"Xiao Sheng, it's midnight, why don't you go to bed and make some snacks?" Xiao Xiao asked while yawning.

Xiao Sheng turned to look at Xiao Xiao, against the light, he couldn't see her face clearly, but she could see the excitement flashing on his face: "Sister, I can't sleep, just leave me alone, go to sleep by yourself Bar!"

Xiao Xiao scratched his head and yawned again: "Okay then, I'll go to sleep!" After Xiao Xiao finished speaking, he turned and left, but suddenly stopped and turned to look at Xiao Sheng again, "Xiao Sheng, I I feel that Daxi will definitely be able to do it this time, and then your wish of selling snacks to make money will come true!"

"Sister, it's something that hasn't even been written off yet. Don't make it public. You don't have to cause trouble for Miss Mo!" Although Xiao Sheng also had expectations, he also felt uneasy. Selling dim sum is not difficult, but it is difficult. The most important thing is to be able to sell it, especially a poor family like theirs who has no money, no rights, and no background.

"How can I show it around? I'm just talking to you, but I believe in Daxi's ability, her mouth is born to be a storyteller. She is alive, and no one can speak highly of her. Fang Ling, our shopkeeper, is often jumped up and down by her, hehehe, but there is no way to deal with Daxi, because Daxi speaks the truth, and she wants to pick from the eggs. I can't even pick the bones. Oh, Daxi people are good, if you can marry her, I will feel relieved..."

"Sister, why did you mention this again? Don't mention it again!" Seeing Xiao Xiao talking about his marriage, Xiao Sheng felt a little resentful in his heart, "Why are you worried about me? I You can live a good life without getting married, but you, what are you going to do?"

When Xiao Xiao saw that Xiao Sheng was getting angry, he quickly touched his nose and pretended to be stupid: "Ah, I don't want to say anything, I'll go back to sleep, and go to bed early after you have finished your snacks!" The east ear room.

Seeing her leave, Xiao Sheng sighed again, staring at the raging fire in the stove in a trance.

It's not that he doesn't know that his sister is infatuated with Shi Mo, but Shi Mo's attitude is very clear. He doesn't like a girl with a silly big sister personality like his sister at all, so what if his sister keeps chasing him?If she doesn't get married at the age of 25, the official match will force a man to her. How many years does she have to wait?Furthermore, even if Shi Mo has changed her gender and is willing to marry her elder sister, but her elder sister only likes Shi Mo and only wants to marry Shi Mo, how can the government allow such a situation of monogamy and monohusband?

My sister should also understand her situation. No matter what, she is destined to marry more men, but she has not thought about it yet, and she still can't let Shi Mo go. I'm pretending to be confused, and I've been escaping from reality all the time.Of course, there is another point, his life-long event is also something that my sister has always worried about.

His father and mother are not in good health, so they don't have much money, and it's just him and his sister.When his sister was ten years old and he was eight years old, his father and mother died of illness one after another. Since then, he and his sister have been dependent on each other for life.My elder sister was looking for errands around the town when she was ten years old. She was often looked down upon, maliciously reviled, and occasionally beaten by her employer, but her elder sister was always happy, as if as long as she kept smiling like this, all the suffering would be solved. will go away from them.And he is in charge of the chores at home, thinking hard about how to use the simplest ingredients to make the best meals for his sister, and thinking about how to start some small businesses to make money to ease the family.

Fortunately, he and his elder sister have been living smoothly in these years, and they have saved a few taels of silver. He thought of saving the silver for his elder sister to marry a husband, but her elder sister also thought about leaving it for him as a dowry. use.But his family only has one son, which means that he will marry and share wives with other brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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