A good wife and a good mother

Chapter 11: Poor, Very Poor

Chapter 11: Poor, Very Poor (1)

Mo Dai never knew that the man's soaring high-pitched voice was really the magic voice piercing his brain, please, it's her who was hugged, pressed, and disturbed to sleep, it's her, brother Wuqing, can you calm down?
After Mo Wuqing yelled out that high-pitched voice, he hid in the kitchen and disappeared without anyone yelling.

Mo Wuyun glanced at Mo Dai lightly, and found that her clothes were a little disheveled, but it didn't look like the appearance of something bad, so he went out to do things in peace.Mo Wufeng was also woken up by his brother's magic voice, and he looked much better after a full night's sleep.

The moment Mo Wufeng saw Mo Dai, he seemed to still not believe his eyes, rubbed and blinked again, and then instinctively shrank back to the corner of the kang, that timid look full of fear, still He tried in vain to make his expression more natural, but he overestimated his camouflage skills too much. Please, that tangled face hurts one's self-esteem, okay?
Of course Mo Dai saw Mo Wufeng's little move, she obviously found it funny, but for some reason she couldn't laugh.

The appearance of the three Mo Wuyun brothers is not bad, even compared with those modern idol stars, they can only be worse, although Modai has never seen any idol stars since he was 16 years old.Among the three brothers, Mo Wufeng's appearance is the most beautiful and outstanding. If he hadn't shown a timid and fearful appearance from time to time, those Danfeng eyes that bloomed with charm and charm during the lingering time, I don't know how many infatuated people would be fascinated. Woolen cloth!

Mo Dai didn't make a sound, just sat up and moved her sore shoulders, casually picked up the shabby coat she took off yesterday from the broken cabinet at the top of the kang, and as soon as she took it closer, the sour smell on the clothes was gone. Floating into the nostrils, Mo Dai directly frowned and pinched the clothes with two fingers and threw them on the ground.Last night, Modai simply wiped her body and washed her feet. The inner clothes were newly changed. Although they were worn out, they were clean and tidy, and the holes had been carefully mended.

Mo Wufeng, who was hiding in a corner of the kang, also noticed that Mo Dai was frowning, and immediately became nervous. Although he was extremely reluctant, he still bit the bullet and approached Mo Dai, still observing carefully with fear. The look on her face.

"Wife...wife master, you... when did you... come back?" Mo Wufeng could say such an ordinary greeting, and Mo Dai sounded a little funny.

"I came back last night, why, you don't know?" Mo Dai deliberately raised her eyebrows and looked at Mo Wufeng.

Unexpectedly, Mo Wufeng's reaction was too great, and he rolled directly from the top of the kang to the ground and knelt down, trembling his body, and said in a trembling voice: "Wife master, don't blame me, I, I slept so badly last night, I'm going to sleep." It must not be like this, please don't be angry..."

Mo Dai was dumbfounded for a moment. Mo Wufeng was so afraid of Mo Daxi. Before coming here, he had been living under the power of Mo Daxi. Looking at the man who was so thin that he only had a handful of bones left, no, he was a boy, Mo Dai. Dai had mixed feelings in her heart.

She got off the kang and wanted to help Mo Wufeng up, but found that before her hands touched his body, he subconsciously protected his head, his body shaking like chaff.

"Uh, get up, I don't blame you, um, help me find a thick coat!" Moday retracted her hand in embarrassment, and touched her nose.

Mo Wufeng quickly nodded in agreement, staggered to his feet and went to rummage through a wooden box piled up in the corner, and soon took out an old purple-black slanted-front jacket and an old cloth skirt of the same color that had been patched several times .Mo Wufeng came to Mo Dai with the clothes in his hands, and put on the clothes for her consciously. During this period, he didn't dare to cast his eyes indiscriminately, for fear of causing "disaster" to his upper body and being severely beaten by Modai.

As far back as I can remember, it was the first time that Mo Dai was being waited on by someone to dress her. She was so nervous that she didn't even dare to breathe, her body was stiff as Mo Wufeng, who was equally nervous and dared not even breathe, would help her dress tremblingly. Clothes.For a while, except for the rustling of clothes rubbing against each other, the room was eerily quiet.

Finally, after getting dressed, Mo Dai ran out of the room almost as if escaping. During the process, she tripped over the threshold due to excessive nervousness, and Mo Dai secretly wiped off her cold sweat. God, she was so exhausted!
The moment Mo Dai rushed out of the room, Mo Wufeng was stunned for a moment, feeling that there was something wrong with Mo Daxi, but this slightly strange feeling was quickly forgotten by him, and he breathed a long sigh of relief, Thank goodness there was no beating this time!
Mo Wufeng pushed open the window, a gust of cold air hit his face, usually at this time he would want to cough uncontrollably, so he subconsciously covered his face to avoid it, but the next second he found that his chest was not itchy Pain and burning sensation, but the whole body is comfortable.

He was ecstatic, but he couldn't believe it. He carefully tried to take a few deep breaths one after another. Then, he found that his cough was really gone, and he was so excited that his body couldn't help shaking.

He couldn't remember what happened last night at all, but after waking up, he felt a little sore in his mouth. Could it be that his elder brother went to the town to grab the medicine for him?But this smell is not like the medicine I drank in the past. When I smell it carefully, it seems that the sour smell still remains in the room, and it smells very fresh.

Mo Wufeng searched the house subconsciously, and suddenly found two light yellow semicircular fruit shells on the wooden box containing the clothes.Mo Wufeng put the husk under his nose and sniffed lightly, um, it's the smell, but it seems that something is missing.Mo Wufeng held the fruit shell, and the strange feeling when Mo Dai ran out of the room came to his mind again. He couldn't tell what it was like, but he had a vague feeling that it didn't seem bad.

At this time, the sky was slightly dim, and the sky showed a bluish indigo color. Through the bluish indigo, it seemed that there was a bright light that was about to come out, and there were faintly shining stars.

It's early spring now, the weather is still a bit cold, spring plowing and planting have not yet started, and each household in Mojia Village is still relatively idle.

Smoke curled up from the chimney of the kitchen, and Mo Wuyun and Mo Wuqing were already cooking breakfast.And Mo Wufeng, who had just recovered from a serious illness, was sweeping the floors of the three cottages with a broom.The two children were already awake, and Mo Dai heard Xu Shaolin urging the children to get dressed in the west ear room.

After a brief wash, Modai stood in the yard and began to look at the whole yard for the first time.It was dark last night, so she didn't take a closer look, but now that she had a look, she knew how impoverished Mo Daxi's family was.

Three dilapidated thatched houses, they are really dilapidated, with earthen walls and thatched roofs, and cracks have already appeared on the walls, and some of the cracks are large and have been blocked from the outside with thatch. Such a crumbling house is completely It can be treated as a super-dangerous house, but Mo Daxi's family dared to live in such a house with peace of mind. It is really commendable for their courage.

The thatched house is not big, about [-] to [-] square meters in terms of modern area conversion.There is a courtyard at the front and back of the thatched house. The front yard is surrounded by a wall of soil embryos, which is as high as one person and about ten meters long and wide.On the east side of the yard, there are two smaller thatched cottages facing west, which are the stove room and the firewood room. Two wooden stakes are buried on the west side of the yard. Straw ropes are tied between the wooden stakes. old clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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