116 Chapter 3: Only Hugging the Husband ([-])
When Bai Wu heard this, he was trembling with fright, and when he lowered his head, big tears fell silently on the ground.

"Don't cry!" When Bai Qiaoling saw Bai Wu crying, she felt disgusted and irritable, and pinched his arm without a trace, Bai Wu twitched in pain, tears fell more and more fiercely, and the circles around Bai Wu's eyes also fell famous.Bai Sanbai Erbaiyi's complexion is also not good-looking.

"You're still crying!" Bai Qiaoling pinched Bai Wuyi again. Bai Wu shook his body in pain, but he didn't dare to make a sound, but he couldn't stop his tears.

Bai couldn't bear to see it, and said to Bai Qiaoling: "Big sister, is the newlywed man not allowed to cry? After today, we will be members of the Shi family, and it will be difficult to see our parents in the future. What's the matter with crying?"

"Brother, Bai Wu is ignorant, and you don't understand either? You were originally married here for joy. If the Shi family saw you crying again, what would they think? It’s not good to rush, you will suffer in the future, I’ll stop here, think about it for yourself!” Bai Qiaoling said angrily, then she flung her sleeves and walked away, anyway, it doesn’t matter if she, the man’s sister, is there to marry the historian. It doesn't matter.

Bai Yi also knew that what Bai Qiaoling said was reasonable, but he felt a little sad in his heart. He was twenty, not too young, but because his younger brothers were too young, no one was willing to come to propose marriage for a long time, and no one wanted to marry him. A child who can only watch, eat and work, and is useless goes back.Now someone is finally willing to propose a marriage. Although it is just for joy, but fortunately, this historian's family has a great career. Even if they marry in, they are treated as only servants, which is better than being beaten and scolded by their mother all day long at home, and the neighbors look down upon them.He should be happy, but he couldn't be happy in his heart.

Bai Er said: "Brother, don't be sad, how many people envy us for marrying into the Shi family!"

Bai San said: "Second brother is right, you always have to marry anyway, it's different who you marry?"

Bai Si Bai Wu stopped talking, listened to the noise of the crowd, and waited for the auspicious time to enter the main hall with the bride to formally marry.

Bai Qiaoling left her brother's side, and was planning to find a secluded place to sit, and go to have a drink when the banquet started.The five brothers finally got married, they finally settled their minds, and the family house can be vacated, and the next thing is her marriage.

Just as Bai Qiaoling was thinking, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the crowd. Although that person had changed into new clothes, she would never admit that he was wrong. That person was Mo Wuyun from Mo Village, and the person standing next to him should be his younger brother Mo Wufeng.Bai Qiaoling was a little surprised at first why they appeared in the historian's house, but then she thought about it, their wife, Mo Daxi, came to the historian's house, so it was understandable for them to follow.

Bai Qiaoling didn't understand why the historian's daughter had favor with Mo Daxi, and she didn't want to understand. At this moment, she just stared at Mo Wuyun's figure infatuatedly.

Five years ago, at the age of 14, she passed by Mo Wuyun, who was also 14 years old, in the town. The bamboo basket in Mo Wuyun's hand accidentally touched her. Mo Wuyun looked back and smiled apologetically at her. She smiled, and it was this smile that made her never forget him ever since.

So she went around to inquire about Mo Wuyun's identity, and then begged her mother to go to Mo's Village to propose marriage for her. However, her mother did not go because she met Mo Wuyun's mother, Mo Ahua, in the town. When she wanted to marry her family, Mo Ahua immediately refused, saying that her three sons were already engaged to their adopted daughter Mo Daxi.Being rejected by Mo Ahua, Niang felt that she was humiliated, so she scolded her severely after she went back, and told her to give up on Mo Wuyun immediately.

But where is she willing to give up, not only can't give up, but she misses it even more, wandering around the town every day, looking forward to a "chance encounter" with Mo Wuyun.Although Mo Wuyun had always been polite and distant towards her, she could tell from his gentle eyes that he didn't hate her. This realization made her very happy, and she almost woke up from her dreams with a smirk every day.However, she forgot, or she deliberately forgot that Mo Wuyun was engaged to Mo Daxi.

A year later, when she learned that Mo Wuyun and Mo Daxi were married, she collapsed and locked herself in the house for a day and a night without coming out. The passing caravan went out to wander, trying to forget Mo Wuyun.But the more she wanted to forget it, the more she couldn't forget it. Three years later, she returned to Liugang Town, opened a grocery store with the money she earned, and settled down in the town.

And at this moment, she learned from her cousin, who was the young wife of the Wu family, that Mo Wuyun would often do embroidery work from the Wu family, and it was said that he was not doing well, and that his wife, Mo Daxi, was a jerk. , Beating and scolding him frequently, he was unable to support his family and even took away the money he earned from embroidery and squandered it.

So she became angry, and the thoughts that had been temporarily stranded earlier now popped up again.She, Bai Qiaoling, is not bad at making money and raising a family. The most important thing is that no one can match her love for Mo Wuyun, which is not comparable to Mo Daxi at all.She wanted to take Mo Wuyun back!

So she started to "coincidence" with him frequently again through the news she got from her cousin, but Mo Wuyun was too strict with his duty. Even though his wife, Mo Daxi, was full of evil, he still didn't think about leaving her. On the contrary, he was indifferent to Bai Qiaoling's sincere overtures.

It was not until more than two months ago that she used the cousin as an excuse, saying that the cousin asked her to buy some snacks as a reward for his good embroidery work, and he reluctantly accepted the few snacks.She thought it was a good start, but after that, he seldom came to the town, and at this time, her mother urged her to get married quickly, and she gritted her teeth out of selfishness, and asked her mother to find a matchmaker to go to Mojia Village, Moa The Chun family proposed marriage.Thinking that if they become relatives in the future, there will be many more excuses for meeting and so on.

She waited for many days, and finally waited until Mo Wuyun came to the Wu family alone to deliver embroidery work. She seized the opportunity to talk to him, but after saying a few words, that Mo Daxi appeared, and she was so angry that she wanted to Get rid of Mo Daxi's desire and hurry up.After that, Mo Wuyun hardly ever came to the town, and she also heard about Mo Daxi, saying that she was favored by the shopkeeper of Fumantang and the daughter of the Shi family, and now her life was flourishing, and her family's house was also in danger. Gaide is very handsome.All this shows that there is no possibility between her and Mo Wuyun, but how can she be reconciled to the five years of infatuated love...

Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng were mingling in the crowd to watch Shi Lan and the five Bai family brothers get married, it was really festive and lively!
Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng were somewhat envious of the five brothers of the Bai family. Back then, when the three brothers married Mo Daxi, they just invited the matchmaker for a while. There was no wedding banquet or gift, and they didn't even have a big red wedding ceremony. Clothes and clothes, holding a red string in only one hand, they worshiped and got married in a deserted hall, and finally the whole family gathered around the table and ate a meal of pork.The moment they married Mo Daxi was the beginning of their nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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