Chapter 119 Don't Kill People (1)
She already has a stable income now, and when the sales of Fu Xing Rabbit Dim Sum stabilizes, it will be another income. The money will definitely increase, and it seems that there will be more and more things to consider, but the most important thing is to Raising two children well should make the family live comfortably.

Two days later, Fu Xing Rabbit Dim Sum was officially sold at Fu Man Tang.

The lucky star rabbits were brought by Xiao Xiao early in the morning. There were twenty lucky star rabbits in a cage made of bamboo. Xiao Xiao carried a total of five cages here, and Mo Dai also brought the outer packaging early in the morning.

At the beginning of the sale, Modai told the touching story behind the Lucky Star Rabbit, which is equivalent to a storyteller, so the guests who had heard Modai's storytelling were the first to join in. They were used to sitting in the private seats on the second floor. Instead, the space in the lobby was directly occupied, and the storytelling space on the second floor was empty. Fang Ling was relieved and angry at the side. It was her business on both sides. Her heart was not bleeding, which meant that her lungs were weak. dripping blood.

Mo Dai didn't expect that the customer would sell her thin noodles like this, and she was very moved in her heart. She didn't need to be deliberately sensational, but she naturally created that kind of gentle and slightly sad touching atmosphere.

This time when telling the story, Mo Dai was not as exaggerated as when she was telling the story. She almost didn't move her position, and she didn't deliberately publicize her voice to express lyrical sighs, but just narrated plainly.

At first, there were some people chatting impetuously with the people around them, but when it was said that the white rabbit threw his body into the bonfire sacrifice for the savior, everyone fell silent.

At this moment, Mo Dai told the ending of the story in a timely manner, then opened a delicate bamboo box, showed the Lucky Star Rabbit inside, and said logically that this is a rabbit with auspicious meaning, and the lucky star shines brightly, Keep your home safe, send your family, friends, relatives, or neighbors. It is a must-have delicious snack at home or when you go out.The price is fair, only [-] Wen a piece, [-] Wen not only bought snacks and exquisite gifts, but also bought the luck brought to you by the Lucky Star Rabbit. It is sold once every seven days, and only [-] pieces are sold each time. One hundred pieces, a rare opportunity, buy early and get early, if you are late, you have to wait another seven days...

"Pfft!" After listening to Modai's last sales pitch, a young woman in a black dress and black veil sitting in a remote corner of the lobby suddenly laughed, but she motioned to her side A tall male attendant with a dull expression on his face leaned over. After she whispered something, the male attendant immediately walked up to one meter in front of Modai, and took out five ten Throwing two silver ingots onto the table in front of Mo Dai, he said: "One hundred of them, my master wants them all, and the rest of the silver is your reward." The mechanical voice and the dull facial expression complemented each other perfectly. .

Modai was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said lightly: "Thank you for your patronage."

Xiao Xiao neatly stacked the one hundred bamboo boxes in the bamboo basket, and then moved the bamboo basket into the trunk of the carriage driven by the dull man, and finally looked at a man in a black dress wearing a black headgear. The young woman in the bamboo hat and black gauze got into the carriage, and the stiff man bowed down to salute the woman respectfully, and then drove away in the carriage.

It took only one cup of tea before and after Modai finished telling the story and the sales pitch, and the hundred Lucky Star Rabbits were sold out, and there was an extra 20 taels of silver reward, which was really unexpected.Fang Ling was a little overwhelmed. The master and servant just came from a long way and passed by Fumantang to rest and replenish their strength. It is not too much to pay 50 taels of silver to buy a hundred snacks, but they are definitely not ordinary wealthy people. What people can have, always feel that their identities are not simple.

Fang Ling was thinking about the identity of the master and servant in that room, but there was a commotion in the sales scene in this room.

"What's the matter? My mother was about to buy it, but it was gone. 50 taels is amazing. My mother has plenty of silver!"

"That's right, I'm really greedy, and I actually bought a hundred of them, so I'll just wait here for a bird!"

"As soon as I heard Mo Daxi tell the story, I planned to buy it. Now it's over, there's not even a single hair left!"

"When I saw that rabbit snack, I was so happy, and I thought about buying it back to comfort my daughter!"

"Tsk, after listening for a long time and waiting for a long time, it turned out that a foreigner got there first, bad luck!"

"We'll have to wait seven days, right? In case someone else takes over again, I need to make an order first! Here, I will pay you a tael of silver for three, and you don't have to look for the rest!"

"I want three too!"

"I want four!"

"Give my wife ten!"


In the blink of an eye, 100 of the seven days later were booked, and there were more than [-] more that were not booked.Those who didn't make an appointment started clamoring for Fumantang to make more. It's too petty to sell only a hundred pieces each time. How can anyone turn away the business of door-to-door delivery?
Fang Ling was in a hurry, and looked at Mo Dai again, tsk, instead of showing any signs of anxiety, this stinky girl explained to the clamoring guests with a smile on her face: "Fuxing Rabbit is not expensive, and every seven days There are [-] rabbits to bring good luck to you, and they will not be sold at other times. Today is the first sale day of Fuxing rabbits, but they were sold out by the same customer at one time. This is beyond our expectation at Fumantang. In order to compensate you, you are allowed to make an advance reservation today, but the next time the Lucky Star Rabbit will be sold to you in a fair and just manner, reservations are not allowed, and the same customer is not allowed to purchase more than three at a time. The above, please everyone Next time, come and snap up the Lucky Star Rabbit, which represents auspiciousness and luck!"

After listening to Modai's explanation, the guests who booked the Lucky Star Rabbit to be sold next time were all beaming, while those who didn't make a reservation complained quite a bit, but they just complained, and then they dispersed and went to Listen to books on the second floor or leave Fumantang directly to go home.

After the guests dispersed from the lobby, Fang Ling pulled Modai aside, and said with great regret and heartache: "Daxi, my mother regrets that the price I set is too cheap. According to today's situation, Even if I set the price for one tael of silver, one of them will definitely sell well, do you think I want to raise the price?"

Mo Dai glanced at Fang Ling lightly: "No."

"Why not?" Although Fang Ling knew that it might not be wise to raise the price at this time, she couldn't bear it anymore. What a great prospect!
"The Lucky Star Rabbit has just started selling. The reason why the guests responded well is because the dim sum is novel and auspicious, and secondly, the customer who bought all the dim sum at one time gave other customers a big impact. We should be grateful That guest is the one who pushed our Lucky Star Rabbit to a hot new starting point. If we raise the price at this time, we may be able to earn a lot of money for a period of time, but when the guests no longer feel that the Lucky Star Rabbit is novelty, Their enthusiasm will also slowly fade, and there is no guarantee that there will be no envious people who knock off the fakes and sell them at a lower price than ours, so our business will definitely be affected."

(End of this chapter)

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