Chapter 121 Don't Kill People (3)
"Who told you not to propose marriage to Xiao Sheng? It's not that I can't help it, that's why..."

Mo Dai rubbed her forehead, she felt that Xiao Xiao's logical thinking was very different from hers, did this idiot do it on purpose?

"He definitely doesn't want to see me right now, even if I want to see him. By the way, let me talk about the sale of the Lucky Star Rabbit in the future..."

"Go, Daxi, Xiao Sheng really wants to see you, he likes..."

"Shut up, idiot!" Mo Dai covered Xiao Xiao's mouth, glanced left and right to see that no one was there, and then let go. Now she understood why Mo Mo always said that Xiao Xiao was stupid. Her muscles, good and bad things came out of her mouth.

Modai was also wondering whether she should go or not. If she went, she would be able to tell him what happened in the future and give him enough time to prepare. But he probably didn't want to see her right now. Instead, she went embarrass him even more.Forget it, I still don't want to go, Xu Shaolin is right, since she doesn't plan to marry him, she should keep as little contact with him as possible.


"Forget it, I still won't go. After he calms down a little, I'll go over and discuss with him about the future. I'm going back. You don't want to stay in Fumantang for a few days, and you have to go back to live at any later time. do you know?"

"Okay, I get it now……"

Xiao Xiao looked at the back of Mo Dai leaving, and couldn't help but feel aggrieved for Xiao Sheng, Mo Daxi, you are so cruel, you clearly know that Xiao Sheng likes you, why can't you agree to marry him?It's just that there is an extra husband-in-law, who doesn't need to take up much space, and can help you have children and take care of housework, how wonderful...

But thinking about it again, maybe it is because Mo Daxi treats people kindly, but he will not fall in love with a person easily, which makes Xiao Sheng fall in love. Alas, why is she not? She knows that she can't do it, but still Unwilling to give up, asking what love is in the world, it makes people feel infatuated with pain and helplessness...

Mojia Village.

Mo Guihua came out of the patriarch's house with a big bamboo basket on her back. There were two small bags of rice seeds in the bamboo basket. They bought the wheat seeds and rice seeds directly from the patriarch's house every year.

Mo Guihua came directly to Mo Daxi's house with a bamboo basket on her back, and shouted loudly at the door: "Uncle Xu, I bought the rice seeds for you!"

Xu Shaolin was weaving bamboo boxes with thin bamboo pieces in the west room, when he heard Mo Guihua's voice, he stopped his work and got up with a cane to open the door.

"Osmanthus, thank you, come in and drink some water!" Xu Shaolin opened the door to let Mo Guihua in, then walked into the stove, picked up a bowl, and twisted a round valve beside the stove , Warm boiled water flows into the bowl, and when the water in the bowl is full, turn on the valve again.

Mo Guihua had seen this valve before, and she was the one who did the final project, but seeing that round thing can control the water flow, she still felt miraculous in her heart, so she praised Mo Daxi again, and thought about waiting for their family in the future. I am also generous, and I must also get such a pot and stove.

Mo Guihua drank a bowl of warm water and wiped her mouth: "Uncle Xu, I'm going home first. After lunch, I have to go to the field to prepare the land. Call me if you need anything!" Then she carried the bamboo basket on her back and went out Door.

Mo Wuyun came out of the house at this time: "Father, our land should be cleared, I'll cook, and Wufeng and I will go to the fields to clear the land."

"Well, go and cook, Daxi will be back later, I don't know if the box and purse will sell well?"

"Father, didn't the wife-owner say that there is no problem, we just do what we do, we don't spend any money, even if we can't sell it, we don't lose anything!"

"Well, that's the reason, okay, I'll continue to make up."

When Modai came back, Mo Wuyun had already prepared his lunch, a rare white rice, but put a lot of sweet potatoes in it, and fried two vegetables, one fried small green vegetables, one green chili fried bacon, and roasted A pot of egg drop soup.

The two little ones were carried back by Modai again, each holding a bunch of candied haws in their hands, happily sticking out their tongues to lick the sugar residue on them, their mouths were stained with hawthorn red color.

"Daddy, mother bought it!" Mo Xiaoyu happily waved the candied haws to Mo Wuyun as if she was showing off when she saw Mo Wuyun coming out of the kitchen.Mo Xiaoyi also shook the candied haws in his hand, opened his small mouth again to lick the candy residue, but before he could lick it, his saliva flowed out and just dripped onto his chest.When Mo Wuyun saw him, he quickly took out his handkerchief and wiped it for him.

"My wife, put the child down quickly, wash your hands and eat."

Mo Daiyi said to put the two children down, and as soon as the two children touched the ground, they ran to the west room with candied haws to show off to Xu Shaolin, and then went to the main room to show off to Mo Wufeng and Mo Wuqing.

Mo Dai took off a cloth bag from her body and handed it to Mo Wuyun, saying: "Today our rabbit snacks together with bamboo boxes and purses are selling very well, they are sold out in one fell swoop, and many customers have already made appointments for the next visit, you just have to Boldly make bamboo boxes and purses!" Mo Dai went to the sink to scoop up water and washed the handles, and after smelling the aroma of the food, she couldn't help boasting, "Wu Yun's craftsmanship has improved, and it smells very good!"

Mo Wuyun originally heard Mo Dai talk about selling dim sum, and was happy because all the bamboo boxes and purses were sold, but then he heard Modai praise his cooking skills without any pretense. His face didn't change, but his eyes were a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, open the bag and have a look. There are things I bought for you inside." After saying that, Mo Dai walked over to remove the bowls and chopsticks from the storage table.

At this time, Xu Shaolin, Mo Wufeng and Mo Wuqing also came over, and Mo Dai told the news that all the dim sum had been sold out again. Xu Shaolin was happy and smiled from ear to ear. Light can not help but beam with joy.

Mo Wuyun opened the bag that Modai handed him, and took out two packs of snacks from inside, one was candied sour plum, the other was blue-red hawthorn, and then saw four small wooden boxes and a pack of snacks inside. A complete set of pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

"The sour plums are for your snacks, and the hawthorns are for making candied haws to satisfy your cravings when you have free time. Inside the four boxes are the headbands I bought. The style is simple and elegant. I think it looks good. I don't know if you like it or not. As for the set of pens, inks, papers and inkstones, I will save them for future drawing." Mo Dai said while lifting the lid of the pot to serve the rice.

Mo Wuyun opened the wooden box, and sure enough, there was a dark wooden headband lying inside, with the pattern of auspicious bird carved on it, and a small wooden hairpin beside it, one end of which was also carved with the pattern of auspicious bird. Both the headband and the wooden hairpin were polished to be round and smooth, and I don't know what kind of wood they are made of. You can faintly smell a faint woody fragrance when you hold them in your hand.

The patterns of the four people's headbands are all the same. Although Mo Dai bought them on the basis of the principle of treating everyone equally, she was more or less "too lazy to pick".

(End of this chapter)

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