Chapter 137: To Marry or Not to Marry (4)
When Mo Achun's three sons, Mo Hao, Mo Han and Mo Ran passed by Mo Dai in a bullock cart, they couldn't help but glared at Mo Dai.Mo Dai is not very familiar with Mo Hao, Mo Han and Mo Ran, including their sister Mo Haihai. She only knows that Mo Hao is about the same age as herself, Mo Han is seventeen, Mo Ran is fifteen, and Mo Dai Sea sixteen.

Since they glared at her, it meant that they listened to Mo Achun's words, and Mo Achun was the same thing, so they were not worth making friends with, so Mo Dai cupped her fists and smiled at them indifferently: "The three cousins ​​are easy to go, marry me!" After being a husband, you must obey the three virtues and obey the four virtues, and take care of your wife and teach your daughter well. My cousin, I hereby wish you a harmonious husband and wife, and everything goes well!"

Hearing this, the three of them looked away in disdain.

Mo Dai smiled, carried the bamboo basket on her back, and said to Mo Wuyun, Mo Wufeng and Xu Shaolin, "Let's go home!"

When Mo Achun saw that Mo Dai was leaving, she ignored her and Mo Alan. She was so angry that she wanted to slam her fist against the door frame again, but in the end she held back and only gritted her teeth and said, "Look at her attitude, does she treat elders like this?" ?”

"Then take a look at your own attitude?" Mo Jinhua walked behind her and said at some point, "That girl in Daxi is wholeheartedly for your family, so what do you say about her? Oh, I'm going back too !"

Mo Jinhua also went back without eating, and Mo Achun was so angry that his lungs were going to explode, but he heard Mo Alan say a few words: "Elder sister, don't worry, then Mo Daxi must pray that he will not be caught by me." If I catch you..." Mo Alan clenched his fists, his knuckles creaked, and there was not even a trace of kindness on his face, which clearly showed a sinister and cunning look.

After the son of Mo Achun's family got married, Mo Dai found that her reputation in Mo's village suddenly improved, especially in the eyes of the children, her voice was even higher. These were all thanks to the three cats of Mo Guihua's family. It was they who carried forward her reputation as a gentle and kind person who cooks delicious food.

In the past, people in the village, especially the children, saw her as if they had seen a big villain, but now it is different. The adults will greet her warmly, and the children will timidly call her Aunt Daxi. After getting her kind smile, Then he would hula around her and ask about things, of course, most of them were about food.

On this day, two days before the third sale of Fuxing Rabbit, Mo Dai did not go to Fumantang, but sat in his room and continued to conceive the patterns of Fuxing Rabbit's peripheral products and the storyline of the Newspeak book.

In fact, for the past two days, Modai didn't go to the Fumantang in the town, but stayed at home with her baby, taking it as a vacation for herself.

After Mo Bajin left Mo Daxi's house that day, he really reorganized the land in the small seedling field of Mo Daxi's house the next day. Mo Dai followed Mo Wuyun to see it. Mo Bajin is a good farmer, and he reorganized it The land is fine and flat, and the germination rate has always been higher than that of other houses, but she has two husbands like that, so it can only be said that her life is bad!
After the land had been prepared, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng also sprinkled the rice seeds and planted the rice. The next step was to wait for the seedlings to emerge. When the seedlings grew to seven or eight inches long, they could be transplanted.Of course, the wheat has to be harvested before the seedlings are planted, and the busy farming season is coming soon.

Mo Dai was drawing the pattern of children's clothes, when she heard Xiao Man's crying in Mo Wuqing's room, she put down her pen and walked out.At this time, Xu Shaolin was still weaving bamboo boxes, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng were still embroidering purses, the two younger ones were not at home, and went to play with the three cats of Mo Guihua's family.

Mo Dai pushed open the door of Mo Wuqing's room, and saw that Mo Wuqing was hurriedly buttoning the shirt on his chest, while Xiao Man in his arms was still crying like a kitten with his mouth open.

"Wuqing, Xiao Man is hungry, aren't you going to feed him?" Mo Dai looked at Mo Wuqing with some puzzlement.

"Of course I want to!" Mo Wuqing glared at Mo Dai in embarrassment.

Mo Dai suddenly understood, and was a little embarrassed: "Well, hello, I, I'm going out!" Mo Dai looked at Xiao Man's pink and tender face with some nostalgia, and wanted to go out after a kiss, But it seems that her dawdling made Xiaoman's father misunderstand what she was thinking. God is sorry, she just wants to kiss the baby, and she really doesn't have those dirty thoughts.

Mo Dai went out and closed the door behind her. Just as she was about to go back to her room to continue drawing, she suddenly heard a familiar female voice from outside the door: "Daxi, are you there?"

Xiao Xiao?Why is she here?

Mo Dai hurried over to open the door, and it was Xiao Xiao himself standing outside the door.

"Xiao Xiao, why are you here, please come in!" Mo Dai said with a smile, this is the first time Xiao Xiao has visited since she built a new house.Xu Shaolin, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng also went out to say hello to Xiao Xiao, and then went back to work.

As soon as Xiao Xiao entered the door, he looked left and right, exclaiming from time to time: "Daxi, you really built the house you thought in your heart, it's really amazing!"

"It was built by Shi Mo, and he is the one who is amazing!" Mo Dai said as she went into the stove and turned the valve and poured a bowl of warm water for Xiao Xiao.

When Xiao Mo heard the name Shi Mo, Xiao Xiao was dazed for a moment, but soon said with a smile: "You have to figure it out first! You are amazing!"

Mo Dai didn't argue with her, she folded her arms naturally on her chest, looked at her and said: "Is there something important that you came to find me on purpose today?"

"Of course!"


"I, I'm here to see your little baby!"

"Ha ha."

"What are you laughing at? I'm serious. Look, I brought a gift, but I have to let your little baby call me a godmother!" He put his bowl on the side table, and took out three bracelets made of red rope from his sleeve pockets. The bracelets were adorned with heart locks carved from apricot stones, "Hey, this is for the three children, the heart locks It was carved by me, and the red rope was woven by Xiao Sheng, he made it after a long time of thinking, although it is not worth much money, but it is our heart!"

Mo Dai looked at the small heart lock, the carving was so delicate and lifelike, she never thought that Xiao Xiao would have such a unique skill!There is also the red rope, the weaving method is also very special, as if the bracelet weaving method seen in the previous life was actually figured out by Xiao Sheng, he is really a man with an exquisite mind.

"Thank you very much, this is much better than the jade pendant I bought a few days ago!" Modai praised sincerely.

"Hey hey!" Xiao Xiao rubbed his head and smirked, and Mo Dai brought her the water on the storage table again, she brought it over and drank it down, then put down the bowl and said, "Take me to meet the little baby!"

Mo Dai glanced at the door of Mo Wuqing's room, feeling troubled, she pulled Xiao Xiao into her room, closed the door and whispered: "You know that giving birth is very scary, if you don't pay attention, you will be stared at!"

"Pfft! Is that so?" Xiao Xiao couldn't help but feel funny looking at Mo Dai's cautious appearance, and at the same time felt more and more that if any man could marry Mo Daxi, he would definitely live a happy life.

(End of this chapter)

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