Chapter 141: Both Dumbfounded (4)
Mo Wuyun was stunned by Mo Dai's sudden storm-like behavior. When he reacted, he saw that Mo Dai was pressing down on him, with bright black pupils looking into his eyes, revealing A bit dangerous.

"Master wife..."

Modai didn't speak, but suddenly tore off his shirt, lowered her head and bit his ear.Mo Wuyun's body froze, and then a sense of psychological and instinctive fear swept his whole body. He pushed Mo Dai away forcefully, his eyes clearly filled with fear and disgust.

"Hehehe..." Mo Dai suddenly lay down on the kang and laughed, thinking about her hooligan behavior just now, "Look, it's not that I deliberately avoided getting close to you, but that you have a shadow in your heart and hate me being close to you." Mo Dai sat up and looked at Mo Wuyun, who was still in shock, "I'm sorry, I was such an asshole before! Don't worry, I have already thought about it. I will kiss you skin to skin when we are more pleasing to each other in the future. !"

Seeing that Mo Wuyun was a little dazed, Mo Dai couldn't help but stepped forward and stretched out her hand in front of his eyes. When he regained his composure, he quickly turned away and said angrily, "Did the wife master just deliberately make fun of Wuyun?"

"No, no, I'm just..." After thinking about it, Mo Dai was messed up again.

"Then I also want to say something to my wife--" Mo Wuyun suddenly turned his face again, his usually indifferent eyes were flickering with fire, which was somewhat similar to Mo Wuqing's appearance when he was angry.

"Tell me." Mo Dai avoided her eyes without a trace, and took a step back without a trace, just touching the edge of the kang.

Mo Wuyun clasped Mo Dai's shoulders and pressed her to sit on the kang, quickly kissed her lips, bit her lips, then withdrew, angrily said: "Don't underestimate us men!" This time It was Mo Dai's turn to be stunned. Although Mo Wuyun didn't bite her lip so hard that the skin broke and bled, he still throbbed hard.

Mo Wuyun finally felt at ease. He tidied up his clothes and walked out the door, saying, "My wife is good to have a rest. Where there is no wind and no light, I will speak for you."

Hearing this, Mo Dai's face suddenly turned red, God, isn't this the world of female venerables?Shouldn't it be a world where women can do whatever they want?Why was Mo Wuyun's performance so fierce and sturdy just now?

But Mo Dai didn't know that the moment Mo Wuyun walked out of the room, his face was several times redder than Mo Dai's, the faint fragrance of Mo Dai's body was always floating in his nose, and the soft touch on his lips was in his mind over and over again. In the aftertaste, the heart was beating wildly as if it was about to jump out of the chest cavity, and the whole body felt hot and dry.

Xiao Xiao bounced back to Liugang Town, humming a strange tune all the way, and the passers-by who passed her couldn't help avoiding them.

Xiao Xiao didn't go back to Fumantang, but went home directly, and when he got home, he slapped the door very loudly, when he saw Xiao Sheng's expression of "you're dazed again" after the door opened, Xiao Xiao said proudly : "Xiao Sheng, my dear brother, your dear sister, I have helped you lead a wonderful marriage this time!"

Xiao Sheng didn't listen to her nonsense at all, just closed the door again, and then walked quickly to the kitchen, where he was making snacks.

Seeing that Xiao Sheng ignored him, Xiao Xiao didn't care, but leaned against the gate and started talking to the rams and lambs in the barn.

"Goats, your master is going to get married, hehehe..." Xiao Xiao said, and couldn't help shaking his shoulders and laughing again. The ram and the lamb only looked up at her at the beginning, seeing that she was not at all. Before eating the grass with them, he turned his head and ignored her.

Xiao Xiao didn't care about it, and said directly: "In the future, you will also marry as a dowry, don't worry, that family's yard is much larger than ours, and that family is very kind, as long as you eat, drink, and sleep well every day!"

"Sister, come and help me bring the snacks to the main room!" Xiao Sheng has become numb to Xiao Xiao's self-talk, and he will do it when it is time to do it.

Xiao Xiao said to the sheep again: "Recently, you must eat more food to make yourself fat, and it will look better when you get married as a dowry! Well, your master is calling me, and I will talk to you later !” After speaking, he walked into the kitchen and brought out a steamed tray of White Rabbit snacks.

After that, Xiao Sheng cooked brown rice porridge, made chili stir-fried pork and blanched a handful of green vegetables. This was the lunch for the siblings.

When Xiao Sheng finished his lunch and brought the dishes into the main room, he found that Xiao Xiao had fallen asleep lying on the square table, as if he had some sweet dream, and laughed from time to time.

Xiao Sheng sighed, my sister was worried last night that what she said to the matchmaker would make the matchmaker spread the word, so she was restless all night, and went to Fumantang with snacks early in the morning, thinking of meeting Mo Daxi Then give her the snack.

Xiao Sheng put down the vegetable bowl, and stretched out his hand to push Xiao Xiao: "Sister, wake up, it's time to eat!"

But he didn't want to, Xiao Xiao grabbed his hand and rubbed it on his face, and smiled silly while rubbing: "Daxi, you are so kind, I like you..."

Xiao Sheng's face darkened immediately, he withdrew his hand abruptly, and slapped Xiao Xiao on the back of the head: "Xiao Xiao, wake up, it's time to eat!"

"Ah!" Xiao Xiao woke up startled, seeing Xiao Sheng staring at her with a black face, she rubbed her eyes and asked in puzzlement, "Xiao Sheng, why are you staring at me?"

Xiao Sheng raised his eyebrows: "Sister, tell me the truth, do you mean that you are infatuated with Brother Shi Mo, so you went to Mo Daxi for joy?" Xiao Sheng's expression was very serious.

When Xiao Xiao heard it, he burst out laughing, and he laughed for a while before he stopped: "Xiao Sheng, what do you think? If I were a man, I would definitely like Mo Daxi, but that's impossible. Don't worry, I'm happy man!"

Xiao Sheng still frowned to express doubts. After all, what my sister said in the dream just now was very clear. As the saying goes, I think about it every day and dream at night. If my sister didn't miss Mo Daxi often, how could she always dream about her?Of course, he would not admit that he was a typical example.

"Xiao Sheng, sister, I'm telling you something, you must hold on to it!" Xiao Xiao smiled happily when he thought of what he was about to say.

"Tell me." Xiao Sheng said indifferently. To be honest, there are very few times what my sister said is worth listening to.

"Daxi promised to come and marry you!" Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"Oh, is that so?" Xiao Sheng turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

When Xiao Xiao saw Xiao Sheng, he acted like nothing happened, what's going on?Daxi is going to marry him, isn't he happy?
"Xiao Sheng, Daxi is really going to marry you!" Xiao Xiao said again unwillingly.

Xiao Sheng still didn't respond, just walked back with two bowls of porridge, put one in front of Xiao Xiao, and ate the other by himself.

Xiao Xiao felt that it was very boring, so he simply buried himself in the porridge.

After the meal was over, when Xiao Sheng packed up the dishes and went into the stove to wash, Xiao Xiao followed to the door of the stove again and said, "Xiao Sheng, I didn't lie to you, I went to Mojia Village today to look for Daxi, and then Daxi personally He told me, and Dad agreed..."

(End of this chapter)

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