Chapter 145: To Rescue or Not to Rescue (3)
"Wow, Boss Hu is so lucky, please treat me!"

"I won the lottery today, I am very happy in my heart, my wife treats me!"

As a result, the one tael of the boss Hu's money was quickly spent in Fumantang again, and the money spent was several times more than the winning amount. Fang Ling was very satisfied with this.

At the end of the day, Mo Dai handed over ten liang of silver from the lottery to Fang Ling, and Fang Ling weighed the silver in his hand and said: "Businessmen should never let go of a chance to make money like this in order to collect money. A lot of wealth, do you understand, Mo Daxi?"

"Understood, the shopkeeper is wise!" Mo Dai replied politely.

"Now that you understand, then what I mentioned earlier about letting you and Xiao Xiao open a pastry shop..."

"Let me reconsider."

"Hmph!" Fang Ling gave Mo Dai another contemptuous glance, and threw a couple of pieces of silver at her, "You should think it over quickly, don't think that you are the one in charge of my mother's pastry shop!"

"Thank you shopkeeper for your understanding!" Mo Dai cupped her fists and bowed.It's not that she doesn't want to open a pastry shop, but she wants to open it herself, or let Xiao Sheng and Xiao Xiao open a pastry shop that is completely their own, not affiliated to Fumantang.

Mo Dai's "Journey to the West" storybook is coming to an end, she asked Fang Ling's opinion, it is more enjoyable to write about fighting and killing instead of romance, so Mo Dai is going to re-adapt "Water Margin" into A book for the next story.

It's already mid-May, the weather is getting warmer, and the busy farming season is here.

On this day, Mo Dai came to Fumantang at Maoshi, wrote a book for two hours, and planned to leave at Sishi, but at this moment, the young mistress Wu Lian came to inform her shopkeeper to let her go to the account room in the backyard.

After arriving at the accounting room, Fang Ling handed Mo Dai another package, which contained 200% of the profit from storytelling last month, [-] taels.

Fang Ling said: "Mo Daxi, if you tell me, your final reward will definitely be doubled!"

Mode smiled and said nothing.

Fang Ling really hates Mo Dai's calm and reticent appearance: "Leave the lottery to Wu Lian to watch, and the sales of the Lucky Star Rabbit have stabilized, so let Xiao Xiao have full power, and you should concentrate on writing about you in the future." The book, of course, the money you deserve, you won’t miss a penny!”

"Thank you, shopkeeper!" Mo Dai sincerely thanked, because Fang Ling did not default on the money owed to her, and Fang Ling would not blackmail the rewards every time a customer named her for a reward.

"Let's talk about Lan'er again. I heard from Mrs. Shi that Lan'er's condition is very bad. She doesn't want to take medicine and has a bad temper. Every day she repeats your name, but the stubborn But she didn't let Mrs. Shi send someone to inform you, insisting that you take the initiative to see her when you sensed that she was dying, but her health has been getting worse in the past two days, and she can't even drink porridge, Shi Madame is also in a hurry, so I asked you, when will you go to see her? Is it possible today?"

Speaking of Shi Lan, Mo Dai frowned slightly.Shi Lan was able to persevere, but no one had been sent to look for her in the past month or so.But right now the family is busy with farming, and she still wants to go back to help in the second half of the day. Although Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng said that her help is not needed, the main force of other people's work in the field is women, even if they don't say it, She felt sorry for herself.

"Tomorrow, I will go tomorrow!"

"Alright, tomorrow you come to Fumantang, I'll take you there!"

Mo Dai walked out of the accounting room and out of the backyard, and met Xiao Xiao again in the lobby, Xiao Xiao also seemed to pack up her things and prepare to go home.Xiao Xiao heard that Mo Dai's family was going to harvest wheat today, so she clamored to help. Xiao Xiao's family had no land, and all the food they ate was bought with money, so there was no so-called busy farming.Mo Dai couldn't resist Xiao Xiao and agreed to let her go back with her.

Mo Dai came here today with a bamboo basket on her back, because she wanted to buy more things to go home.The farming season is busy and requires a lot of physical strength, so Mo Dai thought about making more delicious food for Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng, so she went to Mrs. Ding to buy three catties of pork ribs, ten catties of pork belly, and two A large piece of pig blood, and went to a fish shop to buy a crucian carp weighing more than three catties. I saw someone selling hens, and bought two more hens. I passed by a strange goods store, and there were dried shiitake mushrooms and dried fungus for sale. , so I bought those two items again, and when I got out of the strange goods store, Mo Dai's bamboo basket was already full.

Xiao Xiao followed Mo Dai all the time to watch Mo Dai buy things, seeing her buying things in one go, even she, a bystander, felt very refreshed, and at the same time sighed secretly, Mo Daxi was really willing to spend money.

The two hens Modai bought were for Xiao Xiao to hold, so the girl shook the hens upside down along the way, until they both fainted.

The sun was shining and the warm wind was blowing, Xiao Xiao was also in a good mood, and began to hum some outrageous tunes again.Mo Dai also curled up her lips and listened silently. She didn't find it harsh at all, but found it quite innovative.

Humming and humming, Xiao Xiao couldn't help breaking the conversation: "Daxi, do you have to wait until the busy farming season is over before marrying Xiao Sheng?"

"Isn't it good? At least I can stay with you for a few more days. He won't feel at ease if you are alone at home. You might as well find someone to marry."

"I'm looking for..." Xiao Xiao's voice lowered, and his mood seemed to be a little gloomy.

She has been looking for it, but she just can't find what she likes. In fact, when she sees those men, she will subconsciously compare him with Shi Mo, and then think that he is not tall enough, and his facial features are not deep enough. Not vicious enough, not evil enough...

In short, when the matchmaker heard what she said, he was so angry that he threw up his sleeves and left, saying that she was sick. Women have always picked men who are graceful and good-looking. Unlike her, she thinks that men are not ugly enough , That's why I don't like it, I'm really stunned!

"It's good if you are looking for it. You can't rush this matter. It depends on your own mentality. If you haven't married at the age of 25, I will definitely find a family of brothers to marry you. You can't let the official matchmaker force you." Throw a man to you."

"Okay, I'll count on you!" Xiao Xiao shook the hen again, humming her outrageous tune again.

Thinking of rushing back to make lunch, the two walked quickly and arrived home at noon.

As soon as she got home, Maud started to make lunch.Modai wanted Xiao Xiao to help harvest the wheat after lunch, but Xiao Xiao couldn't wait, Xu Shaolin wanted to take her to the field, but the three cats playing at the door said they knew the way and volunteered to To take Xiao Xiao there, in fact, they saw Mo Dai and bought a lot of vegetables back, thinking that if they helped Mo Dai, they would definitely have delicious meat for lunch.

So Xiao Xiao put on a bamboo hat, put on a sweat towel, took a sickle and followed the three cats to the field.Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi also wanted to follow, but when Modai waved at them, they ran back in a hurry. There was no way, although they liked to run and play with the three cats, they preferred Follow mother's side, because there is meat to eat by mother's side.

(End of this chapter)

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