Chapter 157: Marriage is imminent (5)
The main room of Bai Qiaoling's house is three green brick and tile houses, the west house is two rooms with earthen walls and tiles, and the east side is built with two thatched houses, one is a stove room and the other is a firewood room. The stove room and the firewood room are somewhat low. , if a person goes in, he has to bow his head and bend over.

Originally, Bai Yi to Bai Wu lived in one of the rooms in the Westinghouse before they got married, and the other room held the stocks from Bai Qiaoling's grocery store.Among the three main rooms, apart from the one used as the main hall, the other two are for Bai Qiaoling to live in one, and Bai Qiaoling's mother, Bai Fengzhi, and four fathers to live in one.

Now the five brothers have been abandoned by the historian, and the room they used to live in is also used by Bai Qiaoling to store the stock of the grocery store, so they can only squeeze five people into a small woodshed.

The firewood room was full of firewood, and the five brothers tried their best to stack the firewood to one side, and put some straw on the other side. The five of them slept on the extra straw mat.

The five brothers of the Bai family were severely beaten by their old mother Bai Fengzhi when they came back from Hugh yesterday. The youngest Bai Wu wanted to escape when he was beaten, so he was beaten even harder after being chased back, until he passed out Only then did Bai Fengzhi stop.Bai Fengzhi had a peculiar habit of beating his son and his husband. The more he hid, the harder the beating was, and the more people persuaded him, the harder the beating was. Therefore, when Bai Wu was beaten, no one in his family dared to speak out to persuade him or stepped forward to stop him.

Bai Wu had a high fever last night and kept talking nonsense, and the fever has not subsided until today, a bone protruding from his chest, it seems that his ribs were broken, his body is bloody, and there are a few whip marks on his face .The five brothers had no money to hire a doctor to see Bai Wu, so they could only weep silently around him.

Bai Wu has been in a coma, and Bai Yi to Bai Si have a premonition that Bai Wu will not survive this time.As if sensing his brother's thoughts, Bai Wu suddenly opened his eyes, his chapped and peeling lips squirmed a few times, Bai Yi leaned against his lips and heard him say that he wanted to drink water, so Bai Yi went to scoop up a bowl water comes.

But Bai Wu just took a sip of water and started coughing, and when he coughed, he moved his broken ribs, and the pain made him almost faint again, but he endured it, and whispered to Bai Yi: "Brother... I It hurts...I'm going to die..."

Bai Yi's tears flowed even more fiercely: "Xiao Wu, don't be afraid, you go over there first and wait, and your other brothers and I will go sooner or later. The elder brother heard from the old man in the town that there There are flowers and grass, a big house to live in, good food to eat, no one will hit us, we will always live there happily..." Bai Yi didn't want to lie to Bai Wu that he would not die, At this point, he thought that death was much better than life. At least, Bai Wu would no longer have to be afraid of being beaten by his mother.

Tears flowed from the corners of Bai Wu's eyes, and the tears dripped onto the wound, causing burning pain, but at this moment he could no longer feel the pain: " it really as good as you said..."


"Big brother..."


"If we...didn' that to Mo would be fine...I'm...happy...she..."

Bai Yi didn't understand, they only saw Mo Daxi twice in total, and she never said a word to them, how could Bai Wu fall in love with her?Bai Erbai San also couldn't figure it out.

However, Bai Si, who has the youngest age difference with Bai Wu, understands that Bai Wu likes the peaceful and kind aura exuded from Mo Daxi. She looked at them without disdain or hypocritical sympathy. She looked at them from the same standpoint as them, she looked at them with sad eyes, and felt sad for them.

When they got married that day, Bai Wu had said that he was not afraid of her, but he who knew Bai Wu well knew that Bai Wu had always had an instinctive fear of women.

"Big brother..."


"It would be great if I could...see her again..."

Bai Yi turned his head and cried, Bai Er to Bai Si also cried bitterly, Bai Wu who was lying on the straw mat fell into a coma again, and this time, he never woke up again.

Within a few days, Bai Yi to Bai Si were sold by their mothers to the official match, and since then there has been no news of them.

After more than 20 days of busy work, Mo Daxi's family has harvested wheat, planted seedlings, and planted sweet potatoes, corn, and peanuts in the three acres of dry land. The family can finally take a breather.

During this busy period of farming, Mo Dai spread the lucky touch activity to the whole Liugang Town. Anyone who comes to the town, no matter rich or poor, will go to Fumantang to try their luck. Two eggs, of course, this is a participation award for the poor. As for the rich, they don't care about the two eggs at all, and they won't take them if they win. What they fancy is the one with the first prize. A night pearl worth thousands of gold.

That luminous pearl is the treasure of Fang Ling's family, including Shi Xiyan, who has a big family and a big business, really wants to get that luminous pearl, so she has come to draw prizes many times, but she has not been able to get it after spending hundreds of taels of silver.

Fang Ling paid for it this time, but Mo Dai made a lot of money for her. In just over 20 days, she actually made a profit of more than 1000 taels, and Mo Dai, who got a [-]% profit from it, naturally also earned more than [-]. two.

In addition, the upgraded version of the Lucky Star Rabbit has also been officially launched. Because of its more vivid and pleasing appearance than the original, especially the small clothes on its body and the lucky star on its neck, it is very popular among customers. A lot of people are willing to snap up two silver coins.The reserve price that Mo Dai sold to Fu Mantang was [-] yuan each. Xiao Xiao made up the small clothes on the white rabbit and the lucky star around his neck. As for the proposal to carve with apricot pits, it was finally abandoned Yes, the reason is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there is nothing new.

At the same time, the Fuxing Rabbit peripheral products Fuxing Rabbit brocade bag and Fuxing Rabbit children's clothing designed by Modai are also cut by Mo Wuqing, sewn by Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng. Being favored by those wealthy families who are at the forefront of fashion, they have now taken over dozens of sets of children's clothes. Each set of children's clothes is sold to Fumantang for two taels of silver, and Fumantang is sold for 20 taels. Fang Ling Earn a fortune.

Mo Guihua's family's farm work is basically cleared, so she wants to follow Mo Dai to the town to find work, but what Mo Dai knows is only the errands in Fumantang, and a clumsy and honest person like Mo Guihua is really not suitable for Fumantang As the second wife, Mo Dai asked Mo Guihua to follow Xu Shaolin to learn how to weave bamboo boxes. Now that the family does not lack the money for selling bamboo boxes, it doesn't matter if they share half of it for Mo Guihua to earn.Xu Shaolin was the most kind, so naturally he had no objection.Mo Guihua's three husbands also wanted to learn embroidery from the three Mo Wuyun brothers, but they gave up because of their clumsy hands.

During dinner that day, Xu Shaolin smiled and said to Mo Dai: "Daxi, the busy farming season is over, and the family is free now, so you should hurry up and pick an auspicious day to marry that child, A Sheng, and don't let him wait any longer." Yes, I heard from Ah Xiao that the whole Liugang Town knows that Ah Sheng is going to marry you!"

(End of this chapter)

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