Chapter 162
At Xushi, after everyone in the village had finished eating and drinking and went home, Mo Hao, who had already left, suddenly turned back and said that he wanted to talk to Mo Wuyun, and even grabbed Mo Wuyun so forcefully. The arm is pulled outward.

"Big cousin, what are you doing, let go!" Mo Wuyun was a little angry, how could he be so unreasonable, if he wanted to talk to him personally, it would depend on whether he was willing to listen?

"Wuyun, I heard that you and Wufeng Wuqing are going to pay homage to Mo Daxi again tomorrow, right? Hmph, people from all over the world have never heard of such a thing, and they are not afraid of being laughed at! Then Mo Daxi is really not a thing, but he came up with such a shameless idea!" Mo Hao didn't let go, and ridiculed words came out of his mouth.

"Whether you laugh or not is someone else's business, so what have we to do with it?" When Mo Hao heard Mo Hao scolding Mo Daxi again, Mo Wuyun immediately became angry, "Please go back if you have nothing to do, I don't care about myself." I want to talk to you, and I don’t want to hear what you have to say, so walk slowly!” As he spoke, he pushed Mo Hao away, and the door slammed shut in front of him, and there was a heavy sound of latches falling inside.

Mo Hao was so angry that he stared straight at the door, and kicked his foot towards the gate with resentment, but his own foot was numb from the shock. When he was limping towards the east of the village, he suddenly saw Bai Qiaoling under a big tree by the side of the road. wait for him.

"Didn't I ask you to bring people out?"

"What can I do if he doesn't come out?"

"You pig brain, didn't you ask you to think of a way?"

"If you want to go by yourself, I won't...ah, it hurts..."

Before Mo Hao finished speaking, Bai Qiaoling punched him in the abdomen, and then punched and kicked him in greeting. Now that the sky was dark and there was no one around, Bai Qiaoling was unscrupulous.

"My wife, stop beating me, I was wrong, but I really can't think of a way, why don't you let Mo Hanmoran do it?"

"They are stupider than you, a bunch of useless things!"

"But I put the medicine you gave me into Mo Daxi's tea bowl..."

"Did she drink?"

"She fell..."

"You trash!" Bai Qiaoling kicked Mo Hao again, the pain was so painful that he only dared to sob softly.

"I still have that weird water thing that spilled into their kitchen..."

"How much did you put?"

"Leave it all..."

"Isn't anyone found out?"


"Did you find out when she will go to town tomorrow?"

"It seems to be Yinshi..."

"Hmph, is that right? Well, get up and come home with me!" Bai Qiaoling's voice sounded very happy.

"Which home do you want to go to?"

"Of course it's back to our town home!"

"But Mo Han and Mo Ran..."

"Just let those two idiots stay here for one night! Don't cry!"

Mo Hao was so frightened that he stopped crying and followed Bai Qiaoling cautiously.

Bai Qiaoling glanced back at the gate of Mo Daxi's house again, clenched her fists, and sneered in her heart, Mo Daxi, let me see how long you can be proud!
At Yinshi the next day, Mo Dai got up and put on the big red wedding gown that Mo Wuyun's three brothers sewed for her. Her hair was also tied up with a red ribbon. The big red wedding gown set off her fair and supple skin. It is very red in the inside, and it is very beautiful.Mo Wuyun, Mo Wufeng, and Mo Wuqing, who were also wearing big red robes, were afraid to look at Mo Dai in front of them, their hearts were beating vigorously. They were obviously not newlyweds, but they were even more nervous than newlyweds.

Xu Shaolin walked over with a cane, looked Mo Dai from head to toe, nodded and praised: "Very good, very good, our Daxi wears it very well!"

"Father, then I'll go to town now, and I'll leave this place to you. Later, Aunt Osmanthus and the three elder brothers will come to help..."

"I get it, I get it, you go quickly, oh, by the way, I made you a bowl of milk tea and put it on the stove, drink it before you go!"

"Okay, thank you dad!"

"Thank you, this child!" Xu Shaolin smiled gratifiedly, the more he looked at his daughter, the more satisfied he became.

Mo Dai walked into the kitchen and picked up the bowl of milk tea, and just wanted to drink it, but suddenly felt that the taste was not right, she sniffed it again, and it still smelled strange, that's all, don't drink it!
Mo Dai immediately poured out the bowl of milk tea. After pouring it out, she quickly lifted the lid of the porcelain altar containing the condensed milk. It wasn't that the condensed milk was broken, so she asked Xu Shaolin in the yard loudly: "Father, do you use a tin bucket?" Is it milk tea made from the water in the cup?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

Modai lifted the lid of the tin bucket and sniffed it carefully, frowning: "The water in the tin bucket is broken, don't use it anymore, you can drain the water later, then add water to wash it well before using it!"

"Oh, okay, huh? How could it be broken? It was only burned last night!"

Mo Dai didn't pay attention to Xu Shaolin's words, thinking to herself that Xu was busy yesterday and accidentally dropped something dirty in it.

When Mo Dai went out, the morning wind was blowing in her face, it was cool and very comfortable. As she walked, her wedding robe fluttered with the wind, and Mo Dai's mood was lifted like the hem of the robe.

According to the customs of these ten miles and eight villages, the newlyweds do not need the bride to greet them in person, but Mo Dai insisted on picking them up in person. She may not be able to give Xiao Sheng many things he expected, such as wealth and wealth, such as the same love, But as long as she values ​​his will, she can and is willing to give it.

Mo Dai suddenly felt something was wrong as she was walking, she was being followed.

At this time, the busy farming season is over, and the country people are free to go to the town to set up stalls in the market, and most of the products they sell are eggs they have saved at home.People in the country get up early, and Modai also encountered a lot of scattered pedestrians along the way, so she didn't notice that she was being followed at the first time. Noticing that the two people who were not far behind him also suddenly bent down and pretended to straighten their clothes, but their appearance was too fake, and Mo Dai saw through it at a glance.

They were two very stout women, one tall and the other short, with facial features as if they had been squeezed and rubbed. They were born very strangely. On the shoulder of the short one stood a foot long. Ugly black monkey with blue face and fangs.

Modai ignored them and quickened her pace, and the two behind her also quickened their pace.In this way, Mo Dai was fast and they were fast, and Mo Dai was slow and they were slow. After following for more than half an hour, Mo Dai felt that the two people behind him were a little impatient, and they even talked without hesitation——

"Father, didn't you say you were drugged? Why didn't you pass out?"

"Is it because the medicine hasn't worked yet?"

"Impossible, that medicine is my mother's ancestral secret recipe. After taking it, if you don't move, you will be fine. Once you move the medicine, the effect will immediately take effect and you will pass out!"

"We've been following for nearly half an hour. After moving for so long, why hasn't that man passed out?"

(End of this chapter)

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