Chapter 169 Do You Need Toilet Paper (2)
The three Mo Wuyun brothers were taken aback for a moment, and the next second they saw Mo Sudie rushing over with a wooden shovel.Mo Sudie wanted to shovel away the pile of firewood that was piled up together, but the pile of firewood was solidly stacked in several layers, and it was sprinkled with strong wine. The thick smoke and flames burned very fiercely. It was so smoked that people couldn't keep their eyes open, and at this moment, Bai Qiaoling and the rogue duo had already knocked out Sun Xi and the other three, and they were running over to stop the three brothers Mo Sudie and Mo Wuyun from extinguishing the fire.

There was another chaotic fight, and then, they heard that the cross tied to Modai was cut off by the fire with a click, as if it had been thrown into the fire.

Bai Qiaoling was happy, she already felt that there was no need to stop them from putting out the fire, because Mo Daxi would definitely die!

The three Mo Wuyun brothers were desperate, but they still refused to give up. They poured buckets of water on them, and Mo Sudie kept beating the fire. When the shovel was burning, she also ran to the backyard of Mo Daxi's house. Mo Wuqing was responsible for fetching water, and she, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng carried bucket after bucket of water to put out the fire.

Mo Wuqing kept fetching water while weeping. He had never hated the sunny weather so bright and cloudless as he did now.Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng's physical strength had been exhausted, so they could only numbly and mechanically repeat the actions of carrying water, running and splashing, and finally they collapsed to the ground from exhaustion, but the fire was still burning.

Only Mo Sudie was left carrying water back and forth to put out the fire. In fact, she had given up in her heart, but when she saw the desperate appearance of the three children Mo Wuyun, Mo Wufeng and Mo Wuqing, and crying to death, she couldn't help but cry. When Xu Shaolin came back to life, she had to force herself to continue carrying water to put out the fire.

When Mo Sudie finally extinguished the fire, more than half an hour had passed, and even the iron man was burned, and Mo Sudie only saw a mass of charred objects in the ashes. Xi was wearing a big red wedding gown.

Fang Ling, Shang Yihong and Shi Xiyan's family had left at some point.

Mo Guihua and her three husbands still fainted on the ground, and the three cats lay on top of them and cried loudly.

The three brothers Xu Shaolin and Mo Wuyun knelt on the ground, desperate to the extreme and numb, staring blankly at the pile of ashes that were still smoldering, Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi snuggled up beside Xu Shaolin and fell asleep from crying , She was also twitching in her sleep, and there were tears gushing from the corners of her eyes from time to time.

Although Mo Hao, Mo Han and Mo Ran obeyed the orders of their wife, Bai Qiaoling, they were trembling with fear at this time. After all, Mo Daxi was burned to death. No, no, that person was not Mo Daxi, that person It's an evildoer, and an evildoer should be burned to death alive!
Bai Qiaoling's mood at this time was very happy. After Mo Daxi died, she seemed to feel that the boulder weighing on her heart had finally been removed, and her bright future was just around the corner.She proudly walked in front of the three Mo Wuyun brothers, and rubbed her hands together excitedly. When she saw Mo Wuyun's stunned expression, there was a different kind of poignant beauty in her eyes, which tickled her heart It was crisp, so she stretched out her hand forgetfully to touch the face she had been thinking about day and night, but before she could reach Mo Wuyun's face, Mo Sudie opened her hand.

"What are you doing?" Bai Qiaoling lost her composure for a moment, turned her face and glared at Mo Sudie.

Mo Sudie stared at her coldly: "What are you doing?"

Bai Qiaoling panicked all of a sudden: "I, I just want to comfort Wuyun..."

"Fart! You led someone to burn Mo Daxi to death, and you want to come to comfort Mo Daxi's husband after it's over?"

"Mo Daxi is an evildoer. Keeping it here will cause future troubles. I am also thinking about the whole Mo family village. Besides, it is the patriarch who makes the final decision!" Bai Qiaoling retracted her hand behind her back, and the back of her right hand was in hot pain. Dad, this old woman Who?What a heavy hand!
"Hmph, monster? I think you look more like a monster. Believe it or not, I'll set you on fire right now!" Mo Sudie sneered, as she often dealt with wild beasts, she caught the flash of viciousness in Bai Qiaoling's eyes, I really don't understand why Mo Jinhua, who has always been upright, believed in Bai Qiaoling's nonsense, she is so confused!
Relying on the help of the rogue duo, Bai Qiaoling was confident: "Why are you? After all, I am Mo Hao's wife and Mo Hao is Wu Yun's cousin. I am related to Wu Yun. You old man Which onion is a woman?"

Mo Sudie laughed angrily, and suddenly slapped Bai Qiaoling across the face. Bai Qiaoling resentfully touched the slapped face, and turned to ask the rogue duo for help. She has already repaid her favor, so naturally she won't stay and help her anymore, Bai Qiaoling gritted her teeth angrily, and when she turned her face to stare at Mo Sudie, her heart began to pound. She can compare.

"You, you old woman, I don't know as much as you, Mo Hao Mo Han Mo Ran, let's go!" Bai Qiaoling hurriedly stepped back a few steps, calling her three husbands to leave in despair.

Mo Sudie went over and pinched Mo Guihua and Sun Xi to wake them up, and when they woke up and saw the ashes that were still smoking, they immediately cried out.

Mo Sudie looked at the high-walled compound of Mo Daxi's house, with the big red "囍" lettering on the gate, the fragrance of the banquet dishes wafting in the courtyard, and the burnt firecracker debris left on the ground, and then looked at Mo Wu Yun, Mo Wufeng and Mo Wuqing were still wearing bright red wedding robes.

Mo Sudie sighed, it was obviously a happy event, but it turned into a sad event in a blink of an eye, the head of the family disappeared, and the sky of Mo Daxi's family also collapsed.

In Yunmu Mountain, beside a gurgling stream, Mo Dai was lying on a flat bluestone, her complexion was fair and ruddy, her long black hair was spread on the gravel next to her, and the ends of her hair did not go into the stream, like green Flowing slowly along the stream like a dragonfly.

The mountain wind was rustling, the birds were singing faintly, and suddenly a pink piglet ran over from the forest and jumped into the stream, the cool stream splashed on Modai's face.Seeing that Modai was still awake, the pink piglet jumped onto Modai's stomach, first stomping on it symbolically, and seeing that Modai was still awake, it started to step on the rhythm of tap dance, but Modai still did not wake up, pink pig The little pig became anxious, jumped over and bit the thumb of Madai's left hand which was resting on his side.

And at this moment, Modai swung her left hand violently in pain, and immediately flew the pink piggy out, then bumped into something with a "squeak", and was caught by a body wearing it when it slipped and fell. The feet of the black cloth boots catch it.

"Miss Mo, you're awake!" Mu Qianche, who was only wearing a white jacket, bent down and hugged the pink piglet in her arms, and then walked towards the bluestone where Mo Dai was lying.

Mo Dai opened her eyes, was stunned for a moment, then closed her eyes again, opened them again, raised her hand to look, then closed her eyes again, and said softly, "I'm not awake." She seemed to be responding to Mu Qian. Che's words were actually talking to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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