Chapter 179 An Eye For An Eye (4)
Seeing Mo Daxi, who was already dead, standing in front of her alive again, Mo Jinhua's heart was pounding, and her words trembled a little: "You are... Mo Daxi?"

It was Mo Dai and Mu Qianche who came. At this time, both of them were wearing moon white gowns, Mu Qianche was still wearing his black gauze hat, and Mo Dai's long hair was only painted in lavender at the end. tied with a hair tie.

Everyone in the village could recognize Mo Dai's face, but not Mu Qianche. Even though the black veil in the bamboo hat was a little familiar, but because the color of the clothes had changed, so had his demeanor, and no one recognized him as the village leader. The widow Mu at the head.

Hearing Mo Jinhua's question, Mo Dai turned to Mu Qianche and asked, "Master, is it Mo Jinhua, the patriarch of Mojia Village who is talking to me?"

Although it was agreed beforehand, Mo Dai's words of "Master" still made Mu Qianche's body stiff for an instant, but he immediately said indifferently: "Yes, wife master, this person is the one from Mojia Village. Patriarch Mo Jinhua."

Mo Dai's face immediately became a little sad, and she smiled wryly: "Master, they call me Mo Daxi, so it can be seen that my sister looks exactly like me, but I'm not my sister, sir, tell them who I am."

Mu Qianche helped Mo Dai to walk in front of Mo Jinhua. Mo Jinhua subconsciously took a step back. The dogs in the yard were usually fierce, but at this moment they were lying motionless in the kennel.

"Patriarch Mo, my wife's name is Mo Dai, and she is Mo Daxi's twin sister, not Mo Daxi." Mu Qianche explained lightly, "Patriarch Mo has also found out, my wife's eyes are invisible. Mother Mo Xuyou and Mo Daxi's mother Mo Ahua picked up a pair of baby girls at the same time. Mo Ahua wanted Mo Daxi, and my mother wanted a wife. My mother didn't find out when the wife was one year old. I had a problem with my eyes, and after that I went to many famous doctors but all failed. My wife married my brother and me when I was 16 years old. A twin sister, so I asked me to accompany her to find Mojia Village."

Mo Jinhua's family was stunned by Mu Qianche's false statements, and the villagers who followed behind were also a little confused. They knew that Mo Daxi was Mo Ahua's adopted daughter. Mo Ahua never told anyone where she picked up Mo Daxi, so they didn't know.There is also that woman named Mo Xuyou, there should be no such person in Mojia Village!

As if seeing through the thoughts of those people, Mu Qianche went on to say: "My mother is not from the Mo family village. My mother was originally a wandering entertainer. She passed by Yunmu Mountain and saw the beautiful scenery, so she went in for an adventure. I didn't want to get lost, so I happened to meet Mo Ahua, and the two walked together, so I found a pair of baby girls by a certain stream in the mountains. The reason why I identified my wife as Mo Daxi's younger sister was because my mother said that Mo Daxi She cried very loudly, she looked like an older sister, but the wife was weak when she cried, so she was a younger sister. Originally, my mother also wanted Mo Daxi, but she was picked up by Mo Ahua first, so my mother adopted her. Wife master."

Listening to Mu Qianche making up lies without blushing and heartbeat, and speaking fluently, as if it was true, Mo Dai felt a little emotional in her heart. Although he usually doesn't like to talk, that doesn't mean he won't Speaking, once speaking, methodical, the deep and honest voice and soothing rhythm alone are convincing.

Mo Jinhua suddenly felt a buzzing in her head, Mo Dai is Mo Daxi's younger sister, Mo Daxi was burned to death, but Mo Dai found her, so she came to Mojia Village this time to take revenge?No, no, Mo Daxi is an evildoer, her sister might be an evildoer too!At this time, Mo Jinhua had completely forgotten that the reason why they burned Mo Daxi to death at that time was because they believed that the man was not Mo Daxi but a monster possessed by ghosts.

Mo Jinhua straightened her back, and stretched out her hands to protect her three husbands behind her: "Miss Mo Dai, do you know that your sister Mo Daxi is a monster? And you are Mo Daxi's younger sister, then you..."

"Patriarch Mo wants to say that I'm also a monster? Hehehe, what a bunch of fools, sir, tell me for me!" Mo Dai leaned her head on Mu Qianche's shoulder as if she was tired.

Mu Qianche's body froze again. Wasn't she supposed to say this speech herself?

Although he was a little puzzled, Mu Qianche still said: "Is it a monster? Today, my wife will give an explanation to the people of Mojia Village. After a while, please ask Patriarch Mo to call everyone in Mojia Village to the door of Mo Daxi's house. Oh, that's it!" The place where you burned Mo Daxi to death!" I don't know whether it was intentional or not, when Mu Qianche said the last sentence, he deliberately slowed down his speech, and swept across Mo Jinhua's family and the people behind him through the black veil Villagers who kept a distance of ten feet from them.

After finishing speaking, Mu Qianche helped Mo Dai out of the courtyard of Mo Jinhua's house. As soon as they left, the dog in the kennel suddenly barked violently.

Seeing people leave, Tian Jin looked at Mo Jinhua, who was also pale, with a pale face: "My wife, look at this..."

Mo Jinhua gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, the blood that had stopped flowing out now, Tian Jin saw it and hurriedly bandaged her again.

Xu Shaolin, Mo Wuyun, Mo Wufeng, Mo Wuqing, Xiao Xiao, Xiao Sheng, Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi, they never expected to see the returning Mo Daxi again so soon, no, it was Mo Dai.

In just over ten days, she lost a lot of weight, and she lost her eyesight, and she still called the man who didn't know who he was "Xianggong".Was that man she had recently married?Even though they knew that the three brothers Mo Wuyun and Xiao Sheng shouldn't have such thoughts right now, they still felt uncomfortable.

Xu Shaolin felt sore because Mo Dai called him "Uncle Xu", obviously she was his daughter, but now he can only call him "Uncle", why not make people feel uncomfortable?

Xiao Xiao didn't care, as far as she was concerned, as long as Mo Dai was alive and well, she would be full of joy, no matter how many husbands she married!
Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi kept staring at Mo Dai with wide eyes. They recognized her as their mother, but she said she was their aunt. What's going on?

Sure enough, Mo Jinhua called the whole village to the door of Mo Daxi's house, but when Mo Dai couldn't see, Mu Qianche whispered in her ear.

When Mo Achun and Mo Alan saw Mo Dai, their faces were full of horror, and they immediately took the lead in shouting: "The evildoer is back, the evildoer is back again, everyone, beat her to death..." Many people agreed with the two Shouting, the scene was chaotic for a while.

When Mo Guihua's family saw Mo Daxi reappearing, they didn't have any fear on their faces this time. Instead, they felt relieved. Standing next to Xu Shaolin, they were trembling with excitement.Mo Sudie also came this time, and she was also very happy to see Mo Daxi, although she was puzzled about how Mo Daxi escaped from the raging fire.

(End of this chapter)

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