Chapter 187 The Wedding Room (2)
In addition, after the guests have soaked in the pool for a period of time, there are special showers in the inn, one for men and one for women, and other separate small pools also have their own independent showers.Guests can wash their hair, rub ashes, apply acacia solution on the shower, and then scoop warm water from the pool in the shower to wash their bodies.

Shang Shui's two husbands led Mo Dai and his party directly to the male soup and female soup. There were only two women, Mo Dai and Xiao Xiao, and all the others were men.Modai and the others also had no objection, but Mu Qianche suddenly said that he would use the small pool alone for extra money, presumably because he didn't want others to see his body and true face.

Xiao Xiao sat in the pool, with his arms stretched out by the pool, his head resting on a piece of bluestone, and he sighed comfortably: "Ah, I never thought that there is such an inn for people to take a bath in Shuiquan Town. People who live in Shuiquan Town People are really nice!"

Modai smiled: "One side supports the other side. If we can walk around more places, maybe we can encounter more novel things."

"Yes, but if I hadn't met you, Modai, I might have stayed in Liugang Town for the rest of my life, and I never thought that I would leave there one day!"

"Do you regret it?"

"How is it possible? It's too late for me to be excited! Since I have you, my life is full of miracles!" Xiao Xiao said without disgust.

Maude couldn't help laughing out loud.

Xiao Xiao narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Dai, seeing that the dense water vapor had fumigated Mo Dai's fair skin, making it more tender and attractive, her jade-like neck, delicate collarbone, and the faint plumpness under the warm water, she Suddenly, she blushed strangely again, and then said something mysteriously, "Mo Dai, you are so beautiful!"

"Thank you for the compliment!" Mo Dai rolled her eyes.

Xiao Xiao whistled wildly, then stood up, walked to Mo Dai with the sound of rushing water, sat down beside Mo Dai, and said a few words nervously in Mo Dai's ear.Mo Dai pushed her away and raised her eyebrows: "Xiao Xiao, if you talk nonsense again, get out!"

"What did I say nonsense? I'm thinking about you. These are the problems you have to face right now. I can warn you. Xiao Sheng is already married to you. If you dare to let him stay alone in the empty room, I, I……"

"What about you?" Mo Dai ignored her, closed her eyes, and quietly enjoyed the feeling of soaking her body in the warm pool water.

"I'll show you to death!" Xiao Xiao said angrily.

Mo Dai rolled her eyes again: "Xiao Xiao, since Xiao Sheng is married to me, he is my husband-in-law. Don't meddle in the affairs between our husband and wife!" The implication is, mind your own business!

"But I'm worried for you!" Xiao Xiao wailed.

"What are you in a hurry for?" Mo Dai didn't understand.

"I'm in a hurry..."

While Xiao Xiao was talking, he suddenly heard the shouts of Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng from the boy next door, but their shouts were fruitless, and then Mo Dai heard four pairs of little feet stepping on the bluestone slab ran towards her.

"Mother, mother, I want to wash with you! Hahaha..." Mo Xiaoyu ran over with her naked body laughing, followed by Mo Xiaoyi, who was also naked.

"Cool, cool, wash..." Mo Xiaoyi also giggled.

They were very excited when they were in the bath for the first time. They couldn't stay in the male soup, so they ran to the female soup by themselves.

Xiao Xiao was a little dumbfounded, staring blankly at the two naked kids, and then Mo Dai covered his eyes: "My son is not wearing any clothes, don't take anything wrong with me!"

Xiao Xiao felt very wronged: "How do you know that I am looking at them? And how do you know that they are not wearing clothes?"

"They came here secretly, they are so small, it is impossible to put on clothes on their own, and you, I know too well, your curiosity is too strong, if there is any trouble, your eyes will immediately look over it."

"Okay, you're ruthless, I'll go to the side, I'll close my eyes!" Xiao Xiao moved to the side depressedly and turned his face away.

Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi ran towards Mo Dai, and Mo Dai hurriedly told them to slow down, don't slip and fall.Then she touched the two little guys and hugged them on her lap.

It was the first time Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi saw Modai's undressed appearance, and they were a little curious, so they began to talk childishly——

Mo Xiaoyu said: "Mom, it's eggy (soft), it's different from daddy!"

Mo Xiaoyi said: "Liang, Dandan, dad is different..."

Mo Dai's eyelids trembled immediately, and she regretted holding the two of them in her arms, these two little perverts actually patted her breasts and played.

Mo Xiaoyu said again: "Mother, it smells delicious!" Then she lay down on Mo Dai's neck and sniffed it carefully.

Mo Xiaoyi didn't have time to talk anymore, and followed Mo Xiaoyu's example, lying on Modai's body to smell.The faces of the two little guys were smooth and tender, and their long eyelashes brushed against Modai's neck from time to time, making it feel like two little fluffy squirrels were rubbing against her neck affectionately.

Modai couldn't help laughing, the two little ones thought that Modai liked them, so they sniffed harder and harder to please her.Mo Dai couldn't help laughing, so she decided to go ashore and send the two little guys away.But at this time she heard Mo Wuyun's voice: "My wife, put on your clothes, I will go over with Wufeng and bring Xiaoyu and Xiaoyi back!"

Mo Dai was startled, and immediately responded: "Oh, okay, wait a minute! Xiao Xiao, put on your clothes quickly!"

Xiao Xiao also heard Mo Wuyun's voice, so she hurriedly got dressed, and to avoid suspicion, she went straight out and sat with her back on the side of the shower.

Madai also wanted to put on a dress, but the two little ones were playing back and forth in her arms, slippery like two little loach, and she was worried that if she didn't hug one of them, the two little loach would be caught. Will plunge headlong into the pool, so he thought cheekily, anyway, they are husband and wife, they have seen it a long time ago, it doesn't matter whether they hide their shame now.

"Okay, you can come here now." Modai shouted.

So after a while, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng, who were only in their coats, came to Nutang's side, and at a glance they saw the two little ones playing in Modai's arms, and they were all naked.For a moment, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng stood there dumbfounded, and at this moment, Mo Xiaoyu saw them coming, and said excitedly: "Daddy, daddy, mother's body is eggy and fragrant... "

Mo Dai has already entered meditation like an old monk, even if Mount Tai collapsed, she would not move.

In the end, Mo Wuyun and Mo Wufeng took the two little ones away. Xiao Xiao sighed, walked back and took off his clothes, and went down to the pool again to continue soaking.

"Oh, I'm so nervous! If this happens a few more times, I will die!" Xiao Xiao complained, and at the same time began to twist his neck and turn his arms, "Just for a while, I feel my body is stiff and sore!"

(End of this chapter)

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