Chapter 189 The Wedding Room (4)
"What's your name? What is your real identity?"

"The youngest is Li Erya, the mistress of the Spring Soup Inn."

"Who are you, Li Ya, who is driving the carriage?"

"It's my cousin!"


Mu Qianche immediately picked up Li Erya and threw him out of the courtyard wall. Hearing a "slap", Li Erya was thrown into a daze, and it took him a long time to get up from the ground and stumble away.

In this room, Xiao Xiao also unlocked and opened the door to enter.

As soon as Mo Dai entered the door, she heard the sound of wind approaching from far and near, and then "嗙", a ball of pink fell into her arms, while the others only felt a pink lightning strike directly, and when they realized it, Now, Maru Niu is already on the ground snuggling in Modai's arms to claim credit.

Maru Niu raised his big ears: Woman, I heroically subdued a thief who climbed over the wall today!
Modai slightly hooked the corners of her lips: worthy of praise!

Numerous little stars popped out of Maru Niu's big round and black eyes: "Then I want to eat delicious food tonight!"
Modai nodded: Then tonight's dishes include fried meat with scallions, golden barrel meat rolls, burnt pork slices, soft fried liver tips, sweet and sour pork ribs, crystal elbow...

Maru Niu was so angry that tears quickly gathered in his big eyes, but it was a pity that Mo Dai couldn't see: Damn woman, you are deliberately trying to piss me off, aren't you?
Modai smiled: "Okay, let's reward you with some delicious food tonight!"
The tears in Maru Niu's eyes quickly dissipated: You are wise!

Mo Dai hugged Maru Niu and walked with Xiao Xiao's support, thinking, so this house used to be called Mu Mansion, it should be the old house of Mu Qianche's family. so familiar.And who is the proprietress of the spring soup inn? After learning that the house here has been occupied by their family, will she play tricks behind her back?It seems that this town is not so peaceful. Of course, the most important thing is that she first needs to renovate and strengthen the courtyard wall, so that all the cats and dogs can climb over the wall and enter.

After dinner, Mo Dai told Mu Qianche about the idea of ​​repairing the courtyard wall. He hesitated at first, and then said embarrassingly: "I don't have that much money now, maybe after a while..."

"You don't have it, but I have it. Could it be that you still want to provide for our big family for free?" Mo Dai joked.

Mu Qianche was stunned for a moment, and then said somewhat unnaturally: "I know I'm too overwhelmed."

But I didn't want Mo Dai's face to be full of gratitude: "Qian Che, you are so kind to us!" Then she said, "However, since we live here, we are a family, you don't need to treat us like this You are welcome. And as a woman, I should have taken on the responsibility of supporting my family, but I am not very familiar with this town at the moment, how about this, I will give you money, and you can help buy some green bricks and find some Craftsmen come over, we must start work as soon as possible!"

Mo Dai asked Mo Wuyun to take out all her belongings, about 2000 taels of silver, and she gave 200 taels to Mu Qianche for him to use as he pleased. Not only the courtyard walls needed to be repaired, but also the house, and the tables, benches and beds As for the wardrobe, if it can be repaired, it can be repaired, and if it cannot be repaired, it can be bought a new one.

When Xiao Xiao saw that Mo Dai paid 200 taels for the first time, he felt a little bit twitchy, thinking that the dim sum she and Xiao Sheng sold and the savings they had saved earlier would only add up to 100 taels, which is the total of 100 taels. Holding it in her hand, she also felt a little flustered in her heart. Now compared with Modai, she suddenly realized how humble and ridiculous she is. That's all, it's better to be a down-to-earth person in the future!

Mu Qianche hesitated for a moment, but finally took the money.

Next, after seeking Mu Qianche's opinion, Mo Dai allocated the residences for everyone.Three brothers, Mo Dai, Xu Shaolin, Xiao Sheng and Mo Wuyun lived in the back yard, Xiao Xiao lived in the west yard, and Mu Qianche still lived in the front yard.

Because there are enough rooms, there is one room per person.Even the three little ones can each be allocated a room, but they still sleep with the adults now.

When resting at night, when Mo Dai was hugging Mo Xiaoyu, Mo Xiaoyi and Maru Niu and was about to go to bed, there was a knock on the door of the room. Hearing the knock, Mo Dai knew it was Xu Shaolin, and guessed it intuitively Find out what he wants to say to her.

"Big...Mo Dai, are you asleep?" Xu Shaolin asked.

The corner of Mo Dai's mouth twitched, so she wanted to reply "I'm asleep" willfully, or simply ignore it, but she couldn't bear to disappoint Xu Shaolin, so she had to bite the bullet and open the door.

Xu Shaolin was taken aback by Mo Dai's opening the door without warning, so he blamed, "It's so dark in the room, why don't you light up the lamp?"

"Hey, dad, are you kidding me, it doesn't matter if I light the lamp or not!"

Xu Shaolin suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing. Although Mo Dai spoke in a very playful tone, she was actually hurt by him unintentionally!
"Big...Mo Dai, it's dad who said something wrong, and dad will apologize to you, don't be angry with dad..."

"Father, how could I be angry with you? You think too much! By the way, Dad, you came to see me for something?" Mo Dai could imagine that Xu Shaolin must be looking at her with guilt at this moment.

"Mo Dai, dad thinks, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. You should have a bridal chamber with A Sheng today. Don't make the child wait too long! In other words, the child has been waiting for you on the day of marriage, but you can wait until the day you get married." In the end, it didn't come, that child is suffering too!" Xu Shaolin raised his sleeve and wiped the corners of his eyes, as he was kind, he already treated Xiao Sheng as his own child.

Mo Dai was silent, if you put yourself in the shoes of Xiao Sheng, Xiao Sheng was really suffering. Before getting married, she had endured the pressure of gossip and gossip. Finally, the day of getting married was set, but she still hadn't waited for her to marry him. She was desperate When he thought she had abandoned him, but heard that she was burned to death, the grief and resentment that filled his heart suddenly found no outlet to vent, and the torment he suffered in his heart was no less than hers at that time.

"Father, okay, I'll go to Xiao Sheng's place. The two little ones have already fallen asleep, so I'll let you take them with me."

"Hey, don't worry, Dad will take care of the child!" Xu Shaolin responded happily, "Daddy will take you to the door of Xiao Sheng's room!"

Before Mo Dai was about to leave the house, she heard Maruki's sarcastic sniffling: Tsk!You clearly said that you would reward Lao Tzu today, take Lao Tzu to sleep, you forget your righteousness because of sex, you pervert!

Mo Dai was very speechless: Please, he is my husband-in-law, this is not considered lust!
Maru Niu: I don't care, you are the one who promised to sleep with me!

Mode: Otherwise, you too?
Maru Niu: Ah!You perverted woman, do you want me to have a needle eye?

Mode: You can close your eyes.

Maru Niu: Fart!Why do I have to close my eyes?Is it not Lao Tzu who is ashamed?

Modai: You think too much, should you go?

(End of this chapter)

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