Chapter 219 Behind the Truth (2)
On the way back, Mo Dai couldn't help asking the reason, and Mu Qianche replied: "Regardless of whether she has anything to do with those troublemakers who came to the door many times, in short, she did send that Li Erya to go over the wall of Mo's house earlier. , It is also appropriate to charge some shock fees."

Modai's eyelids twitched, it turned out that he has always remembered revenge!After returning to the massage parlor, Mu Qianche directly gave the emerald pendant that she got to Mo Dai, saying that it was what she deserved, although it was a bit small, it was better than nothing.Mo Dai looked at the jade pendant with slightly cool and moist tentacles in her palm, and thought to herself, Mu Qianche actually wanted to say that it was bought with her blood, and it should belong to her.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but Mo Dai found that after returning to the massage parlor, Mu Qianche seemed to be more and more alienated from her. After lunch, he stayed behind the screen in the lobby to read his medical books, not talking to her much. Say something.

In the second half of the day, no one came to the door, and after a while, Modai decided to go home.

Since Mo Dai came to Shuiquan Town, she hasn't been shopping much. Thinking about it carefully, Mu Qianche and Xiao Sheng are responsible for buying all kinds of food at home, and Xiao Sheng cooks three meals a day. She has been doing it for a long time. I haven't cooked a serious meal, and haven't played with the two little ones for a long time.

So Modai started to stroll around the town, and when she found that there was also a strange goods store here, she immediately went in.The strange goods store here is much larger than the one in Liugang Town, and the shelves are full of all kinds of things that are quite novel to the locals.

Modai discovered potatoes again, people here called Didan, earlier she had bought potatoes in Liugang town's strange goods store, but something happened later, she didn't use those potatoes to make food with her own hands.According to Xu Shaolin, they steamed and ate those potatoes in the end. They were powdery, similar to sweet potatoes, but without the sweetness.

Immediately afterwards, Modai also saw dried fungus and dried shiitake mushrooms. In addition, he also found cocoa beans, coffee beans and cumin, so he bought them together.The proprietress of the shop was very happy when she saw that Mo Dai had bought all the things that no one cared about earlier, so she took the initiative to give a bamboo basket and Mo Dai to put things in.

After coming out of the strange goods store, Mo Dai's mood was a little excited, thinking that she would try to get some coffee and cocoa milk tea when she had time in the future, maybe it would sell well.Potatoes can be used to fry into French fries, and the two small ones will definitely like it. As for cumin, I might as well eat the barbecue today.

Mo Dai thought that she would do it right away, so she came to the butcher's shop to buy meat, but the weather is hot now, and the pork is usually sold out before noon, and Mo Dai was a little disappointed. The butcher's wife sincerely wanted to After buying it, he said with a smile: "I still have a piece of meat left in my house. I just let my husband pickle it with salt for fear of spoiling. It was only pickled today. It is still fresh. I wonder if the girl wants it?"

When Mo Dai heard that it was only salted today, it would not be too salty, and even if she bought fresh meat, she would still have to marinate it with salt and soy sauce for later use, so she said without hesitation: "Yes!"

After buying pork, Mo Dai went to buy chicken again, but this time she didn't forget the beef balls, remembering that it doesn't eat pork.After that, Mo Dai found a blacksmith's shop and asked the blacksmith to use iron bars to make a simple barbeque grill.It happened that the blacksmith shop also sold charcoal, so Mo Dai bought some charcoal and went back.

When Mo Dai returned to Mo's Mansion with a big bamboo basket on her back, an iron net and two live hens in her hand, the three brothers Xu Shaolin and Mo Wuyun immediately had the illusion that they had returned to Mo's Village. At that time, Mo Daxi would often buy some things from the town and go home, and cook delicious food with them in different ways.

Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi were also a little dazed when they saw Mo Dai, but the next moment they all ran towards her, shouted mother, and then looked helplessly into her bamboo basket.

Modai smiled: "Mother didn't buy any dim sum today, but Mother will make some delicious food for you to eat!"

The two little ones immediately became excited when they heard what Mo Dai said, and Maru Niu also rushed out of the room immediately when he heard the word "delicious", rubbing against Modai's ankle and getting tired.

Next, Mo Dai asked the three brothers Xiao Sheng and Mo Wuyun to help peel the potatoes, and asked Xu Shaolin to pick some green vegetables, eggplants, leeks and other vegetables, wash them and put them in bamboo baskets for later use. The dried shiitake mushrooms she bought today Also soaked some in water.

Afterwards, Modai boiled a pot of hot water, slaughtered the live chickens he bought, scalded them with boiling water, plucked the chicken feathers, and then cut open the belly to remove the dirt and washed them, and then split them according to the parts of the chicken wings, chicken legs, chicken breasts, etc. All seasoned with salt and soy sauce.After the chicken was processed, Modai cut the pork slices into thin slices one finger long and two wide, and spread them with soy sauce to marinate for later use.

After the ingredients were basically prepared, Mo Dai found more than a dozen unused green bricks from a corner of the wall, and built a simple long stove in the backyard, stuffed charcoal inside, lit it, and set it on fire. Brush the iron net bought from the blacksmith shop on the charcoal, and wait for the charcoal to burn red and stabilize before you can grill the meat.

At this time, the three brothers Xiao Sheng and Mo Wuyun had already peeled some potatoes, so Mo Dai cut those potatoes into thick strips, poured water into the pot, added some salt and brought it to a boil, then put the potato strips into the boiling water and boiled them. Take it out for a while, soak it in cold water for a while, then take it out and put it in a bamboo basket with holes to dry the water.

The two little Wamaru cows have been following behind Modai and watching them expectantly and curiously.When Modai put the dried potato sticks into the pan and fried them until they were golden brown, the fragrance of the potato chips came out, and the two little ones started to smack their lips when they smelled it, while Maru Niu kept licking her lips. The ankles rubbed back and forth, whining to speed her up.

Mo Dai fried most of the pot of French fries, but she was worried that the two little ones would not be able to eat other things if they ate too much, so she only divided half a bowl for them. It couldn't help it, so it distributed some more to it, but it still didn't say enough, so Modai simply ignored it.

Mo Dai took out the grinding tool at home, put the cumin into the pot and heated it to remove the water, then put it into the grinder and ground it into smaller cumin particles, which did not need to be powdered, and kept it for sprinkling on the barbecue. She also prepared some chili powder. She remembered that except for Mo Wufeng, the others liked spicy food, and even the two young ones were the main food eaters.

Ever since Mo Dai's family moved to Shuiquan Town, Mo Dai has never been in such a good mood to bustle around eating and drinking. Therefore, the mood of the three brothers Xu Shaolin, Xiao Sheng and Mo Wuyun also followed suit. Get better.

"Mom, do you want some barbecue?" Mo Xiaoyu ran over and asked, holding French fries in her hand and stuffing them into her mouth.

"Cool..." Mo Xiaoyi just called "Mother", but because she was too busy eating French fries, she forgot what her brother said in the second half of the sentence.

Mo Dai looked at the sky, guessed that it was two o'clock in the unitary hour, and Mu Qianche and Xiao Xiao would be back soon, so she clapped her hands and said loudly: "Okay, let's start the barbecue!"

But at this time in Shangshanruoshui Massage Parlor, Zhao Yingzi, who came back from work, was upset because of Modai's absence, she had to force Xiao Xiao to go back and bring Modai here, otherwise she would demolish the bamboo hut that Modai used as a massage room .

(End of this chapter)

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