223 Chapter 1 I can kiss you ([-])
In her sleep, Mo Dai unconsciously grasped the hand holding her nose in her palm and pressed it to her chest to continue sleeping, but her unintentional move made Mo Wuqing blush again, and at the same time, she was still a little flustered .

In the front yard, the lights in Mu Qianche's room had already been turned off, and he had already laid down on the bed and fell asleep, but he didn't feel sleepy, so he could only lie quietly on the bed, listening to the wind and frogs outside the room. song.

After finally feeling sleepy, as soon as he fell asleep, he dreamed again.

In the dream, he was still young, about eleven or twelve years old. While he was practicing calligraphy in the study, he suddenly heard the servant outside shouting in panic: "It's not good, come quickly! The old lady vomited blood and fainted." fall down!"

The brush in his hand couldn't help shaking, and a drop of ink smudged the rice paper, just pasting the word "home" under the ink ball.

When he saw Aunt Feng rushing over, he shook his head helplessly. After that, Aunt Feng burst into tears and lay down on his grandmother's coffin, beside which there were nine other coffins, large and small.

Aunt Feng said that her mother, father, brothers and only sister were all killed by robbers on the way to Lin County. The grandmother couldn't accept the bad news and vomited blood and died. The three grandfathers also went with them. He was the only one left up and down.

He was thinking at the time, why didn't he go to the other village in Lin County with his brothers?It's better to die together than to leave him alone.

Since then, he has been living in Aunt Feng's house. However, one month later, someone from the Lu family in the imperial capital said that his grandmother's old friend Lu Huai wanted to take him to live in the imperial capital and marry her granddaughter Lu Yun.This marriage was made by grandmother and Lu Huai.After all his brothers died, the Lu family took him to the Imperial Capital alone, and this was just a continuation of his tragic fate...

Mu Qianche woke up suddenly, and realized that he was crying in his dream. He raised his hand to touch the corner of his eye, but he touched his scorched, pitted skin. Depressedly hissed and wept bitterly.

At this time, Mo Dai suddenly woke up from the dream of being burned by fire, and broke out in a cold sweat.She turned to look at Mo Wuqing who was beside her. He seemed to be sleeping restlessly, his brows were frowning, and his teeth were clenched.Modai reached out to caress his forehead, and gently pressed his temples. Gradually, his brows relaxed, and his breathing became smooth and even.

Mo Dai let go, but was pulled by him unconsciously, Mo Dai smiled, and let him pull, but she was no longer sleepy, so she lay quietly on the bed, listening to Mo Wuqing and Mo Wuqing. Xiaoman's long and short breaths.

Mo Dai closed her eyes, thinking to herself from time to time, this family will get better and better, and she will never allow anyone to have a chance to harm this family!
At Maoshi the next day, Mo Dai was woken up by Mo Xiaoman's crying, so she opened her eyes dimly, and saw that Mo Wuqing was half-turned to feed him.

Mo Dai woke up ugly last night and didn't fall asleep much. After a rough calculation, Mo Wuqing woke up at least three times a night to feed Mo Xiaoman. How could he sleep well like this?If you don't sleep well, you will be in a bad mood, if you are not in a good mood, you will have a bad temper, and Mo Wu has found another reason to irritate her with his words.

Being a father is not easy, getting pregnant is not easy, giving birth to a child is not easy, and it is even more difficult to breastfeed the child!
Thinking of this, Mo Dai felt pity for Mo Wuqing, half raised her body and approached Mo Wuqing's shoulder and said softly: "Wuqing..."

Unexpectedly, just after she opened her mouth, Mo Wuqing was startled, his body shook, and milk spilled on Mo Xiaoman's face, Mo Xiaoman blinked his dark eyes, and giggled unexpectedly.Seeing this, Mo Dai couldn't help laughing until her shoulders shook, and quickly found a soft handkerchief to wipe the little guy's face.

Seeing that Mo Dai was wiping and smiling, Mo Wu was a little annoyed, grabbed the soft handkerchief from Mo Dai's hand and wiped Mo Xiaoman's face himself: "It's all your fault, you still have the face to smile!"

Mo Dai didn't care, she simply put her chin on Mo Wuqing's shoulder, winked at Mo Xiaoman, and made Mo Xiaoman giggle.

Mo Wuqing was a little helpless, but at the same time he felt a little unbelievably sweet in his heart, especially when Mo Dai lay on his shoulder without any shyness, as if they had always been so close.

"Don't tease him, he's not full yet, he's going to make trouble later!" Seeing that the little guy was being dishonest while breastfeeding, he was busy sucking milk while looking at Modai, and from time to time Will let go of his mouth and smile again.

"Okay, don't tease him anymore, let me kiss him!" Mo Dai directly crossed Mo Wuqing's body, leaned over and kissed Mo Xiaoman's forehead, nose tip, and cheek, and at the end, he was still wet with milk. He took a sip from his small mouth.

"Okay, it's time for you to get up, you will be laughed at by Sister Xiao Xiao again later!" Mo Wuqing helplessly pushed Mo Dai again.

Mo Dai finally got up, and when she was getting dressed, she couldn't help but said, "Wu Qing, you've worked hard, in the future our Xiao Man will definitely be filial to you when he grows up!"

Mo Wuqing was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It's just a boy, and he will marry into someone else's family in the future, how can he come back and be filial to me?"

"That's easy, let's not let them marry, just find a door-to-door wife!" Mo Dai said as a matter of course.

Mo Wuqing stopped talking. Ever since Mo Daxi became better, she has loved the two little ones at home very much, and after his Xiaoman was born, she also loved him very much. Now the child is still so young, Has she already made plans for their future?

"What if there is a girl in the future?" Mo Wuqing just asked casually, and then regretted it after asking, the woman wouldn't think he was implying something, would she?

Obviously, Mo Wuqing thought too much, and Mo Dai didn't think too deeply, so she said directly: "It's good to have a girl, stay at home and protect my brothers from being bullied!"

Mo Wuqing stopped talking again, girls from other people's homes are extremely precious, it would be good to come to her, she will stay at home to protect her brothers, alas!

Mo Dai didn't get up early today, and chatted with Mo Wuqing for a while, so when she finished washing and sat down at the table for breakfast, Mu Qianche and Xiao Xiao had already gone to the massage parlor first.

At the dinner table, taking advantage of Xiao Xiao's absence, Xu Shaolin asked Mo Dai about the two young masters of the Shang family, Xiao Sheng also expressed his concern about it, but it was hard for Mo Dai to say anything this time, and he only said that everything depends on fate, After all, Xiao Xiao has already waited until this age, so he is not in a hurry.When Xu Shaolin and Xiao Sheng heard what Mo Dai said, they understood to a certain extent. Although they were a little disappointed in their hearts, they both looked away. There are only a lot of men in this world, and Xiao Xiao will always find the one he likes.

In the next few days, Zhao Yingzi did not show up again, and the business of the massage parlor was still good. Every day, one or two customers came to massage, and the number of people who came to bathe gradually increased, most of them were old customers from Shangshui. .

(End of this chapter)

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