Chapter 251 Collective Learning (2)
Today, as soon as Mu Qianche sat in the pharmacy, patients came to the door one after another, and there were as many as a dozen people who came for a massage.Mo Dai didn't want to be too tired, so before the massage, she explained the situation clearly to those who were in hot water. Fortunately, the guests who came back here were easy to talk to.Modai couldn't help thinking that she needed to train more masseuses.

It was a little unnatural for Xiao Xiao to meet Shang Tong again today, but Xiao Xiao hung the purse that Shang Tong gave her around his waist, and Shang Tong saw it, so his heart was happy and at ease, and the blush on his face disappeared. pass.

Shang Da also saw the purse hanging on Xiao Xiao's waist, and his mind was in a daze. He was carrying water when his feet slipped suddenly, and he fell to the ground. The uniform on his body was also soaked.

Shang Da wanted to get up, but he didn't want his feet to slip again, and he fell to the ground again. Shang Da couldn't help but smiled wryly, what was he doing like this?Knowing that it is impossible, but still wanting to think about it, knowing that there is a good person by my side, but not liking him, I am trying to die!

"Master Da? What's wrong with you? Is there any pain from the fall?" Xiao Xiao saw that Shang Da fell on the ground and couldn't get up for a long time, so he stepped forward and reached out to help him.

Shang Da suddenly felt a little ashamed, avoided Xiao Xiao's hand, got up by himself, nodded at her, and picked up two big wooden barrels to fetch water again.

Xiao Xiao stared at Shang Da's muddy back for a while, always feeling that something was wrong, and when the fashionable water called her to greet the guests, she didn't think about what was wrong for the time being.

At noon, when Mo Dai came to the pharmacy, she saw that there were still four or five people waiting to see a doctor, and seeing that Mu Qianche was so busy that she didn't even have time to go to the toilet, she felt a little distressed, so when all the patients had left, she said : "Increase the consultation fee, don't treat minor illnesses, and treat serious illnesses depending on your mood!"

Mu Qianche looked at Mo Dai's displeasure frowning with some amusement, knowing that she felt sorry for herself: "Okay, in the end, this is also the good reputation you earned for me. Although I am not a genius doctor, I am worthy of myself anyway. conscience!"

Mo Dai was silent, and it took a long time before she replied quietly: "I'm sorry, I won't say such heartless words again!"

Mo Dai realized that what she said just now was really too much, who would want to see a doctor if they have nothing to do?Isn't the reason why you don't fear the high consultation fee and come to the massage parlor to see Mu Qianche because you trust Mu Qianche's medical skills?It was one thing that she felt sorry for Mu Qianche, but she couldn't treat other people's illness like a child's play. What she said just now was completely heartless, and a wicked person was nothing more than that.

Mu Qianche also noticed that Mo Dai was regretting what he had said, and he couldn't bear to make her suffer, so he suddenly closed the door and window of the pharmacy with a wave of his sleeve, and then hugged Mo Dai into his arms, with the veil covering his head He put his forehead against hers, and said softly: "I know you said that for me, and I am very happy in my heart. How can I blame you? Besides, people have selfish intentions." , I see you massaging those irrelevant people every day, and I feel uncomfortable in my heart!"

Mo Dai felt a little relieved: "As long as you and your family don't think I'm disgusting, I'm not afraid of how outsiders look at me! And what you said just now, I'm also very happy in my heart, and I'll give you a massage some other day , how are you?"

"it is good!"

"Then, let's go eat! I heard Xiao Xiao calling us to eat!" Mo Dai wanted to reach out and push Mu Qianche away, but she realized that Mu Qianche's arm around her waist had no intention of letting go. He raised his head in surprise, "Qianche..." before he opened his mouth, his lips were picked.

Mu Qianche didn't know what was wrong with him. Once he met Mo Dai, all the reservedness he should have as a man was gone, and he couldn't get enough of her fragrant and soft lips. Master said that there is a flower called poppy, taste it He will be deeply trapped in it and cannot extricate himself, he thinks that Modai is the kind of flower that makes him unable to extricate himself, but Modai is not like that flower that can kill people, she can only heal people gently.

"Mo Dai, Qian Che, are you in there? It's time to eat! Uncle Shang and the others cooked dinner today. There are chili fried pork, steamed egg custard, and braised fish. Hurry up and eat!" Xiao Xiao closed his eyes tightly. The pharmacy yelled, she searched around just now, and yelled around, since there is no other place, it must be in the pharmacy.

Mo Dai was worried that Xiao Xiao would knock on the door, so she pushed Mu Qianche in a panic, but Mu Qianche still didn't let her go, and even picked her up and put her gently on the wooden couch in the pharmacy, I followed suit.

Mu Qianche was too abnormal, Mo Dai couldn't help reaching out to touch his forehead, it was really hot when touched, no wonder when he kissed her just now, she felt his lips were so hot!

"Qianche, you're sick!" Mo Dai stretched out her hand to push Mu Qianche again, but she didn't want Mu Qianche to grab her hand and put it on his lips to kiss, and then lay down on her chest like a child. , sighed contentedly against the soft ups and downs, and then fell asleep just like that.

Mo Dai got up, put Mu Qianche to lie down on the wooden couch, and covered him with a thin quilt, her flushed face faded instantly because of Mu Qianche's illness.Modera opened the door and came out, before Xiao Xiao teased her, she said with a serious face: "Xiao Xiao, Qian Che is sick, her forehead is very hot, I will go home today!"

"Ah? Sick?" Xiao Xiao couldn't react for a while, especially when he heard that the sick person was Mu Qianche, who was a doctor.

"Well, I'll go find a carriage." After Mo Dai finished speaking, she walked out of the massage parlor through the lobby, and happened to meet Li Ya who was taking guests to an inn, so she rented her carriage.

When Mo Dai carried Mu Qianche into the carriage, Li Ya immediately praised Mo Dai for her kindness to her husband.

Xiao Xiao watched the carriage leave, and couldn't help wondering, in her mind, the doctor would not get sick, after all, he is a doctor!
"Miss Xiao, what's the matter?" When Shang Tong came to ask Xiao Xiao to eat again, he found her staring at the door in a daze.

"Mo Dai and Qian Che have gone back." Xiao Xiao said with a smile.

"Oh, I heard from my mother that Mr. Mu is sick." Shang Tong didn't think there was anything wrong, everyone would get sick, "Father asked me to come over and call you to eat, it won't taste good when it's cold!"

"Well, okay, thank you!" Xiao Xiao smiled at Shang Tong, and found that he blushed for some reason. Xiao Xiao suddenly remembered the purse hanging around his waist, and his face turned red, but she has always been a Outspoken, so he whispered to Shang Tongdao, "Master Tong, I really like the purse you gave me, thank you!"

"It's not something valuable, and my craftsmanship is not very good, as long as you don't dislike it!" Shang Tong blushed even more.

"No, no, I think it's very good!" Xiao Xiao's face turned even redder.



Shang Tong was happy, and suddenly pulled Xiao Xiao behind the screen in the lobby, and took out a small cloth bag wrapped in blue cloth from his sleeve and handed it to Xiao Xiao: "Here, I bought this from a jewelry store, I don't know Do you like it or not!" Shang Tong said a little unnaturally, his eyes flickered and he didn't dare to look at Xiao Xiao, but he couldn't help but want to see Xiao Xiao's reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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