Chapter 263 Cooperation Agreement (1)
"But let's hope so, Wife Master, if my health recovers, I will be able to give birth to you..." Zhao Yantian couldn't help coughing a few times as he spoke.

Mu Qianche didn't know why Mo Xiaoyu ran to his side, and tightly clenched the little hand holding his sleeve, as if excitedly expecting something fun.

Seeing that the two people beside the bed stopped talking for a while, Mo Xiaoyu felt that it was time for the time mother said, so she dragged Mu Qianche towards the bed. At this moment, he was facing that Zhao Yantian, but The hat covered his small face, only revealing a small pale pink mouth.

"Father, don't you want me?" This was the first sentence Mo Xiaoyu said, her voice was slightly shrill, and there was a crying tone.

Shocked, Zhao Yantian and Lu Yun couldn't help but look at Mo Xiaoyu together, and even Mu Qianche couldn't help but look at him.

"Father, I had such a hard time over there! I was so cold! I was so lonely!" Mo Xiaoyu continued, his words made Lu Jun feel inexplicable, but Zhao Yantian and Mu Qianche gradually understood.

"Father, my face hurts so much, my body hurts so much, the fire is so scary!" Mo Xiaoyu said more and more vigorously.

Zhao Yantian's face turned pale.

"Father, don't burn shit on me! I'm very good! I'll talk to you every night!" Mo Xiaoyu said, tugging at Mu Qianche's sleeves, and opened her little hands to be hugged by him. Mu Qianche took advantage of the situation He picked him up.

Mo Xiaoyu became taller all of a sudden, and reached for Zhao Yantian with her little hand, so frightened that Zhao Yantian couldn't help but moved into the bed.

"Father, don't burn shit on me, I will play with you! I'll cut out the eyeball paper (children) and leave it (given) to you!" Mo Xiaoyu suddenly reached under the hat to grab something, and then threw it violently. On Zhao Yantian's bed, a round, red and black thing fell in front of Zhao Yantian, and there was a little red water stain on the quilt, which really looked like a bloody eyeball.

"Ah——" Zhao Yantian screamed, his whole body trembling, Lu Yun suddenly turned his face to scold Mo Xiaoyu, but suddenly saw Mo Xiaoyu lift Mu Qianche's veil, and in an instant that The face she had long forgotten suddenly came into her eyes strongly...

"You, you..." Lu Yun could only pronounce single characters, with a frightened face.

The servants outside the Moon Gate did hear Zhao Yantian's scream, but it was only one sound, and the master didn't call them over, so they ignored it.

Mu Qianche glanced at Zhao Yantian lightly again, and then covered the veil with his back. Although it was only a quick glance, Zhao Yantian still saw it, and his face showed a look of fear.

"Father, I'm so lonely, come down to accompany me..." Mo Xiaoyu stretched out her little hand to Zhao Yantian again and said, while talking, she suddenly forgot what the last sentence her mother taught him was, so she kept repeating it Same sentence, "Come down with me, come down with me, come down with me..."

Zhao Yantian's eyes darkened, and he passed out again.

Lu Yun came back to her senses, just about to call for someone, but suddenly felt her neck was being strangled, when she grabbed it with her hand, there was nothing, and when she put her hand down, she was strangled again, and repeated this several times , She also blacked out and passed out.

Mo Dai put the long vines in circles and put them into Mu Qianche's bamboo basket, and said: "Master, son, the illness is cured, let's go home!"

Mu Qianche glanced at the prepared medicine on the table, and nodded, just as the wife-master said, the pulse is on, the medicine has been prepared, the task is completed, let's go back home!
After leaving the moon gate, those servants bowed to them respectfully, and then led them out of the mansion respectfully.

Not long after Mo Dai and Mu Qianche left, Alan, the servant girl beside Zhao Yantian, came to the Moon Gate and saw the servants dozing off in front of the stone platform in the corridor, so she coughed hard, and the servants Immediately jumping up in surprise, seeing that it was Alan, he patted his chest and let out a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that it was a false alarm.

"Has the genius doctor left?" Alan asked, she was holding a tray in her hand, and there was a cup of bird's nest and white fungus soup in the tray, which Lu Jun asked her to stew.Her master, Zhao Yantian, seems to have an aversion to all men, so she let her, a servant girl, do everything by herself.

"Ah, let's go!"

"So fast?"

"That's it, or is it called a miracle doctor?"

"I see! I told you guys to watch carefully, if the masters find you are lazy, be careful--" Alan made a movement of wiping his neck as he spoke, which made those people tremble uncontrollably, and immediately Run to the sides of the moon gate and stand well.

Alan carried the tray into the yard, and knocked on the door of Zhao Yantian's room, but she didn't hear a response. She hesitated for a while, then reached out to push the door, and when she pushed, the door opened, so she walked in without looking sideways. Putting the tray in his hand on the table, he subconsciously glanced at the position of the bed before speaking, and his face immediately turned red.

But on the bed, with the brocade quilt under, Lu Jun and Zhao Yantian were snuggling up and sleeping soundly, the shoulders exposed outside the brocade quilt were all bare.

Alan quickly walked out and closed the door quietly, but he was thinking in his heart that the masters were too impatient, the miracle doctor had just left, so they were doing nothing.

On the way back, Mu Qianche was holding Mo Xiaoyu while Mo Dai was carrying the bamboo basket.

Mo Xiaoyu was still very excited, his mother said, if he followed what she taught him, the two people in the room would be scared, it was very funny, so he really said that, it turned out to be really funny.

"Mother!" Mo Xiaoyu stretched out her small fist to Mo Dai, as if she wanted to give Mo Dai something, so she stretched out her palm and waited, and then saw Mo Xiaoyu opened her small fist and put something in her palm, while listening to him Said, "There is still one eyeball paper (child) left (given) for you!"

The fruit in the palm was wet and soft, and it felt so disgusting to the touch. Mo Dai hurriedly threw it out, pretending to be scared and leaning against Mu Qianche's side: "Ah, it's so scary!"

Mo Xiaoyu was so teased that she giggled, clapped her hands and said expectantly: "Mom, let's come back next time!"

Mo Dai's eyelids trembled, this kid is addicted to playing, he won't use this to tease his family in the future, will he?No, you have to educate quickly!

"Xiao Yu, it's not good to scare people, of course it's another matter to scare people, and it's no fun to always scare people, it's more fun to go home and teach you how to play!" Mo Dai grabbed Mu Qianche's sleeve while talking.

Mo Xiaoyu was happy: "Well, I want to play something more fun!" Mo Xiaoyu suddenly remembered something with a smile, and lifted Mu Qianche's veil again, the sky was still dark, he couldn't see Mu Qianche's face clearly, so He stroked it with his little hand, and said while touching, "Father Che, your face is healed, isn't it hurting?"

Mu Qianche nodded: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

Mo Xiaoyu wrapped her arms around Mu Qianche's neck, rubbed her face against Mu Qianche's face with her small face, and said happily, "Father Che is pretty!"

(End of this chapter)

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