307 Chapter 2 The husband is very beautiful ([-])
Ciena seemed to realize her slip of the tongue immediately, and changed her words abruptly: "Put it on, put it on, don't let my son fall..."

And Maru Niu was originally next to the small table, because that was where it ate.As soon as Qiongqing fainted, he saw that his body was tilted from the chair, which might affect Maru Niu, so Maru Niu immediately ran away, but at this moment, he heard Ci Fang shouting "Put it down", he suddenly got angry and kicked all four hooves. He walked faster and faster, humming unhappily as he fled: Who is your young master?Actually let me sit on the bottom, bah, I will not sit on the bottom, see what you can do to me?
Porcelain had no intention of offending Maru Niu, but just wanted to cover up her slip of the tongue, the moment she spoke, she lay down on the ground and caught Qiong Qing's body.

Mo Dai turned her face away a little funny, and happened to meet Mu Qianche's eyes, and his eyes seemed to be clear, so the two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled.

The three brothers Xu Shaolin, Xiao Sheng and Mo Wuyun looked at the scene before them in astonishment, first they were startled by the fainting of the noble man, and then they were startled by the loyal protection of this handsome young man, but He didn't care about the name that the servant accidentally called out.

Xiao Xiao was also a little dumbfounded, how could he faint?Although she didn't know where these two men came from, since they came with Mr. Lie and Mr. Lie seemed to be very respectful to them, they must be extraordinary people.

After Mu Qianche took Qiongqing's pulse, he said something that made everyone look at each other with cramped faces: "This young master's health is fine, he just fainted from hunger."

After a while, Qiongqing woke up faintly, and saw that she was lying on the body of enamel, struggling to get up.

Mo Dai tried her best not to laugh, cleared her throat and said: "Young Master hasn't eaten for a long time, why don't you eat some food with us!"

Qiongqing sat up, obviously weak to the point of standing up only by using his hands and feet, but his every move did not show any embarrassment, full of immortality.

Seeing that Modai planned to keep them for dinner, Ci Qing was looking forward to it.He smelled the aroma of food early in the morning, and saw that there was a round basket on the dining table that looked like a pancake but not a square or a triangle to eat. It looked extremely attractive, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Qiongqing also smelled and saw it, and said: "Thank you, miss, thank you all." Qiongqing's voice was a little hoarse, but it was still clear and pleasant to the ears.

Mo Dai's voice control mode suddenly turned on, and she sincerely praised: "Sir, you have such a good voice!"

The voice of the man in front of him and Mu Qianche are two different styles.Mu Qianche is pure and clear, with a low-key texture, just like a famous CCTV announcer who makes people believe in the power of the brand as soon as he speaks.But the man's voice is noble and elegant, and it feels like a dream, like a moon, cold and lofty, and like the icy edges formed in the ice palace, shining brightly and cleanly in the sunlight, blown by the breeze Come on, the fairy sound is curling up like this.

Hearing this, Qiong Qing couldn't help but startled.It’s not that no one has praised his voice in the past, especially those sour Confucian scholars, who often say that his voice should only be heard in the sky, and how can it be heard in the world? Many articles came to praise him, but he had never seen those flashy things, and he always thought that they were just greedy for his status as the prince and wanted to get some benefits from him.But today, the unpretentious words of praise from the girl in front of him directly hit the bottom of his heart, and for the first time he felt a little embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"Miss praise." Qiongqing clasped his fists and bowed, and Zizi couldn't help but stare at him, his son?When did you treat foreigners with such courtesy?Of course, those people don't deserve the courteous treatment of a son.

Mo Dai just praised her, and then she called the whole family to wash their hands by the sink in the kitchen, and Qiong Qing and Ci Mei followed the family to the kitchen to wash their hands.

When the whole family sat down at the table, Mo Dai distributed the sandwiches to the blue and white porcelain plates in front of everyone. The adults got three pieces each, and Mo Xiaoyu and Mo Xiaoyi got two pieces each. See Mo Xiaoman also had enough food for his little hands, so Mo Dai tore off a long loaf of bread and let him hold it in his hand to grind his teeth.Of course, the food intake of Maru Niu is based on that of an adult.

Mo Dai served another bowl of lotus root starch and poured a cup of hot milk tea for each of them.

Ci Mei didn't understand why Mo Dai only gave his young master a bowl of lotus root powder, but didn't even give him a piece of something that looked like a pancake. She was stingy, but she gave him three pieces.

Seeing that Ciena was looking at the food in front of her with a troubled face, Mo Dai asked, "Your name is Ciena, right?"

"Girl, the small one is called porcelain glaze!"

"Your son hasn't eaten for a long time, and his body is too weak. Now he can only eat some liquid food to recuperate for a while. If he overeats all at once, it will be bad for his health!"

Hearing this, Xu Shaolin echoed with a smile: "Young master, you are right to hear from our family, Mo Dai, my daughter is the most kind, and everything she says and does must be for your son's good!"

Mo Dai tugged at Xu Shaolin's sleeve, and said with a smile: "Father, you've praised me to the sky!"

Ciena immediately stood up and bowed to Modai, then bowed to Xu Shaolin, and said gratefully: "Thank you, miss, thank you, master!"

Xu Shaolin was quite surprised by the title of "Master" by Cigla, and hurriedly waved his hands: "What kind of master, young master, don't call him that again. Our family is not a big family, so we can't afford this title!"

At this time, Qiongqing couldn't help but said: "Miss is very thoughtful, thank you."

"Where, young master, try the lotus root starch. If it's not enough, there's still some in this casserole. It's easy to digest, so it doesn't hurt to eat more."

After saying that, Mo Dai started to eat by herself.The taste of the bread is a bit hard, and I will improve it next time. The sliced ​​bacon is a bit salty, so I won’t put it in next time. The meat sauce made by Xiao Sheng tastes good, but if you can make sweet and sour jam, it must be a family Everyone will like it.It just seems that there are not many kinds of fruits in this world. In Shuiquan Town, she has only seen grapes, and hawthorns and dried black plums are occasionally sold in strange goods stores.In Luling Town, there are only persimmons, pomegranates, and dates, and there are strange goods stores in the town, but she is busy these days and won't have time to go in. She will go shopping tomorrow, and maybe she can buy hawthorn and black plums.

Qiongqing picked up the porcelain spoon to scoop up the viscous liquid of transparent light powder in the bowl.To be honest, he was already too hungry, and he still has no appetite until now, but his body will not be able to bear it if this continues, so he can only force himself to eat.

Put the porcelain spoon in front of your mouth, and smell a faint scent of osmanthus and a hint of sweetness. Open your mouth, take a sip, and feel greasy and smooth, not too sweet. It melts in your mouth and moistens your throat. , the tiredness and discomfort of traveling for several days seemed to disappear in an instant, which made him feel very beneficial.

(End of this chapter)

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