312 Chapter 2 A complete defeat ([-])
Mo Xiaoyi dared not speak in front of strangers, took his brother's hand and hid behind him, but kept staring at Qiongqing.

Qiongqing turned his face towards the direction of the voice, he also met children in the palace, but he didn't have much feelings for children, left and right had nothing to do with him, and most of those children didn't dare to approach him.

"I'm not." Qiongqing replied seriously.

"Really?" Mo Xiaoyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "Then can we play next to you?"


Then Mo Xiaoyu pulled Mo Xiaoyi up the steps to the gazebo, stood about three feet away from Qiongqing, looked at Qiongqing's white body, and continued to ask: "Can I touch you?"

Qiongqing was stunned by this question, and Mo Xiaoyu thought that Qiongqing was unwilling, so she frowned and struggled. Mother said that gods can be seen from a distance but not played with, which means that gods can only be seen from a distance. You can't touch it with your hands. Why doesn't this uncle, who is not a fairy, let him touch it?

"Come here." Qiong Qing suddenly stretched out his right hand in the direction where Mo Xiaoyu was standing.

Mo Xiaoyu looked at Qiongqing's hand, stepped forward without hesitation, stretched out her little hand to hold one of his index fingers, and said, "Uncle, your hands are so cold!" Mo Xiaoyi was still a little shy, and kept hiding. Behind Mo Xiaoyu.

Qiongqing didn't speak, but felt the small hand wrapped around his index finger was extremely soft and warm, and a strange feeling swayed from his heart.

"Uncle, your hands are beautiful!" Mo Xiaoyu said again, pulled the other hand out of Mo Xiaoyi's, and played with Qiongqing's fingers one by one.

Qiongqing still didn't speak, just let Mo Xiaoyu play with his fingers.

In this room, Cilan came over with a pot of tea, and just happened to see that young master of his family who didn't like to get in touch with people was actually playing with a child, so he froze there.

When Xu Shaolin rushed over, he also saw his grandson playing with the guest's finger, and immediately called out: "Xiao Yu, don't be rude to the guest. If you don't listen to your grandfather, your mother will come back later." If you don’t make something delicious, I’ll give you something to eat!”

As soon as Mo Xiaoyu heard this, she immediately let go of Qiongqing's fingers and ran out of the gazebo: "Father, is mother back yet?" Seeing his brother running away, Mo Xiaoyi also hurriedly grabbed Qiongqing's fingers, I grabbed it and let go, but because I was guilty of being a thief, I ran away after I grabbed it, lost my footsteps and fell to the ground, crying immediately.

Qiongqing was a little dazed, but Xu Shaolin hurried over to hug him, and at the same time said apologetically: "The child is ignorant and disturbing you, please don't take offense!" After speaking, he hugged Mo Xiaoyi and led Mo Xiaoyu left the gazebo.

"My lord!" Ciena walked into the gazebo with tea, put the tray on the stone table, poured a cup of tea and handed it to Qiongqing.

Qiong Qing warmed his hands with the heat of the cup body, his fingers were smooth and moist, which complemented the light emerald cup body, it was truly beautiful.

"My lord, what should we do next?" Ciena asked.

Qiongqing didn't speak, in fact he didn't know what to say, because he didn't know what they should do next, anyway, let's avoid the eighteenth birthday of this month before talking.He knew that the empress had taken great pains for him, but he really didn't want to marry, and this idea hadn't changed since he was framed by someone in the palace and lost his eyes when he was 16 years old.

Seeing Qiongqing's silence, Zizi turned the cup silently with her fingers, thinking that he was angry, but suddenly regretted the question she asked, and hurriedly knelt down in front of him: "Young master calm down, I don't dare to speak nonsense anymore!"

"stand up."

"Thank you sir!"

Cihuang stood up and respectfully stood three feet away from him and said nothing more. After a while, she couldn't help it anymore, so she hesitated and said, "My lord, I saw that there was something wrong in Miss Mo's study. Qin, would you like to play the piano?"

"Ceramic, we are just strangers living here, don't forget that our identity is too much to overwhelm." Although the tone is still light, it reveals an invisible deterrent.

Ciena was startled, and then said yes again and again, but the pavilion was too quiet, which made him feel uneasy. After a while, he said again: "Young Master, this family is all good people! Especially Uncle Xu, he couldn't help but look at him. I want to think how wonderful it would be if Ciena could have such a father as him! My son, do you know? Uncle Xu looks very young and handsome, um, like he is in his 20s. He's one of Miss Mo's father-in-law!" Ci Qing covered her lips and smiled lowly as she spoke.

Qiong Qing listened to him quietly, holding a water glass in his hand, the water in the glass remained untouched.

"Also, Ms. Mo's husbands are also very handsome, they can cook and embroider, and by the way, there is also a genius doctor, Ms. Mo is really lucky!" Cilan looked at the pond in front of her, His eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know whether he was envious of Mo Dai's marriage to the five stunning husbands, or envied the stunning beauty of Mo Dai's five husbands.

Qiongqing couldn't see it, and he kept what Ciena said in his heart. Although he didn't specifically ask Ciena to tell him everything he saw and heard, Ciena would always say it naturally, which was very caring. One of the reasons for bringing him out.

There are only two people who serve him personally, one is enamel, and the other is jade color. Compared with jade color, jade color is more stable, so he can feel at ease when doing things, but jade color is given to his servant by the mother emperor However, there is no guarantee that he will not inform the Queen Mother, so he left Yuse in the palace.

"My lord, Miss Mo is also very good-looking, no, she is not very good-looking, but her skin is very good, fair and supple, and there is a faint fragrance on her body, not the fragrance of rouge powder, it is better than that Smell a lot, is this body fragrance?" Ci glaze blushed while talking.

Naturally, Qiongqing smelled that sweet fragrance, and he didn't pay attention to it yesterday, but now he recalled it when he said it through the enamel.

"It's said that Miss Mo made the cakes and cakes for breakfast herself. It's rare to hear that there are women who make meals for their families with their own hands. Of course, except for the imperial chef in the imperial palace!"

This morning, Qiongqing ate the kind of food mentioned by two pieces of enamel, and drank less than half a bowl of porridge. Although the workmanship was rougher than that in the imperial palace, it was extraordinarily sweet and delicious.

"This home is really nice!" Cigla finally said with emotion.

"..." Qiongqing wanted to say something, but finally gave up, and took a sip of the water cup into the veil, the tea was already warm and cold.

Mo Dai still took Mo You for a stroll on the street, besides the things bought in the odd goods store, he also bought chicken, fish, pork, etc. Mo You's bamboo basket was already full, and when Mo Dai saw other people's small backs He didn't move, so he carried it on his back, and only handed him the bamboo cage containing two live chickens.

There are many vendors selling things on the street, including food and clothing. In addition, there are street performers and jugglers. The hunters sell all kinds of game. Many unmarried men also sell their embroidery, handmade Handicrafts and snacks were sold on the street, presumably to take advantage of the excitement of the annual meeting to earn more money for home use or to buy dowry for myself.

(End of this chapter)

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