Chapter 318 Tasting Soy Milk (4)
Modai couldn't bear to tease it anymore, she was just worried that it would lose its shape after eating too much, after all it was so old, if it got three highs, diabetes, or dementia, it would be troublesome, although she could treat it Good for it, but precautions are still necessary!
After Mo Dai and Maru Niu exchanged consciousness, she suddenly found that Qiongqing was sitting there again. She knew that he would calm down and listen to her, but she didn't say anything just now. Modai was a little curious, could it be that he understood her? Conversation with Maruki?
Qiongqing also seemed to notice that Modai was looking at him, so he quickly lowered his head and drank the remaining half bowl of soy milk under the black gauze.

Mo Dai sent out a brain wave to Qiongqing in the way of communication with Maru Niu by accident: son?Are you a fairy?
"Pfft!" Qiongqing sprayed soy milk on the black gauze, the enamel was startled, and quickly pulled out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve to wipe it for Qiongqing, crying anxiously while wiping.

"My lord, are you okay? Why did you vomit when you were fine? Sure enough, it was because you were unwell? My lord doctor, please help my lord to take a look! My lord, he..."

"Ceramic, I'm fine, I just got choked." Qiong Qing said, his voice was still clear and sweet.

Ciena breathed a sigh of relief, but Modai breathed a sigh of relief, God, is it an illusion?There is actually a person here who can understand the conversation between her and Maruki. The communication of consciousness between her and Maruki can be transmitted about ten meters away, and I don't know how far he can hear it.And if he is like Maruki, he can see into all her thoughts... Hey - it's terrible!

Modai: Maru Niu, this man can understand your words, can you try to communicate with him?
Maru Niu looked at Mo Dai lazily: "No, I can't detect his consciousness. It was just an accident that he sprayed soy milk just now. You are too worrying!"

Mo Dai breathed a sigh of relief: that's good, if someone can know what I'm thinking like you, I will want to die!And why only you can hear what I'm thinking, but I can't hear yours?
Maru Niu raised his face triumphantly: That's because I belong to the spirit pig family, which is a spirit beast. How can a mere human like you be able to match it?
Mo Dai was a little speechless, but she had long been used to Maru Niu's arrogant fart, but she was still a little worried, so she tried to ask with her consciousness again: Young Master, if you can communicate with me with your consciousness, please give me some advice!

Qiongqing didn't respond, and in fact he couldn't react either. He felt that Modai was looking at him just now, so he spit out when he was nervous. For some reason, there are so many people at the dinner table, and there must be many people watching him, but he It's just that he can clearly see Modai's line of sight, maybe he pays too much attention to her.

He knew that Modai had discovered something that his eyes couldn't see. When he handed the bowl to him, he would intentionally touch the table to make a loud noise, but when he handed it to others, it would be silent.But while she found out, she never spoke to her family.

Her thoughtfulness made him pay more attention to her.

After breakfast, Mo Dai didn't want to go shopping anymore. The group of people she met yesterday might still be wandering around the streets looking for her. She didn't want to provoke those people. If she was found to understand what they said, No more trouble!

Mo Dai went to the study to practice calligraphy. After practicing for about an hour, she stopped to rest, and inadvertently recalled the results of yesterday's old man's divination in her mind.

"Live by the water? Live by the water..." Mo Dai leaned on her forehead with her fingers facing each other in a pyramid shape, deep in thought.

Living by the water, there are many watersides. There are five or six lakes and ponds in Luling Town alone, and there are more in other places.As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest. Is it possible that Shi Mo is still in Luling Town?Where are the people living near the lake?No, Shi Mo is extremely shrewd, what she can think of, he must have thought of too.

Then is it possible for him to go to Shuiquan Town?Just waiting for her in the Mo residence?She hoped so!

Either it is the villages around the Sang River in Liugang Town, but is it possible for that person to go to the poor and remote countryside?He likes food and wine, and he doesn't know how to dress well. The country people won't give him good looks, and he definitely won't go to the country!

Sunlight came in through the window, and the pot of pink and yellow chrysanthemums on the window sill was already withered, so Mo Dai couldn't help but stepped forward and reached out to touch the chrysanthemums.The fragrant muscle fruit in her body is now very stable, and will no longer emit excessive aura like before.But even so, after she touched it for a long time, the chrysanthemum still got aura, the withered leaves fell off, new leaves grew, and the flowers stood up gracefully.

Knock knock knock!
"Miss Mo, can I borrow your zither to play with my son?" Ciena's voice sounded outside the door. The door was not closed, but Ciena did not step into the threshold, but stood respectfully outside the door. .

"Okay, you can come in and get it." Mo Dai touched the chrysanthemum for a while until its leaves grew.

Cilan stepped into the threshold and saw Mo Dai standing in front of the window, she nodded to her first, then went to the piano case and took Qin away, and nodded to Mo Dai again when she went out.He walked once, and Modai returned once, and suddenly felt that the servant of a noble family was very tired.

Not long after the enamel left, Mo Dai heard the faint sound of the qin, out of tune, she plucked it two or three times, slowly hooked and picked again, very casually, just like a few-month-old baby plucking the pearls on the jade plate, Dingdang Linlang, Dingdang, Dingdang, repeated those few times, slowly as if about to be submerged in clouds and mist, but occasionally popping out abruptly made people nervous.

After listening to Shi Chen for a while, Mo Dai finally couldn't stand it anymore. Although she doesn't know how to play the piano and her appreciation is not professional enough, she can still tell what is pleasant and what is noise. Although she is a bit rude to that noble young man, please , the piano he plays is really unflattering, okay?But the blind man can only pass the time by listening to the sound with his ears, she understands, so she won't go to interrupt him.

Mo Dai walked out of the study and decided to go back to the backyard to play with the children, but unfortunately, Wan Yan came to the door.

In the living room, Wan Yan unceremoniously downed a cup of tea and ate two pieces of snacks before wiping her mouth and asking Xiao An to bring out a portrait.

When Mo Dai looked at the portrait, the corners of her eyes twitched immediately. Although the painting was ugly, like a realistic caricature from a previous life, with a big head and a small body, the big face in the painting was indeed her, and it was true that she had no distinctive features like her. The expression on his face was vividly outlined, anyway, she recognized herself at a glance.

"Tell me, did you offend someone?" Wan Yan squinted at her, gloating at her misfortune.

Mo Dai shook her head, very puzzled: "No? I have been living separately from Rare Ben, if you don't believe me, you can ask my father!"

(End of this chapter)

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