Chapter 329
Mo Dai also finished the massage here, Zhao Yingzi lay on the wooden couch, a little impatient to listen to the female guest, so she smiled and said: "Sister, if you feel comfortable, the masseuse will continue to massage for you, but the price I have to pay twice as much, what do you think?"

"Tsk, twice the price? It's too dark, don't press it, don't press it!" The female guest hurriedly put on her clothes, her face was worried, and she cursed something in her mouth.

Zhao Yingzi naturally heard it, and when she just wanted to get up and teach this girl a lesson, she was stopped by Mo Dai's eyes. To deal with this kind of greedy and cheap talker who can't control their mouths, it is better to give Xiaohui to block their mouths than to do it. It is more effective to teach them a lesson.

"Guest officer, you are the first to come back for a massage, and you are also a fellow villager of Sister Daxi. You can go to the dim sum counter in the lobby to get two pieces of honey bean shortbread. Please come with me!" Mo Dai said and said The female guest took them downstairs, wrapped two pieces of snacks in oiled paper and handed them to her, and then the man left happily.

Zhao Yingzi also went downstairs to the dim sum counter, and under Xiao Xiao's gnashing of teeth stare, she managed to pick up a piece of biscuit and put it in her mouth to chew, casually said: "Xiao Daidai, that person just now will definitely eat If you tell the story of Luling Town, it will spread outrageously! You are born with a big mouth!"

"It's okay, let her pass it on if she wants to, and I didn't do anything illegal!"

"Don't worry, little Daidai, even if you really committed a crime, I will definitely keep you safe!"

"Aren't you cheating for personal gain?"

"For you, it's worth it! See how kind I am to you, kiss me!"


"Tsk, how heartless!" Zhao Yingzi curled her lips, and suddenly said with a serious expression, "The historian said by that person seems to have some property in the imperial capital, but it seems to be attached to the Lu family."

It's good that Zhao Yingzi didn't mention the Lu family, but when it came to the Lu family, Xiao Xiao became furious first: "The Lu family is the most vile and shameless, I really hope that the Lu family's wealth will be confiscated by the empress, and the Lu family will be ruined and worthless!"

Zhao Yingzi twitched her lips involuntarily: "A Xiao, is the Lu family your enemy? Why are you so hostile to them?"

"The Lu family is the most hateful. When they were in Shuiquan Town, they ordered people to come and make trouble. What's even more shameless is what the Lu family did to Mr. Qian Che..."

"Xiao Xiao!" Mo Dai interrupted Xiao Xiao's words, Xiao Xiao held his breath, but still gritted his teeth.

Zhao Yingzi felt something was wrong, and said sternly: "Xiao Daidai, you might as well tell me the truth, I am also your servant and the genius doctor's servant, if the Lu family really do something wrong to you, I will definitely not forgive them!"

Mo Dai took a fixed look at Zhao Yingzi, and then said: "I consider you a friend, and those who are servants or not are just joking, but you are still yourself, you are very free!"

"Xiao Daidai!" Zhao Yingzi hugged Mo Dai, her voice choked with sobs, "When you say that, I am more and more curious. What did the Lu family do that hurts nature?"

"It's nothing, I'm going back." Mo Dai didn't want to say, after all that Zhao Yantian was Zhao Yingzi's younger brother, and unless the Lu family made trouble again in the future, she didn't intend to hold them down.

Mo Dai and Zhao Yingzi put on their masks and left the inn. After walking not far, Zhao Yingzi took advantage of the opportunity to hook Mo Dai's shoulders like a good sister, and took the opportunity to whisper in her ear: "Someone is following us! We How about leading them to a remote place and beating them up, my sister's hands are itchy recently!"

Modai rolled her eyes, maybe Zhao Yingzi didn't know, but she heard the bell sound, it was those four foreign men, how could Zhao Yingzi be willing to attack such a graceful man?However, maybe she was right, telling these foreigners with her fist that she is not a savior, no matter how much you pester her, beat her!

Mo Dai signaled Zhao Yingzi to move with her eyes, so the two walked shoulder to shoulder from one street to another, and suddenly disappeared in a small alley.Then the four men looked around in the alley, and the bells on their bodies jingled.

Suddenly a white sheet fell from the sky and covered the four people's heads. Before they struggled to pull the sheet, Zhao Yingzi beat them all around in circles. The white sheet was stained red with nosebleeds. One after another, large or small crabapple flowers.

At the same time, Modai's voice came from the top of their heads: "Don't follow me again, or I will beat you every time I see you! What kind of savior is not the savior, you are looking for the wrong person!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yingzi took Mo Dai's waist and led her to jump on the roof and disappeared very quickly.

The men who were beaten tore off the sheets on their heads, and suddenly heard a man shouting from the yard of a wall separated from them: "Which one of the plagues stole our sheets..." The next thing is A series of unpleasant curses greeted the eighteen generations of the ancestors who stole the bed sheets cordially.However, the voice stopped after a while, because the man found a broken piece of silver where the sheets were drying, and he could buy several sheets.

In the alley, the four men looked at each other's bruised and swollen faces in frustration, and began to talk in their own native language.

"The women in Yun Kingdom are really scary!"

"Well, men are just as scary!"

"The savior is the scariest. She is not tempted by our beauty. Is she still a woman?"

"That tall woman didn't pay attention to us. Is it really because we are not attractive enough?"

"No, that tall woman doesn't look normal to me. She has been leaning on our Lord Savior all the time. She is definitely not a normal woman!"

"Well, she's only interested in women, she's a pervert!"

"Hey, it seems that only our great wizard-lord can do it himself!"

"Well, our great wizard is not only tall and handsome, but also has the ability to know the world. He will definitely be able to successfully seduce the savior, bring her back to our wizard's wife, and save our entire life. Witch Tribe!"

"Yes! Elder Zuo has already released the contact fly, so we will temporarily stop our actions and wait for the arrival of our great wizard!"

Finally got rid of that group of people, Mo Dai thought that she would be able to be quiet when she returned home, but unexpectedly Wan Yan came to the door, and they still met in front of the house.

This time, Wan Yan obviously dressed up carefully, her moon white robe was completely wrinkled, her black gold belt was neatly tied, her hair was neatly arranged, and she even put a thin layer of powder on her face. , with a touch of rouge on her lips, and silver-red lipstick on her lips, she looked elegant and radiant.

As soon as Zhao Yingzi and Wan Yan met each other, they both took a step back.

Zhao Yingzi still has that unrestrained and suave appearance. Of course, she has a good appearance, especially her figure is the dream pursued by countless women, so she doesn't need any external decorations to dress up. Can understand ** people.

(End of this chapter)

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